Question on save files for HoMM3

The old Heroes games developed by New World Computing. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Question on save files for HoMM3

Unread postby Hobbun » 12 May 2023, 14:50

I re-installed HoMM3 yesterday for the first time in a long time, this time with HotA. Started over with RoE and found it odd my manual save was with my CGM files. I honestly didn't know what they were at first as I never ran into that the last time I played this game. When I finally looked it up today, I realized they were the progress files for your game.

When I tried reloading my save this morning, my save was from the very beginning of the scenario. I finally realized I must have switched from the scenario, Homecoming, (showing the Auto-Save, Battle save and manual save) at some point and began saving with the CGM files. So I switched over and started saving in the Homecoming scenario folder again.

However, for whatever reason, now whenever I save, it defaults to the CGM folder. I know all I need to do is click over, but is there a way for the save to default to the main scenario folder (Homecoming)?

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