[need help] modify the model for a hero

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Pit Lord
Pit Lord
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[need help] modify the model for a hero

Unread postby Marzhin » 22 Nov 2006, 14:14

Hello to fellow modders,

I'm currently trying to replace the model for a custom hero for the campaign I'm working. I did it before without problem but this one doesn't work for some reason.

So I want the hero to use the WarLord model. I duplicated the files to be sure not to overwrite anything (in case you were wondering, "Krohn" is the name of the hero). So I have now six files in my "/Characters/Creatures/Dwarves/T6_Dwarf/" directory :

Code: Select all

Krohn-adv.xdb (the animset for adventure map)
Krohn-arena.xdb (the animset for battle)
Krohn_LOD.xdb (the model for adventure)
Krohn.xdb (the model for battle)
Now I modify my .xdb file in the "/MapObjects/Heroes/" directory.

I replaced
• the <Model> line with

Code: Select all

<Model href="/Characters/Creatures/Dwarves/T6_Dwarf/Krohn_LOD.xdb#xpointer(/Model)/>

• the <AnimSet> line with

Code: Select all

<AnimSet href="/Characters/Creatures/Dwarves/T6_Dwarf/Krohn-adv.xdb#xpointer(/AnimSet)/>
• the <HeroCharacterArena> with

Code: Select all

<HeroCharacterArena href="/Characters/Creatures/Dwarves/T6_Dwarf/Krohn.(Character).xdb#xpointer(/Character)/>
• the <HeroCharacterAdventure> with

Code: Select all

<HeroCharacterAdventure href="/Characters/Creatures/Dwarves/T6_Dwarf/Krohn_LOD.(Character).xdb#xpointer(/Character)/>
When I pak the file and try to launch Heroes V, I have an error message. I tried to change the lines one by one and relaunch H5 to see which one makes the game crash, and it seems the problem comes from the <HeroCharacterArena> line. I checked the path to the files, the spellings, the .(Character).xdb files themselves and can't find what is wrong. I'm running out of ideas.

Does one of you experienced a similar problem or has an idea of what I did wrong ?

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