Creating FPS topics here is liking give a religious fanatic an education about evolution. Bashed mostly.. Believe me, I tried to inform about how great the heropes series was in an off-topic halo thread. Similar responses as here.
Though the concept may have not evolved that much in Halo 3, it stays in the safe range just like how Halo CE became unique. Naysayers often dont even try to like it, cause they think its cliche, propaganda and so on. Theres a reason the halo franchise is THAT popular. Yes in some cases it may feel that M$ and Bungie are brainwashing the gamers..huh.. tell me games that does NOT do that! The reason it so much hype iis because its so popular. doh!
Im enjoying H3 alot even if I dosent have XB360 LIVE. The replay features are great. Ability to change the spawns for weapons, insertion points, vehicles, scenery in the Forge modus are great! Letting gamers use their creativity! And you can go crazy in action while editing with friends, beat that! I love dropping crates at my cousin while he triess to sling propan tanks and fusion coils at my beloved Mongooses (ATV)
The story have great potential and rapidly evolves beyond the ending of Halo 3 and in prior the Forerunnes first encounter against the extragalactical threat known as the Flood. Halo or righter said Bungie the guys hungry for world domination have humbly admitted that they have been inspired by Star Wars. No wonder why the haloverse is so deep. Digg it and you will understand. If you even care that is.
Halo will stay, just as Star Wars, AVP, Starcraft and other classics., Deal with it! Haze and Mass Effect seems promising too. Bioshock on the other hand, innoative but just no my taste. Im not to fond of RPG elements in FPS games..see?! Its a matter of opinion, but dont use that excuse for killing the interest others may have before they even have tried the game *cough* IGN, Gamespy reviewers *cough*