AOE3 and Heroes

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Joined: 27 Aug 2006

AOE3 and Heroes

Unread postby Custergrant » 27 Aug 2006, 16:04

It has been brought to my attention that the Heroes series uses the same modelling system as AOE3. I am a modder of AOE3 myself and have been attempting to import and export models from other games, etc...

But I am aware that Heroes uses .gr2 (Granny2 files), as their models. Now I would love to conduct a test and see if we can successfully import and export these files.

What you need to do is upload one of hte .gr2 files for me, and if you could, its texture file.

If you can do this, I would really appreciate it. :)



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Joined: 29 Aug 2006

Unread postby itamaram » 29 Aug 2006, 09:32

I've been playing around with the free granny veiwer, but seeing how I have no knowledge what so ever of graphics or the granny program, I didn't get far.

I have only managed to open skeletons and animation files, and the animations didn't really move, but then again, it was probably me failing to use the viewer. So have a go, and tell us how it went!

EDIT: I will probably need your Email to send you the files. So unless you know where can I store those files online, I will need to send them directly to you.

My Email is itamaram at hotmail dot com .I will be waiting to hear from you.

Posts: 2
Joined: 27 Aug 2006

Unread postby Custergrant » 30 Aug 2006, 01:05

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