MMMerge Convergence and "debalance" submods for Revamp release

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
surfin' bird
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Joined: 11 Apr 2023

MMMerge Convergence and "debalance" submods for Revamp release

Unread postby surfin' bird » 11 Apr 2023, 15:05

Hello everyone, It's my first post here as I decided to release my personal tweaks to merge, mostly because I don't see currently many submods to choose from.

All of those mods are for 08-2022 revamp build, these mods might not work with newer version, or invalidate any changes done to the merge.

Anyone is free to edit and release these mods in edited form. If you do so, just please don't forget to give credits to Echo, original author of Convergence module - link to the original mod.

Now with formalities done, let's get to the meaty part. All mods are split into 4 modules, to give little bit flexibility in changes to pick from. Obviously they are all compatible with each other, but they synergize better with all modules installed. My custom mods are called "debalance", because I made them with more of a custom challenge in mind, only later on I decided to "tidy them up a bit" and release them in public.
For example xp tweaks done to the monster make more sense for anyone using Convergence. Other example is player being able to make up for increased spell cost from spell module if using alchemy rework

Download links
Download just 1 from mods bellow! Installation: You might want to backup Data/Tables folder, as some of those modules overwrite some of those files. Just simply unpack archives in your MM root folder and let it overwrite .txt files. To uninstall simply remove installed .Lod archives and revert to old Tables folder.

One revamp script is overwritten by spell module too, but it also contains bugfix along with cost raise for reanimate PC spell cost. Backup also Scripts/General/ZombiePlayers.lua script if you want to possibly revert it to old one.

If you need to contact me, fastest way is propably to do so directly on Might and Magic discord, you can find me there under same name as here.

Convergece for Revamp
This release allows to complete tier 1 promotion quests in MM8, while benefiting from map edits done by original mod, also it contains some new enemy group and more peasant variancy, all spread out in relatively lore friendly manner. Mod also replaces previously neutral mobs from mm7 placed on map. Use of Bootleg Hostility Fix is not recommended, but only for sake of MM7 content.

Some promotion quests objectives have been slightly moved arround, so please don't freak out if you can't find it in previous spot, it's still present in same area :wall: please note that in current release berserker class promotion seems to be broken, this mod makes no changes to that and I advice against using that class in current release.
Also worth noting that monster factions haven't been edited, so some newly added monsters might not be attacked by city guard and as in original mod - expect slight increase in overall game difficulty.

Oh also some maps had bugged tiles for me (gog version, without any graphic mods), I "fixed" the issue by replacing them. Less ugly edges or miscolored tiles are present on exterior maps overall. Get used to new shadowspire

To install just drop file into your merge data directory and let it overwrite original file.
Compatible with any mod that edit monster spawns number/tweak stats.

Few samples of new additions:

Alchemy debalance
Alchemy module

In general alchemy is stronger and all ingriedients are way more chaotic. T1 red ingriedient is no longer copy of T1 yellow one etc. General principle of this mini rework is to make late game alchemy viable supportive tools by doing these things:

  • Making black potions harder to get and more expensive. To achive this black potion is no longer possible to find in alchemy shops. They can be still found in magician shops, but prices in highest class magician shops should be roughly 3x time as high now. It gives some more use to merchant GM, but even then getting all set of black potions for whole party might be troublesome.
  • Making alchemy restorative properties competetive with magic. In general one point of skill magic (spirit share/heal) equals to 5 heal points each cast. How often do you cast these spells compared to chogging potions? If we put aside modifiers to base skills (which magic skills also get), alchemy provide 5 points per power IF you use white potion which is bit harder to get by than few seconds of passive magic regeneration. It might be useful for magic, but less so for health. These tweaks won't fix alchemy skill itself, but give it huge headstart making it really potent early game but also to give player option to have burst resource restoration in late game.
  • Optional change to class skills makes distinction between alchemy "Grand Masters" and "Masters" by doing one dirty thing... removing master from non GM classes. It might be bit controversial, but this way alchemy GM finally mean something. And to those who refuse to pick class with alchemy GM (druid by default), base red and blue potions should be strong enough option to be almost as good, while way more conveniant to get in bigger number... not to mention ease of telling those potions apart :)
The changes to ingriedients are:
-Red ingriedients for example cost start arround 1g/power +10g. Power of t1 berries is at 25, meaning that power 25 red potion restores 35hp compared to vanilla 11hp from same ingriedient. Red potion made from phoenix feather is as good as high power white health potion in some cases. Gog blood or dragon eyes should be treated as "snake oil" - more of an good for sale than efficent alchemical reagent.
-Blue ingriedients cost is much higher, starting at 5g/power. Some high power ones actually aren't that hard to get, but combined with my spell rework, player might need way more magic to spam potent utility spells.
-Yellow ones are in bit odd spot in base game. In this rework they are meant to be cheaper "power boost" of average potion power while creating white potions. Using strong yellow ingriedients can be good substitute to using philosopher's stone catalyst, while also give a reason to hunt for certain monsters.
-Catalysts. Tier 1 catalysts have only one clean purpose - to buff shop potions. I suppose it could be made more useful. Other higher tier catalysts are quite pricy and player can get full value from them, only if using them on white or specific black potions.

Spellbooks cost is roughly 10x times as high. Firebolt and other basic spells cost 1000 or more, with high tier ones getting close to 100 000 gold. There is also some minor tweaks to some master level scroll costs, but only few strongest ones.

Other changes in this mod:
NPC proffesions:
-Spell casting services cost now way more gold upfront. some % cuts are also raised, some lowered. Changes were mostly made with complementing spell cost change in mind, also with PC ressurrections being slightly more restrictive.
-Bankers now generate 20% more gold at only 5% cut, but cost now 100 000 gold, being more of an long term investment. Factors remain mostly as they were with only slight cost increase. I belive this change make for more interesting choice than "0,5 of banker" and full banker hireling choice.
-Many values for many other NPCs slightly tweaked. 1% of cut does not always represent 100 gold upfront now.

Class skills: revamp raised initial skill limits to usual master rank for first promotion to counter the fact that player might be stuck without promotion. this file mostly reverses that change, so it's up to the player whether he wants such limitation or not.

-Without promotion classes can only reach expert at skill. 1st promotion allows master and 2nd GM.
-Blaster masteries has been removed. Priest classes can reach only Master at merchant, making it dark elf exclusive. Some nerfs to utility misc skills for dragon class. Also few small changes to learning skill.
-Alchemy is removed one step down, with exception of druid (so M->E. E->B and B->0)

-Level training at lower levels is more costly. Costs are roughly doubled, but highest level training grounds are about same cost (except avlee, fk avlee!)
-Some other "evil" temples will zombify dead PC. While not techinically evil, temple on dagger wound's islands is also included :disagree: . I was also experimenting with hardmode temple service cost, rising it by 500x or so, but this change isn't applied here, so enjoy vanilla 50 gold res scratch that, see bellow
-Temples services cost is 10 times higher for most temples. :canthear:

-"pale female necromancer" race has been changed from human to vampire

Spells debalance

General changes:
  • You can check spell delay values by reading number in description followed by * sign. See screenshot bellow
  • Curse status causes 25% of spells to fail, down from 50% :-D
  • All resistance spells, including day of protection have resistance values lowered to 1-2 resistances/skillpoint and cost increased.
  • Most of buffs have higer cost. basic magic spells like torch light/stun/wizard's eye etc still remain cheap. Damaging spells are bit more cost efficent too.
  • Stat buffs are nerfed to more reasonable scaling in order to prevent player from reaching 500 attributes cap too soon.
  • Most potent status removal spells, like ressurection or stone to flesh have much longer cooldown. Some of those effects can't be cured indefinetly with just spell and might need use of potion or temple visit if ignored for too long.
  • Most elemental magic spells have been given better scaling and lower base damage to even that out. Change mostly aimed at lvl 100+ parties.
  • It's better to prevent than cure. Spells like ressurrection or stone to flesh put your caster for quite long cooldown, either take it slow or come back better prepared for such encounters
  • Some weaker GM spells are buffed to be more appropriate given skill requirement and new cost(alchemy module only)
Power creep from completing multiple continents or bolstering causes quite many changes to game balance. Most of those changes are aimed to "catchup" with those core game changes done by merge, but they also make quite substantial changes to way some combat might play out. To explain each change I would propably need to import most of spells description here.

As a bonus:
-Fix to "zombie dragon" bug. Previously zombified dragon would get stuck with dead status, even with positive health.
-Zombified dragon portrait has been changed to skeletal from ghostly dragon. imo that one is more fitting


Monster debalance

There is too many changes for me to note them all, but in general sleeping in dangerous places is more likely to be interrupted. Dangerous enemies like titans and dragons are kept low in number, but swarming enemies like troglodytes can be few times as numerous. To account for that bolster formula have been slightly tweaked, but it's not recommended to go for high multiplier value. Some places like elemental planes will require proper preparation now. I won't spoil, but some enemy types have been completely swapped where appropriate. Generally in term of difficulty treat it as 2x spawn mod.

Monster stats tweaks:
This is going to be controversial, but some enemies are added insta "gitgud" effects. I won't spoil who does what, but for example genies can cast varying strange spells. Usually if some monster was added new ability, it's mostly T3 one which you need to worry about. Use spells like slow or blind effect to keep them in check and if needed retreat to come back prepared.

Some examples:
  • Elder vampires can cast haste spell and beloved finger of death. Finger of death though is casted at very low frequency.
  • Other "beloved" spell is rock blast, cyclops now cast those too. enjoy.
  • Trolls should be able to heal sometimes now.
Not every single monster is edited, but those which received buff are usually giving now more exp.
Speaking of xp, there are 3 versions of mod modifying xp gain 100%/50%/25%. With 3 continents to explore I recommend using either 50% or 25% version, depending how much of a struggle you want. Quest xp remain the same and it will propably remain as main source of xp early game.

Oh also word of advice - watch out for ghouls early game. barrows aren't exactly safest place to be now and don't go too deep unprepared.

Bolster - monsters:
  • Some T3 monsters now summon other when bolstering takes effect, like vampires summoning bats
  • "Swarm" monsters like troglodytes, gogs etc have slightly lower max %hp bolster cap, resulting in less bloated numbers on higher boltser multiplier. Mostly done to allow more sane hp values for higher spawn rates provided with modded map spawn settings.
Bolster - formulas:
  • AC and damage now scales lower per tier (that elite variations like troglodyte/troglodyte warrior/queen etc). Scaling per tier went down from 100%/200%/300% to 100%/133%/166%. It's arguable whether AC should scale at all, atm bolstering is simply AC multiplier depending on monster rank and bolstering setting.
  • Health scaling should happen earlier for high level monsters. It's still not ideal, but it should make more rare situations where medium level monster > high level one.
    In general bolstering numbers can go crazy at higher level and player doesn't have much tool to catchup at some point. I advice against using high bolster multiplier. Keep in mind that value above 100% gets exponentially higher (200% ~ gets us about 10 times 100% values in some cases)

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the beavers1
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Re: MMMerge Convergence and "debalance" submods for Revamp release

Unread postby the beavers1 » 12 Apr 2023, 23:40

Im gonna have to try these out, good work!
"Rot in Hell You Penny Pinching Miser!"

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Re: MMMerge Convergence and "debalance" submods for Revamp release

Unread postby Therval » 16 Jun 2023, 08:05

Great! I will definitely try it!
basket random

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