Hello guys,
I'm trying to get to a point where I can play the map Arrogance on impossible without having to restart like. I've been successful with one attempt and got my first archangel rating. One of the main things that really gets me is the impaired resource and gold flow. Are there any good tips for impossible in general or even some specific tips to make this map more doable?
Impossible missions on Homm3
Re: Impossible missions on Homm3
To my experience, small sized maps at hardest difficulties are not something that can be beaten casually. Even against AI some luck is needed. Rushing and capturing enemy towns on day 7 or 1 can be game changer. Abandoning and recapturing at the right moment may be required. If I remember correctly, Arrogance has first dwellings in town(s) built, thus from hired heroes and dwelling a decent stack of units may be assembled quite fast. Picking battles and using tactics that minimize losses while fighting only with your low level creatures is something that can be learned.
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