Horn of the Abyss third campaign (Frontier) issue

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Horn of the Abyss third campaign (Frontier) issue

Unread postby cjleeagain » 14 Apr 2023, 04:11

Hi Everyone

I seem to have run into a problem.

I played HOTA campaign long ago, and don't remember it clearly now. I just replayed the third campaign, map 1. It's called Frontier, where Jeremy is supposed to find the Guiding Star by visiting all the obelisks.

There are a bunch of seers (and barriers) which require artifacts to pass. I need Amulet of the Undertaker, Shaman Puppet, Demon Horseshoe, Clover of Fortune and Ambassador's Sash.

But I've already killed all the enemy heroes on the surface and conquered everyone. (I haven't attacked Red Faction underground yet.)

When I played this long time ago, I remember I got the Shackles of War and managed to pin down and destroy every single enemy hero. But in this playthrough, I didn't get the Shackles of War early enough (it's located on an island). I attacked the enemy quickly and their heroes fled several times. I think I won without killing their two most powerful heroes.

Now I have a lot of unfulfilled quests. Anybody remember if I'm supposed to go underground first and eliminate Red before I get all the artifacts? I seem to remember that I finished all surface quests and released all necessary heroes before I went underground.

I have to ask this because the underground is a one way portal. The only way to come back up is to defeat Red, who is very strong.
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Re: Horn of the Abyss third campaign (Frontier) issue

Unread postby lin_shadow » 25 Sep 2023, 22:12

You can actually just destroy all the enemies and win. Because the victory conditions are "build a structure OR destroy all enemies".

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