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Unread postby Daxtreme » 20 Aug 2006, 19:59

No topics yet talking about Halo :P

I personally find the story incredible. I just like it. I read many books concerning Halo, including Fanfiction about it and I can't wait to play Halo 3.

You won't believe me but I'll buy an XBox360 ONLY to play Halo3. Haha !

yup, I'm that addicted to Halo :)

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Unread postby Orfinn » 21 Aug 2006, 16:48

Ah! How nice to see another Halo fan :-D Too bad many here overlooks it..

Anyway I have also read the books, they really add alot to the halo universe, ever read the fan fiction novelle by Mr.Clark? That is a master piece just as good or even better than Eric Nylunds 1st and 3rd halo books. The Fall of Reach and First Strike.
I neither can waith for Halo 3 for my 360, though I dont have live the campaign will be enough for me, even Halo 2 short campaign, it was pretty addicting and the ways of completing a mission were many. Still I hope for a much longer campaign in H3, and its amazing how huge the environments can be, like in the teaser. It gotta take alot of power to make that run smooth, but since the 360 have 3 core processors and a huge chunk of ram 2G I think, it will go smooth.

Last I hope Bungie will take all the time they need to make the game as good as it can be. Thanks to crazy fans which hungered after Halo 2 and whined "we want H2 now!" M$ saw this and laid even more pressure on Bungie, forcing them to realese the game cutted and short. I really dont want that to happen again or we'll get another cuttet, sothed game like KOTOR 2 , Fable and H2.

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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 17 Sep 2007, 23:26

To all of the Halo fans out there, apparently the ending has been leaked.

The above link is to Team Xbox's article. It doesn't give away anything. Just be cautious when going through various message boards.
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Unread postby Angelspit » 18 Sep 2007, 02:03

Halo was one of the few shooters that I could play online and get a decent amount of kills. It felt comfortable, natural, and the pace was just right (unlike some of those games for caffeine addicts).

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Unread postby darknessfood » 18 Sep 2007, 10:24

It's true that the ending was leaked. Anyhow, story goes that you get different endings. My pick is that you have to make some decisions or pick a higher difficulty.
Myself, still have to play HALO 1 on pc!

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Unread postby Metathron » 18 Sep 2007, 12:16

I tried Halo 1 recently and while it was interesting, I didn't get that kick out of shooting bad guys as I did with some other shooters. Perhaps I'll give it another try in the future.
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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 18 Sep 2007, 13:07

It never really hooked me either.
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Unread postby Orfinn » 24 Sep 2007, 12:35

Its just 2 days until I'll get my hands on Halo 3 and man I cant wait! Gonna finish the fight with pleasure and fun for future years to come :D
Oh and Daxtreme...some cryptic hints to funny stuff in Halo 3. Beware of manmonkies and grunts with blueberries when you start playing ;)

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Unread postby Infiltrator » 24 Sep 2007, 23:49

I tried Halo 1.. nothing special.

I tried Halo 2.. even worse..

And now M$ is spreading propaganda like never before.. I finally go and check out a movie.

Graphics.. below par when looking games that are half a year old.
Combat.. nothing interesting or new.

Then some guy is shouting how the phyics and ragdolls are amazing to look at. Then I see some ragdolls. Yes, ragdolls, that have been around for about 4 years or even more. Wow. /Clap M$-Bungie, I'm impressed.


Halo is just an overhyped and overrated game who's target consumers are between 8 and 13 years old. It proves how with enough money, you can make so much propag.. marketing that people will be biting their toenails until the game gets released - for no real reason. Halo is the McDonalds of the gaming industry - flashy and shiny outside, but nothing inside to back that up.

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Unread postby darknessfood » 25 Sep 2007, 08:22

Well, bought Halo Combat Evolved and played around for like an hour.
For what i've seen it's really nothing special at all. It's not bad or anything but i just don't get the whole hype that Microsoft is spreading. In basics it's just an shooter in a sci-fi setting. For the time that the game was released the AI wasn't that bad, the monsters don't just run up to your gun, they resist the fact that you wanna kill them.
The looks are nice, really nice world that you set foot in, but as i said, nothing special.
Really special to me is Bioshock. That game really brings something new. It's got a fresh feel and the setting is really great and original.


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Unread postby Corribus » 25 Sep 2007, 13:47

I'm not a FPS person at all, but I really enjoyed the original. The controls just had a very good feel, and the recharging shields concept was just brilliant.
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Unread postby HeroesIIftw » 25 Sep 2007, 22:10

From what I remember, halo had some of the most diverse environments throughout the game. Grass, snow, alien ships, beaches, other weird crap. Compare that to gears of war, where its just the same boring colored crap the whole time, although gears is still fun :P

The most-fun part of halo was playing with someone else though, multi-xbox lan parties and crap, before xbox live :P

I probably enjoyed it more because my intro to xbox and halo was a multiplayer match, in which I was slaughtered for 2 hours before I got the controls down and it was pretty even from then on, although the other person had beaten the game already :P

I guess it depends on the person, I thought both Halo 1 and 2 were epic/awesome :P.. the main theme that plays during battles is one of my favorite game tracks of all time.

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Unread postby Orfinn » 08 Oct 2007, 18:33

Creating FPS topics here is liking give a religious fanatic an education about evolution. Bashed mostly.. Believe me, I tried to inform about how great the heropes series was in an off-topic halo thread. Similar responses as here.

Though the concept may have not evolved that much in Halo 3, it stays in the safe range just like how Halo CE became unique. Naysayers often dont even try to like it, cause they think its cliche, propaganda and so on. Theres a reason the halo franchise is THAT popular. Yes in some cases it may feel that M$ and Bungie are brainwashing the gamers..huh.. tell me games that does NOT do that! The reason it so much hype iis because its so popular. doh!

Im enjoying H3 alot even if I dosent have XB360 LIVE. The replay features are great. Ability to change the spawns for weapons, insertion points, vehicles, scenery in the Forge modus are great! Letting gamers use their creativity! And you can go crazy in action while editing with friends, beat that! I love dropping crates at my cousin while he triess to sling propan tanks and fusion coils at my beloved Mongooses (ATV)
The story have great potential and rapidly evolves beyond the ending of Halo 3 and in prior the Forerunnes first encounter against the extragalactical threat known as the Flood. Halo or righter said Bungie the guys hungry for world domination have humbly admitted that they have been inspired by Star Wars. No wonder why the haloverse is so deep. Digg it and you will understand. If you even care that is.

Halo will stay, just as Star Wars, AVP, Starcraft and other classics., Deal with it! Haze and Mass Effect seems promising too. Bioshock on the other hand, innoative but just no my taste. Im not to fond of RPG elements in FPS games..see?! Its a matter of opinion, but dont use that excuse for killing the interest others may have before they even have tried the game *cough* IGN, Gamespy reviewers *cough*


Last edited by Orfinn on 08 Oct 2007, 18:47, edited 2 times in total.

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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 08 Oct 2007, 18:39

Actually Corribus, the recharging shields were not an original concept. The first First Person Shooter to incorporate that was Red Faction.

IGN and Gamespy both gave good reviews to the game, so I don't know why you said they were killing interest Orfinn.
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 08 Oct 2007, 18:49

alo is one of the Greatest console FPSs... so how can it be anything else but mediocre and fun?! :devil:
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Unread postby Orfinn » 08 Oct 2007, 18:51

Oh my bad I just fell of track. But IGN mostly harass other games somewhat. Like The Darkness, while mostly all others give good critics, also it depends on the reviewers.

But werent it more like regenerative health in Red Faction? At least it were in Red Faction 2.

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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 08 Oct 2007, 18:53

Same concept. Doesn't Master Chief just have shields and once those are out, he dies?
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Unread postby winterfate » 09 Oct 2007, 00:12

Omega wrote:Doesn't Master Chief just have shields and once those are out, he dies?
Basically. :)
How it works exactly is that when his shields drop to 0, if you keep getting hit, you're :outoforder:

You can take one or two weak hits while shieldless though.
And the shields regenerate if you don't get hit for a few seconds.
Actually Corribus, the recharging shields were not an original concept. The first First Person Shooter to incorporate that was Red Faction.
Dang...GamePro fails for lying....:S
(They stated that Halo was the first game to use that concept.)
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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 09 Oct 2007, 00:54

Hmm... perhaps not. I thought it was Red Faction, due to the feature being in Red Faction 2, but I haven't found evidence that it was in the original. So, I guess I was wrong.

Here's an interesting article regarding my opinion of the Halo series. It pains me to see Neverwinter Nights and Morrowind on the list, but they are opinions after all.
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Unread postby winterfate » 09 Oct 2007, 02:12

@Omega: Can't say I disagree with their call on the DM tools for Neverwinter Nights...even though I find it harsh to call that game overrated. The DM tools are rather hard to use...but then again, so are most good editing tools (learning curves and all). What did they expect? ;|

I don't care what they say...NWN is da bomb! :)
(Then again, I could be biased, seeing as how I own the Diamond Edition :D)

I haven't played Morrowind so I won't pass judgement on that game (nor would it be fair of me to).

Halo overrated? I know! :tongue:
However, it's the reason why I can say I've played a FPS in the last 5 years (if you don't count Oblivion, which I played in 3rd person 99% of the time anyway).

And, IMO, I don't think it's vastly overrated either. It's rather praiseworthy...not to mention lots of fun. :D
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