Liberation of Oak Valley

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Liberation of Oak Valley

Unread postby {CH}ArticleBot » 08 Feb 2024, 23:17

Description: Oak Valley was once a peaceful and prosperous land, where the elves lived in harmony with nature and their neighbors. But everything changed when Nicolai, the Vampire Lord, launched a devastating war against the Sylvan Empire. The elven army was forced to fight on the frontlines, leaving their homeland vulnerable to the raids of greedy warlords. The Elf King has now ordered all rangers to reclaim the lost territories and restore order. Ylthin, a skilled and respected ranger, has been given the mission to liberate Oak Valley, a region of great importance for its resources and strategic location. But she is not the only one interested in Oak Valley. Other nations have set their eyes on this prize, hoping to expand their domains and satisfy their growing needs. Ylthin will have to face many enemies and challenges in her quest to reclaim the land. Campaign of 5 maps.
Version: 1.0
Additional Info:: Divine Vengeance, Instant Travel, Puppet Master, Town Portal, Vampirism and Vessel of Shalassa spells have been disabled

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Re: Liberation of Oak Valley

Unread postby mctronic » 09 Feb 2024, 17:20

Hello CH fans,

I'm pleased to share with you a new campaign for Heroes V - Tribes of the East. Should you wish to download the version with the music mod you can find it here: ... BhOTj2E9oE


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Re: Liberation of Oak Valley

Unread postby attributesugary » 21 May 2024, 10:01

For this to work, there must be at least ONE hero still alive, and you must have a minimum of ONE town (which shouldn't be a problem by then) to flee togeometry dash lite. Even if, for example, Pete dies, Tawni can still safely retreat with them both because the deceased heroes will be raised instantly.

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