Thamus was not satisfied; however. Why should the mighty dragons do all the menial chores such as cleaning there caves and washing themselves. Surely there were lesser beings that could serve to do this. Tricking Paladus who was nobel and good she joined power with him to create servants for the dragons. First were the elves, limber and lithe enough to fit into places a dragon could not. Then came the dwarves, sturdy and small they could extend the size of the dragons caves. Finally the third race humans. After all dragons needed to eat...a lot. Then together they formed the beasts of the forest, both magical and mundane.
Paladus was nowhere as gullible as Thamus thought. As he helped her create these races he imbued them with certain abilities and free will. Knowing it would take time for these races to be able to break away from the dragons he gave most of them really long life spans. The exception was the humans. Since he feared they would become extinct before they found freedom, he instead gave them the ability to reproduce more rapidly then the other two races.
Thamus was not to be upstaged; however. Now that she had some idea of what was needed, she started creating her own races. Twisted, weaker versions of the creatures she and Paladus has forged. Soon the creatures were numerous. Plenty of servents and slaves for her prescious children. After all they were in HER image, and should rule Verun. Eventually Telemat called them back; however, and the 2 dragon gods were no longer allowed to directly interfear with mortal beings.
Time passed. Races started to create there own gods, and as Paladus predicted eventually broke free of the dragons. Interestingly enough, it was the good dragons that helped free them. Afterwards these dragons even willingly shared there knowledge. Which turned out to be very unfortunate for the world.
Dragons of the time were more 'in tune' with there gods. The result was they were much more potent then what dragons of the more modern age were. So as they started teaching the races, all the races, these races gained in power. Some say too much power. Soon towering floating fortresses, magical weapons of devestating power, and spells that could sunder mountains in two were as common as dirt on the ground. Thus began the first war. The war of Magic.
During the war of Magic everything changed drastically. Areas that were desert were tropical paradises, while areas that were oceans were forced into twisted landscapes of volcano and ash. Suns were formed, and destroyed. The world changed on an hourly basis depending on the whims of the mages. Finally OA felt the chaos, and decided enough was enough.
When the sky tore open and OA decended, at first the races were contemptious. After all, they had the powers rivalling the gods themselves, no one being could rival an entire planet of gods! After he commanded the madness to end, the races laughed..and launched an attack on him. Much to there dismay and suprise, he seemed unphased by there most potent magic. With a single wave of his hand, as if in dismissal, all magic was totally stripped from the land. All those magnificent floating castles crashed to the ground, millions were killed. Some species were even extinguished to the last.
"Time will come when magic again is within the land, let this lesson be learned well. Magic is not a toy for unrulely children. Else you face my wrath again, do not misuse this gift again. Remember it is I, and the gods, who have given this gift to you. Use it wisely."
With that the 2nd age started. An age of no magic. For eons after no magical beasts roamed the land, and everything was a struggle. After so long with magic, the beings of Verun struggled to adapt to having to do things for themselves. There were wars, some between races, some for survival, and some just because of the feeling of powerlessness. Soon; however, magic began to once again start to flow in Verun.
Thus started the 3rd age. The golden age. With the return of magic the petty squabling ceased. Once before they had lost this prescious gift, and they would not risk loosing it again. An age of comradery and peace enveloped the land. Most of the gods from the time of the war of magic lost too many followers, and a new crop of gods started to arrise. Again, this turned out to be a bad thing.
The War of the Gods was the next disaster to hit Verun. Though the races themselves were at peace, there Gods seemed to not get along. More then a few of these gods thought they should be the only god, and that all the other races should worship them alone. Soon the gods were at war, and sadly dragged the races in with them. This started the 2nd great war. OA did not have to interfear this time; however, for since magic was just once again starting to flow again, they dried it up quickly and lost all they had regained.
This started the time of Peace. The era just ending when our characters enter this realm. A being known only as the Highlord has ran something called the tournament ever since the end of the War of the Gods. Ever year the years graduates from all over the lands, from every race are brought to the Tournament. If they win they are given magnificent prizes. The loosers are sent packing back to there trainers, but otherwise unharmed (besides bruised egos). Magic has been once again brought back in the land, and so far has remained for the last one hundred years. The tournament our heroes enter is the 150th anniversary of the Tournament.
Now of course this is just a summary of the land's history, and a brief one at that. The events here are just some background as to how the world has reached where it is currently. Maybe, if you are fortunate, you will learn more of the history

Characters -
Sir William S Titan – Zarvyx Dhoshlin – Human Fighter -MIA Now a Druid

DeamianLucifer – DeamianLucifer – Elf Necromancer
ThunderTitan – Kero Swift – Human Monk
theLuckyDragon - Leprechaun - Gnome Illusionist - Gnoming arround somewhere..
vhilhu - - Grey Elf Chaos Priest -MIA
Banedon - - Human Sorcerer (dead, dragon food) -dead
Panda Tar - Erufar Netheleth – High Elf Monk - on hold....
gravyluvr - Milla's Love-slave – Tiefmar rogue -MIA (havn't heard from him for awhile)
Omega_Destroyer - Omega D. – Human Cleric
stefan.urlus - - Human Thief
Caradoc - - Human Fighter-MIA (also havn't heard from him for awhile)