Single player map-"An Island of her own"

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Single player map-"An Island of her own"

Unread postby saugeen » 26 Oct 2006, 23:48

Has anyone played this map? When I first played this map I wasn't expecting what was going to happen when I took the last town!!! Four ships appear in all four corners of the map. So I have started it again, requiring a different strategy. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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Unread postby Sir_Toejam » 26 Oct 2006, 23:55

yeah, that one almost got me too.

I had already gotten into the habit of creating an army for each city that i take, though, so my armies were pretty well divided when the AI spawned in those 4.

the only other way is to go back a few days, create sufficient armies to take out the lesser AI spawns (they aren't all equivalent, some are far more powerful than others), take those out and let the most powerful AI army take one of your towns.

It will tend to stay there until you can regroup your main army and take it on.

suggest trying to lure the biggest AI army to attack a town that has the fewest stacks in common with the AI army, so it can't continue to build up.

if you are starting over, or have a save before you take the last town on the map, spend more time building up your own armies and dividing them up to defend the other towns BEFORE you take the last town on the map. once you take all the other towns but one, the AI will tend to sit in the town until you come for it.

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Unread postby Grumpy Old Wizard » 27 Oct 2006, 00:53

There are 2 keys to the map:

1) Lighthouses: There are about 5. If you take all 5 you can zip around the map very quickly, especially if you have a sextant/navaigation. Controling all lighthouses will make your life so much easier.

2) The necro building that lets you convert other troops to necro troops.

I recommend against trying to garrison all the towns for the end battle. Transform other faction's troops and give them to your main heroe. So what if in the end one of the spawned heroes takes a city. You can zip over there and wipe him out pretty quickly.

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Unread postby relvap » 27 Oct 2006, 17:06

i had a real problem with one of the spawned heroes having 42 titans. wiped me good very fast.

any suggestions about that?

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Unread postby Grumpy Old Wizard » 27 Oct 2006, 21:11

relvap wrote:i had a real problem with one of the spawned heroes having 42 titans. wiped me good very fast.

any suggestions about that?
My suggestion is convert all troops to undead and combine them on your main heroe. You will have enough to fight off anything the spawned heroes throw at you.

During the game do not allow your troops garrisoning other castles to be killed. Shuttle them down to your main castle and transform them to undead. You can sail to any castle quickly if you have all of the lighthouses. If they get caught in transit by an enemy heroe surrender if at all possible and rehire the heroe at the main castle so you don't lose the troops.

Of course, you should also be fighting all the neutral stacks during the game to make your skeleton archer stack as large as possible, and max necromancy as soon as possible.

Frodo: "I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened."
Gandalf: "So do all who live to see such times but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."

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Unread postby wayne » 28 Oct 2006, 23:39

What difficulty are you playing?

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Island of her own"

Unread postby saugeen » 29 Oct 2006, 01:42

I followed the advise of one player and I also found the grail. Because I was always running out of gold. I put hugh armies in the towns that I took over. A1 didn't even attack the towns so I was able to defeat them at sea. Finding the lighthouses sure helped alot also.

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Unread postby AngelEyes » 31 Oct 2006, 14:09

Yeah, lighthouses and your huge skeleton archers stack are the key to hosing those wizards.

Overall, I found this to be one of the better scenario maps included with the game.

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