Chests in MM6/7 not reloading

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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Chests in MM6/7 not reloading

Unread postby theorclair » 19 Dec 2023, 04:55

I'm sure that most of the people here know that sometimes in 6/7 the chests will hold more treasure than can actually fit in them. The way to get around this is to open the chest again after cleaning it out. Well, I'm doing a playthrough of both games, and I realized it hasn't happened once. I've used MMextension and a few other tools to muck with the game, and reinstalled a "clean" version, but it still never happens. The only thing I've kept consistent is Grayface's patch. Is there something going on or have I just had bad luck?

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Re: Chests in MM6/7 not reloading

Unread postby Tomsod » 19 Dec 2023, 05:13

Newer versions of the patch try very hard to fit everything in on the first open, so you may indeed not encounter extra items until the late game.

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Re: Chests in MM6/7 not reloading

Unread postby cthscr » 19 Dec 2023, 08:35

For MM8 you have to add 'FixChests=1' into mm8.ini (default seems to be 0). Can't tell if this the same for MM6/MM7.
Also there should be a few chests in MM7 (and in MM8) that are opened only once (another chest will be opened on subsequent opening). GrayFace wasn't in a mood to change this - most important items will be there on first attempt, lost items (most probably gold) are considered bad luck.

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Re: Chests in MM6/7 not reloading

Unread postby Eksekk » 19 Dec 2023, 13:05

Yeah need to add FixChests=1 and probably FixChestsByReorder=0.
Unfinished mod by me: MM7 Rev4 mod, MMMerge version.

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Re: Chests in MM6/7 not reloading

Unread postby Foulathe » 29 Dec 2023, 07:00

Don't give up hope! The beauty of these classic RPGs is the constant potential for discovering new things – even old glitches! Share your progress and findings with the community, and let's work together to crack this mystery of the missing double-loot.

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