I searched the forum and couldn't find any posts on this map. I've done the coop multiplayer with another person for blue+red and for yellow+green. When we played blue+red, after a month, Teal came in with hords of creatures and stomped my partner's hero and castle all in one swoop. So we switched to yellow+green. This one lasted longer but after about a month, it said blue was defeated, then red. We took out Teal's partner, orange, but Teal came at us with 2 heroes stacked with hords of creatures, at opposite sides of the world at the same time! We didn't stand a chance. Teal was literally taking out my partners heavily defended castle at the same time he stomped my main hero, who had a powerful army and rad stats. I had expert attack and defence but that doesn't make a diff when you're out numbered 100 to 1.
I would think that having two people working together would be more powerful then someone working solo.
Please comment if you have seen the same problems with this map?
Rise To Power 2v2v2, Teal in godmode?
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