Based on TELP 1.3
Current english version: download from YD.
2) If we refuse to train, we will not receive either scrolls with information or skill books for Removing Traps and Identifying Items.
3) Scrolls with information are given only once, so if you drop them, there will be no new ones.
4) Forad Darre gives 4000 experience after joining, and not after the first conversation.
5) After Forad Darre joins, Yrsa the Troll has no topic "How do we get off this island?" with the response "Perhaps you should speak to Forad Darre." anymore.
Uniting the Clans
2) It is possible, but difficult to neutralize Anskram’s defense before receiving the task, because Sigmund gives one important key. Without a key, to raise the grates you need to pull a lever through the wall. Sigmund is surprised, but gives us the key anyway.
3) Fixed the "Crona Kiga found before receiving the task" thread.
4) Fixed the "Book of Rules found before receiving the task" thread. The item no longer appears on the pedestal.
5) Fixed the "Thjorad found before receiving the quest" thread. The item no longer appears in the niche.
6) All quest items found before the quest is issued (Crona Kiga, Book of Rules, Thjorad, Mountain Path) add a note stating that they were found. (With exception for Ludwig's manuscript: since it's signed, this is an automatic "Take the manuscript to Ludwig" quest.)
7) When receiving a task to repair the thjoradic mines (which has 3 parts), we tell Sven "We are already on it" if we have completed 1 part and "We are almost there" if 2.
8) Quest "Find out why the Elemental Thjorad production has stopped." is now displayed in the quest log no more than once.
9) Hjarrand the Fixer can now be hired in advance before being quested by Sven, but after talking to Njal Bjarnissen.
10) Hjarrand the Fixer, Gudrek the Miner and Njal Bjarnissen have their dialogues corrected and their scripts simplified.
11) After completing the tasks of five jarls, you cannot talk to the sixth, then go to one of the five, and thereby complete the creation of the Alliance.
12) You can get the permission to disable Anskram's defenses from Bjarni.
13) Alternative ways to conclude peace between Sturm and Drang, if the jarls allowed the completion of conflicting tasks. Best way, you don't need to make a peace treat at all.
Promotion tasks
2) After receiving, but before completing the quest, you can still sign up characters for promotion and unsubscribe characters from promotion.
3) Registering a character for promotion removes him from the lists of alternative promotions. If a Scholar who has drunk the Elixir of Defedation signs up to Magi, he will receive the Elixir of Defedation. A Scholar who drinks the Elixir of Defedation is unsubscribed from promotion to Mage only after transformation.
4) After completing the quest, you can still get a promotion. If the quest is given and accepted by different characters (Mercenary, Druid), promotion can be obtained from the former. For the Lich quest, which is practically self-given, you need to drink the Elixir of Defedation and go through the transformer. This action does not grant any more experience.
5) Mercenary Quest: six bandits appear exactly once.
6) Mercenary Quest: To complete the quest, you must wish Atli a safe journey. Other dialogue topics and closing the dialogue will not complete the quest.
7) Healer's Quest: the dialogue with the herbalist has been corrected if we took the witch's lock of hair before talking to him.
8) Skulkil the Dark will buy the second half of the scroll "On Becoming a Lich" (or both) for 4000 and Elixirs of Defedation for 1000.
9) Skulkil the Dark can unsubscribe from the path of the Lich (he optionally buys the Elixir of Defedation for the same 1000).
10) The dialogue thread "We want to become Mages" is displayed by Johannes Bem before completing the Scholar’s quest, the answer "Yes, we have one" to the question "Is there a Scholar among you?" is still not displayed.
11) Gladiator Quest: Fridleif Gjukissen doesn't proceed to the Gladiator quest if you just ask him who promotes to Gladiators.
12) Gladiator's Quest: Even if we complete the Gladiator's Labor, we still receive a reward for winning the Lords' Arena.
13) Gladiator's Quest: the "Kill the Basilisk" Labor can be completed immediately.
14) Gladiator's quest: Fridleif Gjukissen buys basilisk skins at face value (500 and 750 for simple and royal skins resp).
15) Priest's Quest: After we told Robert Aefgil that it's time to go, we can tell him to wait a little longer in the courtyard, and then he won't disappear by our next visit to the monastery (or after saving and loading).
16) Paladin's Quest: can be completed before is received. Just kill the bandits and return items they stolen.
2) Gunnar Thjorsmith buys ALL elemental thjorad of the specified types, not individually.
3) Jozka Atlia gives the ship schedule only if you tell him: "We broke the ice." (After breaking the ice, of course.)
4) The Egil Skallagrimsson dialogue ends normally if we want to trade when his shop is closed.
5) Skraelos does not summon monsters in the Hall of the Gods.
6) Tamur Leng, upon joining, gives us his Writh of Fate (as fake as ours, duh).
7) Jokull the Ugly gives a reward for cleaning the bathhouse.
8) Added the task "Mary's Sheep" and a award for completing it.
9) Added awards for both completion and failure (for quests that allow failure) of all side quests.
1) You can be promoted to a class even you you forgot to sign up for that quest and completed it.
2) You can sell all elemental thjorad to Gunnar Thjorsmith at once.
To install:
1) Backup DATA.REZ, RUDE.REZ, SCRIPTS.REZ from ...\MM_IX\data.
2) Put DATA.REZ, RUDE.REZ, SCRIPTS.REZ from YD to ...\MM_IX\data.
To remove:
1) Restore DATA.REZ, RUDE.REZ, SCRIPTS.REZ to ...\MM_IX\data from your backup.