The Magnificent One

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Wheeler Dealer
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The Magnificent One

Unread postby Wheeler Dealer » 18 Jun 2023, 05:43

All Clues Lead to Channon, Champion, Max 15

Walkthrough copied from Informed_User on GameFaqs

3 attack crystal, 1 defense crystal, 1 altar of order, 1 altar of combat, 1 combat school, 1 level up tree.

You play Mysterio the battle mage in the order campaign. Mysterio starts with basic combat, basic melee, and advanced order magic. Focus on his combat skills for the first map, get grandmaster defense and some archery. If available, buy basic magic resistance, life magic, and wizardry from the towns. After buying it get life magic up to advanced so Mysterio can cast Song of Peace. Get Order magic up to expert for Teleport.

You start with 1 order town in the northeast. Get magi and genies in all order towns. There are 2 more order towns in the desert south of your town. The closer town can only produce magi but the more distant one can produce extra genies. There is also an unguarded gold mine near the third order town. Have Mysterio rush down and flag the gold mine right away. Remember, you can use gold to buy any resources you need, from the marketplace, for buildings.

My strategy for this map is to grab the unguarded gold mine and get some genies fast. With a lot of halfings, magi, and some genies I start attacking the life towns by crossing the bridges southwest of the first town. I use one big stack of genies to attack with ice bolt and 2 or 3 stacks of a single genie for Song of peace stunlocking. I Have the magi use poison on town defenders to make them come out. Once I get precision I cast it on the halfings to boost their damage. I buy a tactics hero from one of the life towns to help Mysterio. I also hire a lord to send back to my order town.

You have to visit 4 out of 5 of the life towns in the southwest to get information. After getting enough clues you can visit the house in the southwest corner to finish this map. Do the side-quest to bring 90 peasants to the northwest farm, the war sling and horseshoe carry over into the next map.


Enormous amount of experience available. I used a slight variation on the Genies tactics. At least one of the small stacks had 2 genies so I could create an illusion of a genie to act as a decoy or shield. Mirth on the halflings will also boost their damage.

Week 1, pitiful H&R on 48 centaurs guarding the ore pit. Took all week to capture the Ore Pit.

Week 2, a few H&R on the berserkers guarding the sawmill.

Week 3, day 1 took the sawmill. Built Altar of Wishes, things should pick up now.

Week 4, Captured the academy to my south. Hired an Order Lord.

Week 5, Purple invading in the NE. Ran Purple off. Claimed gold, gem and sulphur mines. Hired a knight.

Week 6, Took the SE academy. Sacked an Ivory Tower, Ureaka!!! Got a scroll of Summon Water Elementals. Great for my knight. Purple and Green are sending armies into my territory.

Week 7, Green lost his army to the harpies guarding the gold mine on the north of the map. I mopped up, gaining a gold mine.

Week 10, I now hold all but two of the towns.

Week 11, Lost my middle academy to Green, defended the southern academy. Recovered the central academy.

Week 12, Purple took my southern haven. Captured both the other Purple Havens and got the password. Won @ 4,1,3.

Search for the Tower

Walkthrough copied from Informed_User on GameFaqs

1 arena.

You start on the east side with 1 order town. As usual you should get magi and genies in your town. Get a tactics hero to help Mysterio and a Lord to stay in the town. Hold off on Titans until you are getting at least 3000 gold per day. A quest giver north of your town offers some resources in exchange for the two artifacts from the first map. I recommend keeping the artifacts.

Even on champion difficulty Mysterio can easily solo most of the neutral armies near your town. Against melee fighters, cast slow on them, and then buff Mysterio with precision and bless. Use teleport to move to the opposite side when they get close.

Across the bridge west of your first town is a second order town. The other town will get you 5 free naga for each week you control the town. However, the real benefit of the second town is getting more genies.

Once you have both towns and a small force of genies, magi and halflings, you can begin going on the offensive. Head north of your town to find an enemy life town. In addition to the life town there are 4 enemy chaos towns, 2 in the northwest and 2 in the southwest.

The chaos town, Doomfire, in the southwest corner starts with an eye of chaos building. The eye increases chaos magic damage and gets the town owner 3000 gold per day. Be ready to cast Song of peace on any high level sorcerers to avoid getting hit by their extra strong chaos magic.

To win this map you must find 5 power pools and destroy them. The pools are located: northwest of the life town, in front of one of the garrisons in the northwest, behind one of the northwest garrisons, on an island southwest of Doomfire, behind a quest guard in the northwest corner of the map.

To reach the island southwest of Doomfire buy a boat from the shipyard in Doomfire. To get past the northwest quest guard you must defeat all 3 enemy players, purple, orange, and red. The armies guarding the garrisons count as part of the enemy units. You must beat all 4 garrison armies to defeat their owner. If the game is not listing an enemy as defeated then save and reload.

With all 5 pools destroyed Mysterio can visit the tower in the northwest to finish this map. The mask artifact from the hut east of Doomfire is carried over, so get it before moving on.


There are 5 Dream Teachers, a Learning Stone and 4 asylums, that makes 12,500 xp for a thief or Order Lords, L8, w/o any chests or battles. Reaching L22 for Mysterio felt close but it really wasn't.

> v
Colsm Might 4 3
Dream T 1 7
Dream T 2 2
Dream T 3 5
Dream T 4 1
Dream T 4 5
Learning Stone 4 6
Sacred Ft 2 1
Sacred Ft 6 5
War Schl T-C 6 5
Witches' Hut N 2 6

Week 1, Claimed the sawmill and the ore pit plus one of the Mage Towers. I agree with Informed_User, the War Sling is extremely important in the early going.

Week 2, day one built an Altar of Wishes. Maybe with a few Genies I can defeat these two nearby neutral magi armies. Hooray a Mage's Staff in a back pack to the SE. Defeated scores of magi and a company of dwarves to learn the Town Gate spell.
Beat 3 TBs and 88 satyrs to cross the bridge to the west. Took the academy to the west. Hired an Order Lord. Five Nagas joined on day 7.

Week 3, defeated (flawless) 41 Genies! I had 6 Genies, 13 magi and 116 halflings. Very important to maintain high morale so you can get the first turn every round. Rare resources are a problem, particularly gems.

I can buy the resources or hire Order Lords and feed them chests for mining.

Week 4, gained 20K gp in ransom. Found a gold mine beyond the Green Portal. Captured an Orange asylum. On my first try, the Fireguard got a morale boost and blew up my army.

Week 5, I'm being attacked from the north and the west, rushing my main army back and forth. Lost my asylum, Annavanta imprisoned. Recaptured the central asylum.

Week 6, Captured Doomfire from Red in the SW along with it's Eye of Chaos. Accidentally stumbled over a Pool of Power on an Island in the far SW. Finally built a Cloud Castle. Took Red's last town, Drakefire. Red eliminated.

Week 7, Purple took the central asylum. Took it back. Whack-a-mole!!

Week 8, took Orange's last town.

Week 9, both orange and purple eliminated. Just me and the neutrals and the quests now.

Week 10, defeated 32 Faerie Dragons (Flawless). The key was the Tactics and Leadership skills of my general so my 3 stacks of Genies could cast Song of Peace (doesn't reflect). If a magical attack kills a stack of Faerie Dragons, it doesn't reflect. Mysterio made L21, so, on to the Coliseum of Might.

Heroes aren't required to destroy the Pools of Power. Finished the Pools of Power. Won in the Coliseum for L22. Need to visit one of my academies for important spells.

Week 11, only Mysterio can complete the final quest. Won at 3,3,3. The only significant battle I didn't fight was the Dragon City. Never used the Nagas, should have.

Magnificent Revenge

Walkthrough copied from Informed_User on GameFaqs

1 altar of death magic, 1 magic school, 2 arena, 1 level up tree.

This is the last map of the order campaign. You start with an order town and a death town, on the east side. Use the death town for extra money, not creatures. A knights chapter, champion dwelling, lies west of your death town. The dwelling starts under enemy control, so have your death knight rush over and flag it to cut down on enemy champions. Don't bother using the death knight hero to fight. Let Mysterio fight alone to maximize his experience.

You have 1 order and 1 death town. The enemy players have a combined 6 life towns scattered all over. Though they start with way more towns they don't have many defenders in those towns early on. Right away you can use Mysterio alone to rush the enemy towns and start taking over most of them. However, Be careful about getting too close to the city of Southbend. Southbend is in the southwest near a catapult factory. A large army will appear in the town when you get close. Flag the catapult factory, but leave Southbend alone until you are ready to finish the map.

Since there are way more life towns on this map you should use an army of mostly life creatures instead of order. You may still want to get some genies from your order town, but don't bother with the other order creatures. Get archers, monks and champions. Only get crusaders from towns that already have them. When fighting against a high level priest you can use dispel to remove all the buffs they put on themselves and others.

You win this map when you capture all towns and hold them for 3 days.


There are 4 skeletons accessible on day one. You can restart and get different artifacts.

The advice to have Mysterio fight all battles alone for the xp is unnecessary. He can do it, but there are plenty of xp.

I hired 10 Order Lords, gave them all the chests, I'm not sure it was worth the trouble.

> v
Tree o Know 9 2
Colsm Might 6 2
Learning Stone 6 1
Colsm Might 5 9
Arena 7 4
Library 6 6
Merc Camp 2 10
Learning Stone 2 3

Week 1, took some mines, hired 2 Order Lords. Mysterio OK by himself but mana is a problem.

Week 2, took a Red haven.

Week 3, captured Red's other haven. Green took the central haven, I recaptured it. Purple brought a sizable army after my southern haven. Used Town Gate to get there in time. Attacked them with Mysterio and 3 Evil Sorceresses. Took several reloads to get the right tactics.

Solved the Puzzle. Received a Grail. Took a haven in the far SW.

Took Southbend, after knocking out the best Purple heroes in other battles, this was easy for Mysterio and 3 ESs.

Week 4, recaptured the central haven. A tricky battle against 256 magi. Tried the Grail at 3 havens, it finally was accepted at my original academy. Mysterio reached L24.

Week 5, 4 Goblin Knights joined. Green down to one town. Could easily finish now but want to get Mysterio up to L28. A quest in the north center offers a Shield of Order for a Hideous Mask. Don't think so.

Week 6, Mysterio reached L28 at the last Coliseum of Might. There were still several serious battles available.

Week 7, Defeated Green and finished the campaign. The final army was Mysterio, a L13 Reaver, 15 Angels and 5 ESs.

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Joined: 02 Jan 2024

Re: The Magnificent One

Unread postby civowo » 02 Jan 2024, 10:39


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