Messiah Review Round-Up

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Messiah Review Round-Up

Unread postby Angelspit » 07 Nov 2006, 21:02

Most of the major reviews are out for Dark Messiah, and again it's safe to say that the final scores aren't exactly what we were all hoping for -- after all, a successful spin-off not only provides exposure to the Heroes series, but improves the chances of seeing the franchise expand further. By the time I write this, the game has an average score of 73% on Game Rankings, six points below Heroes V. The <a href="/">Celestial Heavens Game Review page</a> has been updated and includes the scores and quotes from the major reviews, from the enthusiastic PC Gamer and Games Radar articles to the rants at GameSpot and 1UP. Speaking of 1UP, they <a href="/">pulled their negative (5/10) review of Neverwinter Nights 2</a> during the week-end after an outcry from the NWN community. However, their questionable attempt to redefine the game rating system is still <a href="/">there</a>...

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