Attention all Athlon users

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Attention all Athlon users

Unread postby Khelavaster » 23 May 2006, 11:31

We're trying to isolate the low framerate problem and now we're targeting the processors. If you have an Athlon please visit this thread: ... 8341002644

and tell us what your specs are and how the game is performing under this simple test:

Open the custom map "An island of one's own". Zoom out the camera to its fullest and rotate it to face northwest. Lower it the closest possible to eye level (This is the heavy duty test).

You should see the framerate nosediving to about 5 FPS. Everything should move in slow motion, the waves, the rotating aura under your hero. Rotating the camera at this point should be a pain. If you wait enough some birds should appear over the landscape: they seem to have 2 frames of animation.

Now the key thing: go to options, lower EVERYTHING including resolution to 640 and every quality setting. Go back to the game and verify that the problem persists, only everything's uglier (note another bug in passing: the horsie cursor is now huge as it hasn't been adjusted to the new resolution).

If you experience these symptoms, and you have a medium-high end system, please report in the thread. Of course if you have a Pentium and you have input do so also, all the information we can gather helps.



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Unread postby Alamar » 23 May 2006, 12:06

I'll test it ... as soon as UBI gets around to shipping my copy to me :)

FYI my config is: AMD 3500+ [Venice IIRC] / 7800GT / 2GB of memory / Win XP SP2 CLEAN install [H5 will be the first game or anything run on a dual boot config].

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Unread postby Sikon » 23 May 2006, 14:01

Athlon 64 2800+, GeForce 6600GT, 1 GB RAM. No framerate problems.

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Unread postby Khelavaster » 23 May 2006, 14:06

Sikon, nice to know that... were you able to do the small test with the custom map?



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Unread postby Sikon » 23 May 2006, 14:26

Wait... just figured out that "eye level" meant positioning the camera as parallel to the ground as possible. Yes, there is a framerate drop in the exact situation you described. In addition, after switching to 640*480, there were some artifacts present, as if the ground was composed of cubes, then I moved the mouse and they disappeared. Couldn't capture a screenshot, though.

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Unread postby Khelavaster » 23 May 2006, 14:35

Yes, the artifacts are probably a result of retexturing but they go away. Mostly I was aiming at a very significant drop in frames which hampers playability even in powerful systems and isn´t affected by changing the settings.

Thanks for rechecking!


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Unread postby Alamar » 23 May 2006, 20:45

Didn't FC release a statement indicating that rotating the camera down to eye level would result in a significant drop in frame rate?

Wouldn't a better test be to run FRAPS or something similar when playing normally to see if specific dips in performance could be located in "real" playing situations?

I'll still run the tests and let you know what happens when UBI finally gets my version to me.

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Unread postby PrTv » 27 May 2006, 08:09

I have to say that my system is NOT hi-end in any means (it's low end, low-mid end system) but I also have this laggie problem and I capture some screenshot, don't know if my Pc spec is what you want to investigate... but here it is.

First pic 1024*768, everything Max /W NO AA (Framerate on upper left)

Then 640*480, Everything Lowest /W NO AA

Still getting LOW fps no matter what Resolution I use.

Athlon XP 3200+
1Gb Ram
Abit NF 7-S Mobo
Audigy DE
Geforce FX 5950U
WinXP Sp2
DX9C (that came with the game)

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Unread postby Wolfshanze » 27 May 2006, 12:54

Sikon wrote:Wait... just figured out that "eye level" meant positioning the camera as parallel to the ground as possible. Yes, there is a framerate drop in the exact situation you described.
I've got news for you guys... this is NOT an Athlon problem... if you drop the camera to eye level it's an Intel problem too!

In other words, dropping to eye level isn't picky, it slows-down EVERYBODY'S SYSTEMS regardless of which processor you are using!

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