Cheating in 1.3

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Cheating in 1.3

Unread postby kyrinrules » 15 Sep 2006, 08:07

I am sure i read somewhere a guide on how to cheat in 1.3 but now i have no idea where it was or what it said. Has anybody seen this guide or is currently writing one

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Unread postby joerginger » 15 Sep 2006, 22:41

There you are: (Posted before in the 1.2 cheats thread, I still haven't tried which commands or whether any were added or removed.)

I've just learned the way which is used to activate the console in version 1.3:

"Go to My Documents\My Games\Heroes of Might and Magic V\Profiles* and then the profile I want to apply it to. Open the 'input.cfg' in NotePad, and add the line

bind show_console '`'

just beneath the

bind confirm_action 'NUM_ENTER'

This information is from the below thread at the official forum: ... 020284/p/2

So far I haven't tested the cheats extensively, but at least the movement points cheat still works perfectly.
I guess the actual commands still work the way they did in version 1.2, it's just that one more file needs to be edited to activate the console.

* Of course the path name will be different for non-English systems.

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