Short News 23' Jan 29

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Short News 23' Jan 29

Unread postby {CH}ArticleBot » 29 Jan 2023, 18:13

Uh, as always, a lots happened from the Christmas. Let me to cover it briefly. Image

fheroes2 1.0 (New engine for Heroes 2)

Free Heroes (fheroes2) reached it's milestone, version 1.0. You can scan our thread, their git page or wiki or peek in the features and enhancements summary page.. From me that's a big congratulation and completely different game. Which I love, same like I loved Free Civilisation or Heroes3. You need the base game or demo to install it on the top. 

What it can do:

  • multi-screen support
  • fullscreen mode with high DPI
  • enhanced AI
  • algorithmically generated and translated buttons to support any language
  • reworked HotKeys

Future plans are also splendid:

  • release the Android version
  • Editor
  • MultiPlayer
  • Independet Expansion


Heroes 5.5 RC17c (tinypatch 2 :D)

Very prolific magnomagus released another version. This is balance update and bugs fixing release. Overall this version seems to be pretty matured. All changes and download summarized here. Patches need to be downloaded separatedly. Full support of original campaign.
tinypatch2 (c) - Just replace the file in data folder


Heroes 7.5

Seems to add Xel and Temple towns but you need to download it again as a whole. Version 1.3 shall be installed on the top of ultimate version 1.28. Which seems like whooping 12GB all together. Part of Super long list of changes can be read here (for 1.3), if you are playing Heroes 7 just try it. (Mod is aimed for SP only. And it's one of best mods, not only graphically speaking. Though, it's not the sole one.. )

Master of Magic from Microprose MuHa Games

is growing up well. So no remorses, apart from price tag. Latest version is 1.06.25, the game speeded up. And number of mods is going to be numerous. Want to specify rewards from lairs? Add new spells? Apply balance patches? Everything is here. :)

VCMI 1.1

That's right folks. If you missed it, VCMI passed 1.0 milestone and continues forward. VCMI is another engine to Heroes 3, so its goal are a bit similart to what are for "fheroes2". New engine means, that you need base game and you can play it. It's featuring its own map editor. Android version and much more features.

We want to rewrite the entire H3 engine (VCMI is NOT another mod) giving it new possibilities. Years of intensive work resulted in creating application with impressive amount of features. Among current features are:

  • Complete gameplay mechanics
  • Almost all objects, abilities, spells and other content
  • Basic battle AI and adventure AI
  • Many GUI improvements: high resolutions, stack queue, creature window
  • Advanced and easy mod support - add new towns, creatures, heroes, artifacts and spells without limits or conflicts
  • Launcher for easy configuration - download mods from our server and install them immediatelly!
  • Random map generator that supports objects added by mods
  • Linux, macOS and Android ports
  • VCMI is an open-source project licensed under GNU GPL 2.0 or later.

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