Question: Where is WoG home?
Answer: Here's the new one and there's the old one. But nothing more survived on the old place, it's just a history.
Question: Where I can see list of changes for latest WoG?
Answer: The latest WoG is 3.58f and the bright summary can be found here. Visit our site, to download latest script update. Similar list is packed with the mod.
Question: Where can I buy WoG?
Answer: Nowhere. It's distributed freely. If you find someone who tries to sell it, he's commiting piracy!
Question: After installing WoG, can I still use original non-modified version of HoMM?
Answer: Yes, but because source files are shared these will be modified. That's why is recommended to install WoG into copy of your Homm3 folder.
Question: How to test the downloaded WoG archive integrity?
Answer: All files with wog extensions are in fact rar archives. So you may use anything capable to test the rar files, best will be, of course, winrar. The second close is 7-zip
Question: How to install WoG?
1. Download WoG (see below for mirrors).
2. Change your regional settings to english (not keyboard, regional settings from Control Panel)
3. Check that you have installed Homm3 Complete or SoD with AB pack. Though it will work without AB too.
4. Copy the folder with the HeroesIII and rename it. (Only necessary if you want to play H3 without any of WoG's changes)
5. Launch WoG installer, choose the copy of H3 which you had create in the previous step.
6. Wait, because progress bar may stand still for long periods. You will be prompted when game will be succesfully installed. Installer is know to be somewhat lazy.
7. Enjoy The WoG!
Question: That didn't helped!
Answer: First things first: You need SoD installed to be able to play WoG. Apart from RoE+SoD (+AB if you have it), you could also use any of the Complete, platinum, etc. collections that can be found. Second thing to check is if you've set language correctly. Your language has to be set to English during installation. If this doesn't help, ask us and we'll try to help.
Question: How to unistall the WoG?
Answer: If you had created a new folder for it, simply delete it.
Question: WoG in linux?
Answer: Yes possible, through wine, winex(cedega) and qemu.
Question: When will WoG 3.59 be out?
Answer: We don't know ourselves. When we know, we'll let you know

Question: How do I play the SoD campaigns after installing WoG?
Answer: WoG should leave your old SoD executable untouched. Locate it and launch and you should be able to play the SoD campaigns.
Question: But I want to wogify the campaigns!
Answer: Then go here and search for the campigns, download them and play them as custom campaigns.
Question: How can I help?
Answer: If you got any particular skills, especially graphics, show us what you have done and we'll consider using your work. If you wish to help out with developing you can go here here. Old yahoo group is not much active.
WoG Campaigns
Before asking questions, please check if the answer can be found in our walkthroughs.
Also, please make sure your WoG version is up to date (3.58f).
A life of Adventure
Question: Whenever I attack anything, I get to fight vampires and liches and stuff, and I only have a swordsman!
Answer: You're playing an old version, which has this bug. Please update.
Question: I can't exit from the Smoldering Corpse tavern!
Answer: Again, your version is old. Update, and this should be fixed.
Question: I can't exit from the Crypts!
Answer: This is a bug in the current version. However, the crypts isn't a required location to finish the map, so if you have an older save, revert to it and avoid the crypt, and you should be fine.
Question: What tools and extras can be used with H3:Complete or H3:WoG?
Answer: Our collection of tools is available here. Thanks to our collector ByteBandit.
List of Mirrors
German Mirror
Czech mirror
HC - /3.58f= WoG Install/
ERM editor and other stuff as well.
Script Update, mapeditor patch and ERM editor mirrors: , ,
Other files
Aka smk video for WoG campaings, the intro video remains unaffected)
Resedit, TextEdit, MapEdPatch, DefPreview... stored here.
~Last modification: 2014.02.01 by Pol