Best and Worse hero for each race?

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Best and Worse hero for each race?

Unread postby JamaY » 08 Jun 2006, 07:30

What are in your opinion the best and worse hero for each race?
For example Necropolis:
Best: Vladimir since he starts with raise dead, basic summoning magic, and master of life...and he's specialized in raise dead, so you won't be losing units for a long time (works all the way to the end game)
Worse: Zoltan...not only is his specializating crap (block a spell from the enemy's spellbook), but he starts with enlightenment and Arcane Intuition *pukes*

I'll post my opinion on the other 5 races' heroes tomorrow :)

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Unread postby Rapier » 08 Jun 2006, 13:59

Zoltan's skills may be bad but I would have been very glad for his special to block Ressurection and Raise dead on ANY of the campains on heroic difficulty.

I just wish Zoltan got Scholar instead of Arcane Intuition to be honest. (getting Arcane means Zoltan can't ever get Banshee Howl, he misses out on Dark Revolation, and can't get corrupted soil).

I think the worst Necro hero is Raven, because his Curse of Weakness speciality is really useless, and an Acadamy hero has the Curse of Vulnerability speciality but gets too do damage with it instead.

My favourite necro hero is Naadir with his Ghost summoning ability. Eating retalition up with that makes it much easier and less mana expensive to play a no loses game than Vladimir's raise dead special imo.
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Unread postby Sixy » 08 Jun 2006, 14:34

I'm happy with Zoltan as he's name is hungarian. But this is only a small joy of my vernacular soul. : ) And the same about Laszlo as well. : )

My favourite Wizard is Havez. Not just because he's got the coolest picture, but he starts with all of the war machines, and the gremlins are quite undefeatable under his command. Especially with a Vitality ability and a third level creature artifact with +3 HP, +5 Attack and +2 Luck.

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Unread postby JamaY » 08 Jun 2006, 17:25

I didn't know Havez started with all the war machines :o
Guess that makes up for his lack of a 3rd skill (he only has basic artificer and basic war machines)! I'll have to test him out, but until then I prefer Jhora. Her speciality, coupled with expert sorcery allows her to cast like 2 or 3 spells for each creature attack.
As for the worse academy hero, it's probably the guy with the curse of vulnerability spell...not only does it deal pitiful damage (I'm guessing 5 per hero level), but it isn't a mass effect..only an AOE you usually end up affecting 1 or 2 creatures only.

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Unread postby -Shadow32- » 08 Jun 2006, 20:25

My personal favorite is Lucretia.
Usually you get Raise Dead soon enough, if you're unlucky it will probably be in the next castle you visit.

Vampire specialty... :hoo: I love vampires, and they are the most effective unit next to skeletons archers.
You can send them forward and let him recover. No unit loss, makes for a quickly growing army.

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Unread postby cornellian » 08 Jun 2006, 21:28

-Shadow32- wrote:My personal favorite is Lucretia.
Usually you get Raise Dead soon enough, if you're unlucky it will probably be in the next castle you visit.

Vampire specialty... :hoo: I love vampires, and they are the most effective unit next to skeletons archers.
You can send them forward and let him recover. No unit loss, makes for a quickly growing army.
I completely agree, having vampires with +10 attack and defence is a much better bonus than an extra 100 skellie archers as raise dead is a pretty common spell as far as I saw in my games..

Besides my undead warlock in World of Warcraft was named Lucretia, so I am partial to the name :hoo:

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Unread postby atma6 » 09 Jun 2006, 03:00

For necros I vote Vladimir and Lucretia as Vladimir is pretty much imortal and Lucretia has very powerful vamps.

I personally don't like Naadir as I hind his spectors to be quite useless.

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Unread postby -Shadow32- » 09 Jun 2006, 07:49

cornellian wrote:
-Shadow32- wrote:My personal favorite is Lucretia.
Usually you get Raise Dead soon enough, if you're unlucky it will probably be in the next castle you visit.

Vampire specialty... :hoo: I love vampires, and they are the most effective unit next to skeletons archers.
You can send them forward and let him recover. No unit loss, makes for a quickly growing army.
I completely agree, having vampires with +10 attack and defence is a much better bonus than an extra 100 skellie archers as raise dead is a pretty common spell as far as I saw in my games..

Besides my undead warlock in World of Warcraft was named Lucretia, so I am partial to the name :hoo:
Personally I like male heroes better to lead my army, but I can stand it.

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Unread postby vicheron » 09 Jun 2006, 09:42

Best Ranger: Ylthin, nice specialization and nice starting skill/ability.

Worst Ranger: Dirael, Wasp Swarm sucks.

Best Necromancer: Lucretia, her specialization significantly increases the usefulness and longevity of Vampires later in the game.

Worst Necromancer: Kaspar, he's useful early in the game and maybe on really small maps but his specialization becomes useless later in the game.

Best Wizard: Jhora, being able to cast more spells really helps and with the huge amount of knowledge wizards get, she'll never run out of spell points.

Worst Wizard: Nur, wizards pretty much never run out of spell points, especially later in the game. She might be useful against an Inferno but she's not that useful against other factions.

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Unread postby JamaY » 09 Jun 2006, 18:26

Personnally I don't like lucretia that much. Sure, her specialization is good, but she starts off with sorcery and mana regeneration, when I prefer to get attack, dark magic and summoning magic ASAP. Mana regen is useless IMO.
Naadir is cool because she starts with basic dark magic and summoning magic, so she can get those nasty mass slow and weakness spells, as well as master of life for raise dead.

As for the Sylvan heroes, Ylithin is probably the best one, but I like to start with thalanar because he starts with recruitment. That gives me a +3 sprite, +2 battle dancer and +1 ranger boost per week, and I can still recruit another hero (Ylithin, Ossir, etc.) at the tavern. If I don't get a good hero at the tavern, I can use Thalanar to fight the battles and maybe get estates :)

As for Haven, My favourite hero is Dougal (the archer master) because he starts with attack and archery, and boosts the effectiveness of archers later in the game. Ellaine is pretty cool as a starting hero, though, not only because of her recruitment ability (+3 peasants, +2 archers, +1 footman per week), but also because you get double the cash from peasants. So I usually leave all my peasants in the city and use archers, griffons, priests and cavaliers to do the killing. 250 peasants in town give you a 500 gold per day boost, and 500 peasants a 1000 gold per day boost!
So I usually take ellaine first, and pray that I get a good starting hero at the tavern (vittorio, dougal, the paladin and griffon masters). If I don't I'll fight the battles with elaine and pray that I get estates when I level up :p

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Unread postby vicheron » 09 Jun 2006, 19:13

Klaus is probably the best Haven hero since the damage bonus he gives to Cavaliers/Paladins is insane. By the time Klaus reaches level 20, Paladins can do +50% damage with every square they move. Imagine what he can do if he had expert luck and the Golden Horseshoe.

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Unread postby Orfinn » 09 Jun 2006, 19:22

You right, the bonus would be insane, a stack of 10 paladins could easly kill 20 black dragons as knife through paper...

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Unread postby Deadguy118 » 09 Jun 2006, 19:30

best dungeon hero: sintar(catalist). He can cast enpowered spells for much cheaper and when they get warlock's luck fixed to work with Emp. spells he'll be a threat to all (because of iresitable magic.)

Worst dungeon hero: sorgal (lizard breeder) Um..... lizard bite? does that skill have any use at all?

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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 09 Jun 2006, 22:00

Deadguy118 wrote:Worst dungeon hero: sorgal (lizard breeder) Um..... lizard bite? does that skill have any use at all?
Of course. Blood Furies and Minotaur Guards works very well with it. Takes some planning to set up, but bonus damage is worth it.

As far as dungeon goes, the selection is prety bad overall. Sinitar and Eruina is the only ones that seems to have worthwhile specials without coming with crappy skills.
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Unread postby Tristan-IJB » 10 Jun 2006, 06:52

cornellian wrote:
-Shadow32- wrote:Besides my undead warlock in World of Warcraft was named Lucretia, so I am partial to the name :hoo:
Scarshield Legion??:>

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Unread postby dragonn » 10 Jun 2006, 07:05

I think one of the best Sylvan heroes is Wyngaal. His initiative speciality makes units under his command one step faster than enemies. Sometimes it's enough, to destroy half of the enemy army (with Master Hunters for instance). I didn't try to fight Inferno with him though...
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Unread postby juventas » 10 Jun 2006, 20:34

dragonn wrote:I think one of the best Sylvan heroes is Wyngaal. His initiative speciality makes units under his command one step faster than enemies. Sometimes it's enough, to destroy half of the enemy army (with Master Hunters for instance). I didn't try to fight Inferno with him though...
I thought his skill was bugged?

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Unread postby mctronic » 12 Jun 2006, 03:55

I think Dougal the knight is the best since it's easy and low cost to train peasants to archers. In a week you get like a 70+ archers. Not too shabby.

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Unread postby Bandobras Took » 12 Jun 2006, 04:05

Inferno's Best: Grok. Some might like Deleb, but I'll take the Logistics and the rapid path to Teleport Assault any day of the week.

I'm not sure who the worst is, though.

Edit: Oops, his name's Grok.
Last edited by Bandobras Took on 12 Jun 2006, 04:43, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread postby ExistUnExist » 12 Jun 2006, 04:26

maybe nebiros?

his chosen chaos works best against human enemy only, against pc... it's meh?

and maybe graal also aint that good, considering that his specialty is only cerberus (lvl 3 unit only right) >.>

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