Might and Magic VI remake concept video

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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Might and Magic VI remake concept video

Unread postby Strobe » 12 Feb 2023, 21:01

Hello guys!

Sorry for opening a whole topic for this, but I wanted to share my experiments with AI image generating. :)
I made a video of how MM6 would look like on Unreal Engine 5, and im pretty satisfied with the results. :D
It really gives the imagination a ride, of how cool the game would be on modern settings.
Since its impossible we ever get something like that, I give you the closest experience to this.

Link to the video:

If any of you have request to do other episodes too, I'd be more than glad to do it. Please, if you liked my work, leave a like and sub.
This is one of my new YT channels, which will only have concept videos like this. So if you enjoy these stuff, definitely follow the channel!

Thanks guys, have a nice weekend! :tsup:

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Re: Might and Magic VI remake concept video

Unread postby chainermike » 15 Feb 2023, 05:37

What model are you using? I've been getting great results with protogen 3.4 for upresing sprites for my MM6 VRChat world, still takes some work to get something serviceable.

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Re: Might and Magic VI remake concept video

Unread postby Strobe » 15 Feb 2023, 15:05

Im using Playground AI, these are just images. I regenerated every material on every obejct in the pictures with prompts. Then upscale, then generate more variants. It took me 2-3 days, especially because not every perspective is good for this technique. Can you show some pics from your project? Sounds interesting!


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Re: Might and Magic VI remake concept video

Unread postby chainermike » 16 Feb 2023, 12:40

I've heard of playground but never used it, I use Automatic1111 webui as it allows so much more control and customization. While I've not used too much AI upscaling in my project, it still gives it a fresh feel to some areas.
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ ... rbox=false
Mostly what I've enjoyed about it is the unsegmented map and dungeon lighting that has taken me ages to tweak.
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ ... rbox=false
It's available to play, I update weekly(ish). https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_627d ... d32521ba8a

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Re: Might and Magic VI remake concept video

Unread postby Strobe » 16 Feb 2023, 17:41

Thats really effective too, I love it! So far what I learned of different AI’s, is that most of them are good for different usages. While Playground is fantastic in such cases, midjourney can’t do something like that. And midjourney is amazing in creating logos, concept arts and etc, playground not good for that. That’s the beauty of these technologies, and also good prompt usage needs a learning curve to master it.

Glad to see im not the only one making these concept images for MM.

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Re: Might and Magic VI remake concept video

Unread postby vladimir-maestro » 17 Feb 2023, 17:07

looks cool
You can contact me here:
vladud @ yandex.ru - preferred one
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