Heroes of Might & Magic: Olden Era Announced

For all games not only from Ubisoft stable, which are better less than more different from previous series.
Like alike Era of Chaos (MMHEOC), Elemental Guardians (MMEG). Creature Quest (CQ), King's Bounty or Palm Heroes also sorts here. PostMM era. And all a new Songs of Conquest. Not limited to mobile games.
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Heroes of Might & Magic: Olden Era Announced

Unread postby Blake » 23 Aug 2024, 14:12

Wow.. Ubisoft have just announced a new Heroes of Might & Magic game called Heroes of Might & Magic: Olden Era that is not their usual mobile pay to win shovelware and surprisingly even uses the original HoMM title instead of their usual Ubi style 'Might & Magic: Heroes' name system.

It's probably kinda low budget so they haven't dared put an 8 on the end of the game title and are making it a spin off however it does actually look pretty good. Naturally it's heavily styled off HoMM3 which is kind of the 'HoMM template' these days and interestingly it's apparently set on Enroth (the original New World Computing HoMM universe/world instead of Ubi's Ashan) as a prequel before HoMM1.

I thought the town screens were simple frozen artworks again however judging by the video they're using a Songs of Conquest and Silence of the Siren like 2D within a 3D plane diorama kind of trick to give it more life so while in the screenshots they look pretty simple they don't look too bad in the video trailer with a moving camera. I could be wrong and they may actually even be full 3D towns, it's kinda hard to tell, if full 3D then that's kind of funny considering the excuses made for HoMM6&7 that 3D town screens are too expensive lol.

https://news.ubisoft.com/en-us/article/ ... t-gamescom

Steam Page:
https://store.steampowered.com/app/3105 ... Olden_Era/


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Re: Heroes of Might & Magic: Olden Era Announced

Unread postby Blake » 23 Aug 2024, 14:20

oooooh nope.. judging by this animation the town screens are indeed full 3D.. I think I can even see people walking around in the Knight one! The classic old man HoMM1 fan in me that always complains about lifeless town screens in nearly all the sequels is pleased lol.

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Re: Heroes of Might & Magic: Olden Era Announced

Unread postby Blake » 24 Aug 2024, 17:26

Umm yeah ok, ignoring the spambot, you'll be deleted soon. Anyway..

A German PC Games channel has also posted a video with lots of gameplay footage (turn on youtube subtitles for translation). Judging by the footage in this I think my original thought about them using a Songs of Conquest and Silence of the Siren like 2D within a 3D plane diorama/parallax kind of trick for the town screens was correct after all.. they just did a damn good job of it so when the camera moves around like that it can really trick you into thinking it's full 3D lol!

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Re: Heroes of Might & Magic: Olden Era Announced

Unread postby Blake » 27 Sep 2024, 12:54

Looks like they've started putting out dev diaries breaking down what the game will be and it's primary features..

https://steamcommunity.com/games/310544 ... 1815155308


Dev diary 1:

https://steamcommunity.com/games/310544 ... 3185873988

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