A Wizard's Dream

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A Wizard's Dream

Unread postby Groovy » 03 Mar 2023, 03:15

Inspired by cjlee's post, I thought I'd mention that my novel A Wizard's Dream has also been released recently.

On the surface, it's a standalone work of epic fantasy, and can be read that way.

Digging deeper, it uses a fantastical setting to explores themes from depth psychology - visiting the Underworld to reclaim the splintered fragments of one's psyche, learning to live on the border between order and chaos, undergoing moulting and chrysalis transformations (as per the work of depth psychologist Bill Plotkin), and so on.

The world that the story takes place in has been personified. The land herself, and her every part, has emotions, motivation and agency. You will find masculine mountains and feminine rivers in a living land whose awakening is interconnected with that of the main protagonist.

More information, including a trailer, can be found at the Fandom wiki:
https://a-wizards-dream.fandom.com/wiki ... Dream_Wiki

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Joined: 22 Mar 2023

Re: A Wizard's Dream

Unread postby mayo72218 » 22 Mar 2023, 06:43

This is a great piece of work. "The Magic of the Wizard's Dream" begins light and soft, and rises to a triumphant climax. Christopher Lee (one of the greatest actors of all time) is superb as he showcases his wonderful singing abilities. I would highly recommend this album to anyone! Vampire Survivors

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