Might and Magic World of Xeen Class Modifying

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Might and Magic World of Xeen Class Modifying

Unread postby Rune_Caster » 15 Jun 2023, 10:15

I can figure out how to make changes using https://xeen.fandom.com/wiki/Xeen_Wiki and using Xeen Utilities made by Cedric http://games.playazlounge.net/

Does anyone know where the weapons and armor that classes can equip and spells that classes can learn are located at?

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Re: Might and Magic World of Xeen Class Modifying

Unread postby Rune_Caster » 17 Jun 2023, 09:51


So I made some changes to how the gem dealers gave equipment, now every type of Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire and Diamond equipment can be obtained. While testing though I found out that Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire and Diamond gems seem to be bugged and aren't saved correctly. So maybe wasted effort? lol

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Re: Might and Magic World of Xeen Class Modifying

Unread postby Rune_Caster » 22 Jun 2023, 10:48

On further investigation the game handles world bits very oddly, just like Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire and Diamond rocks, they don't seem to be saved within the save game. If you load your save after having a world bit adding with a take/give command and a world bit comparison is used, it will always refer to it as true, however if you quit the game (return to dos) the game doesn't save world bits or Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire and Diamond gems at all. All world bits will come up false until you give the world bits again with a take/give command.


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Re: Might and Magic World of Xeen Class Modifying

Unread postby UndeadHalfOrc » 21 Apr 2024, 12:28

Hello all, long time no see. I've been busy.

MM4-5 World of Xeen

Folks, this is big,
While working on my own patch and doing tons of tests, I realized that monsters' elemental resistance for Fire, Elec, Cold, Poison AND Energy DO NOT WORK. At all.
Only their physical resistance and magic resistance works. Magic resistance gives them a chance to outright evade all your spells, at 100 they are 100% immune.
Values go from 0 to 100 (in hex this is 0x64)
No matter what, all 5 values always act like they are close to 30 (maybe...hard to say), They all have a chance to halve your spells even if it says 0,
but spells will always land and do some damage (as long as they don't evade it due to their Magic resistance score, which does work).

The best way to test it is in the dragon cave, Fire dragons are supposed to be immune to fire and 0 to everything else, ditto for Cold dragons (cold).
I just killed fire dragons using incinerate, and killed cold dragons using frostbite, cold ray and fantastic freeze.

I'm playing the floppy version. Can anyone here test it , preferably using the CD version?

I have both versions installed, but no save games for the CD version, and my floppy-version save files are incompatible to the CD version, the game doesn't recognize it.

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