You can get the Might & Magic books (and others) from Geary Gravel himself, if you want them.

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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Joined: 04 Jan 2023

You can get the Might & Magic books (and others) from Geary Gravel himself, if you want them.

Unread postby RobertZenz » 03 Feb 2023, 11:28

I enjoyed The Dreamwright and The Shadowsmith very much, so I also wanted to get Geary Gravels other books as well. Turns out they are quite hard to get by, especially in Europe. In another topic here in this forum there was the offer mentioned to get books directly from Geary Gravel himself, curious if that offer is still valid I managed to get a hold of Geary through LinkedIn. Turns out it is still valid!



He offers them for ten or so dollars (depending on the book) plus postage, you can even have them signed. If anyone is interested, I'll happily hand out his contact email through PM (as I'm a little bit wary regarding spam), and I guess anyone who has received it can also pass it on. If everything fails, you can reach him through LinkedIn directly.

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