CombatStats and Convenience mod for MM6 and MM7
- Absolutely no changes to the game itself. Gameplay, difficulty, content is not changed. It is the same good old vanilla game, all your saves compatible, all your certificates will be valid.
- Detailed combat logging to the file [Optional]
- In-game combat history of past actions
- Data postprocessing:
- DPS, damage dealt and received per party member, per melee/ranged/spell source for map/game/segment period.
- Hit records, kill count, top damage sources by kind, etc
- Processed data export to file for reference
- Enhanced tooltips and character page
- ultimate characteristics such as DPS and effective health (Vitality) for wise gear selection
- Barrel-colored attributes, colored percentage resistances
- Detailed tips on skills, attributs, spell damage, resistances[Optional]
- Convenience / mild cheats features
- Inventory sorting,
- in-game Repair/ID skills share [Optional]
- in-game travel schedule / map / teachers table [Optional]
- GM Monster ID for MM6 (and MM7)
- Training dummy for tests
- Buff expiration alerts, alarm clock
For a long time there was no other options but theorycrafting but then... Ive stumbled upon Malekith's MAW mod based on MMMerge and it was fantastic experience. First of all in terms of game thrill, but also in showing what you can do with the game, and how you can do this. Basic features of damage processing were already implemented in MAW, as well as interface modifications. I've just developed them further, and applied for all-time classic MM7
Attached collage will give you the basic insights, more details about download and installation are at the mod page

UPDATE 2025-02-10: Mod updated to support MM6, several new features added. The post text updated correspondingly