Heroes 4 Enhancement Mod 1.1

The old Heroes games developed by New World Computing. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Joined: 19 Dec 2022

Heroes 4 Enhancement Mod 1.1

Unread postby Albyx » 23 Dec 2022, 13:34

Heroes 4 Enhancement Mod (H4EM) introduces:
  1. Town conversion by heroes with Grandmaster Nobility skill.
  2. New buildings for Might, Nature, Chaos and Order.
  3. New creature abilities.
  4. Some advanced classes reworks, like Warlord, Guildmaster etc.
  5. AI improvements.
and more!

This mod doesn't completely reimagine Heroes 4, it builds on original game ideas and mechanics, enhancing them. H4EM is more PvE oriented, but it also takes some changes from Equilibris, for example mass spells for creature spellcasters.

H4EM uses the latest version of H4 Modding System (H4MS) made by RoseKavalier, which allows running chosen plugins and mods using one executable. This means you can have all H4MS-based mods installed in the same folder and choose which combination of them to run!
Another level of customization is also present in H4EM itself. You can choose what changes should be applied by editing the "Plugins/H4EM/h4em_options.json" file, that contains main mod options, affecting game mechanics.
For descriptions of all possible configuration options check "H4EM_configuration_guide.txt" that comes with H4EM. I recommend trying default settings at first :)

H4EM can be installed in the same folder with Equilibris, but it may break Ultimate Mod v7 and earlier.

Mod is available at ModDB.com (full changelog is also there in description):
https://www.moddb.com/mods/heroes-4-enh ... t-mod-v110

Link to H4EM HeroesCommunity topic: http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=47470
Link to H4EM discord server: https://discord.gg/Vprwaq8pXQ



H4EM 1.1.0 CHANGES (Compared to H4EM 1.0.1)

--- H4EM AI Module (H4EMAI) ---
New module of H4EM that includes lots of AI improvements, both from H4EM 1.0 and completely new ones!

H4EMAI allows configuration of AI bonuses with Difficulty profiles, currently possible bonuses are:
- Additional vision range for AI armies.
- Additional daily resources bonus (also possible to give AI infinite resources).
- Additional daily experience bonus for heroes controlled by AI player.
- Additional daily adventure movement bonus for AI armies.
- Enable usage of Immortality potions.
Difficulty profile may include all options listed above and even more for every difficulty level.
More information can be found in H4EMAI_documentation.pdf.

--- Interface changes ---
- Movement values displayed in combat changed to represent how many tiles (instead of rounded down "yards") creature can pass.

--- Skills ---

- Combat movement bonus (values are given in tiles) 3/4.5/6/7.5/9 -> 4/5/6/8/10.

- Master Necromancy: requires Advanced Death Magic -> requires Expert Death Magic.
- Grandmaster Necromancy: requires Expert Death Magic -> requires Master Death Magic.

- Spell damage bonus 20/40/60/80/100 % -> 30/60/90/120/150 %.
- Master Sorcery: requires Advanced Chaos Magic -> requires Expert Chaos Magic.
- Grandmaster Sorcery: requires Expert Chaos Magic -> requires Master Chaos Magic.

- Summoned experience 10/20/30/40/50 -> 15/30/45/60/80.

--- Classes ---
- Prophet: Spiritual armor bonus removed. When casting healing spell on creature, use 25% of excess healing to resurrect dead creatures.
- Beast Lord: now also learns "Summon White tiger" spell. "Summon White tiger" doesn't require Advanced Nature Magic to be used by Beast Lord.

--- Spells ---

Life magic:
- Retribution: level 2 -> 1, now gets bonus damage from Sorcery.

Order magic:
- Town gate: level 3 -> 5.

Death magic:
- Sacrifice: summoned or raised creatures can be sacrificed.

Chaos magic:
- Fire aura: now gets bonus damage from Sorcery.
- Armageddon: damage 40 -> 80, damage increase per level 4 -> 8. Now is a fire spell.
- Acid: now reduces max HP by 25% and received healing or resurrection by 75%. Renamed to "Corruption".

Nature magic:
- All summoning level 1 spells: increase per level 3 -> 4.
- Quicksand: length 20 -> 15.
- New level 5 spell: Summon gargantuans.
- Summon imps: summoned imps can't be dispelled like illusions.

--- Creature abilities ---
- Block: creature has 40% to block a hit. It will block at least once every 3 hits, but can't block 3 times in a row (something similar to H5 ghosts).
- Acid: renamed to Corruption because of change in Acid spell name and effect.
- Poison: if effect of poison applied by this attack is stronger than effect on already poisoned target, stronger poison is applied.
- New ability: Terrain walk. Creature ignores terrain penalties in combat (including quicksand).
- New ability: Strikes and shoots twice.
- New ability: Invulnerable. Creature resurrects loses at the start of it's turn (power of resurrection = 10% of current stack HP).

--- Life ---
- Squire: growth 21 -> 24.
- Ballista: defense 16 -> 14, cost 190 -> 195.
- Crusader: movement 22 -> 20.
- Monk: movement 22 -> 20.
- Champion: movement 30 -> 34, speed 6 -> 7.

--- Order ---
- Gold golem: cost 240 -> 250.
- Mage: cost 160 -> 170.
- Genie: defense 18 -> 16, cost 660 -> 700.
- Dragon golem: gets "Terrain walk" ability.
- Titan: movement 30 -> 24 (they got 30 movement in EM 1.0 by accident).

- Order library: gold 2500, wood 2, ore 2, all rare resources 1 -> only gems 4.
- Golem factory: gold 3000, ore 6 -> 8.
- Golden pavilion: gold 6500, wood 8, ore 8, crystal 4 -> 6.
- Dragon factory: gold 12000 -> 14000, wood 12, ore 26, all rare resources 3.

--- Death ---
- Vampire: attack 27 -> 25, defense 27 -> 25, movement 30 -> 36, cost 1100 -> 1200.
- Venom spawn: attack 26 -> 24, movement 26 -> 24, experience 201 -> 221. "Acid attack" ability changed to "Corrupting attack".
- Devil: damage 34-50 -> 35-60, experience 614 -> 621.

- Zombie: gets "Invulnerable" ability.

- Barrow mound: gold 3250, crystal 3 -> 4.
- Dragon graveyard: also requires Magic guild level 2.
- Temple of the damned: also requires Magic guild level 2.

--- Chaos ---
- Dragon cave: also requires Magic guild level 2.

--- Nature ---
- Gargantuan: damage 24-40 -> 16-28, defense 28 -> 26, shots 12 -> 10. Gets "Two melee attacks" in addition to "Shoots twice" (United in one "Strikes and shoots twice" ability).

--- Might ---
- War institute: requires Fort.

--- H4EM Campaign Editor ---
- Added possibility to convert town using "Construct Building" script. If town has no governor, it is converted to the faction of the player who owns it.

--- Fixes ---
- Fixed bandits giving stealth to the whole army.
- Fixed AI getting "Immortality" on creatures.
- Fixed descriptions of "Cloak of Distraction", "Greatsword", "Dragonscale Shield", "Logbook of the Master Sailor" artifacts.
- Rephrased descriptions of "Demonary" and "Ring of the Elementals" artifacts to represent additive nature of their bonuses.
- Changed descriptions of spells and artifacts to represent area or movement effects in tiles instead of yards.
- Fixed description of "Taxpayer" ability.
- Fixed crashes.


Heroes 4 Enhancement Mod (H4EM) can be installed in the same folder with the base game or with other mods thanks to RoseKavaliers' H4 Modding System.
Note: MAY BREAK HEROES 4 ULTIMATE MOD v7.2 or earlier !!!

It is still recommended to store saves made in H4EM separately from other saves, or at least to mark in their title that they are from this mod.
Loading H4EM saves in original game may cause crashes or different bugs.
Original saves loaded in H4EM don't crash and are generally playable, but some mod-exclusive mechanics may work incorrectly.

To ensure everything will work, you need to start a new game and make saves/loads only on modded version !!!

--- AI changes ---
- H4EMAI 0.3 is introduced, adding extra customization options for AI on every difficulty level (see H4EMAI_documentation.pdf for details):
1. AI now hires creatures from creature portal.
2. AI now uses immortality potions with heroes.
3. Extra resources, experience, movement etc for AI.

--- Interface changes ---
- Movement values displayed in combat changed to represent how many tiles (instead of rounded down "yards") creature can pass.

--- Skills ---
- Combat movement bonus (value is given in tiles) 3/4.5/6/7.5/9 -> 4/5/6/8/10.

- Grandmaster Nobility allows to build twice a turn in the goverened town.
- Grandmaster Nobility allows to REBUILD goverened town to the faction of the lord:
Cost: gold 15000, wood 30, ore 30, crystal 10, sulfur 10, mercury 10, gems 10.
Almost all buildings are demolished. Unhired creatures in dwellings and creature portal are gone. Spells in magic guild are reset.
! Town screen pictures refresh only after you exit the town and enter it again.

- Master Necromancy: requires Advanced Death Magic -> requires Expert Death Magic.
- Grandmaster Necromancy: requires Expert Death Magic -> requires Master Death Magic.

- Spell damage bonus 20/40/60/80/100 % -> 30/60/90/120/150 %.
- Master Sorcery: requires Advanced Chaos Magic -> requires Expert Chaos Magic.
- Grandmaster Sorcery: requires Expert Chaos Magic -> requires Master Chaos Magic.

- Summoned experience 10/20/30/40/50 -> 15/30/45/60/80.

--- Classes ---
- Ranger: Saves up to 15 movement points for the army after retreating from combat.
- Dark Lord: Evil transformer in town governed by this hero transforms level 1 creatures into skeletons in 1 to 1 ratio.
- Warlord: Attack bonus removed. +50% growth of level 1 creatures in governed town.
- Guildmaster: Stun bonus removed. +50% growth of level 2 creatures in governed town.
- Ninja: Poison bonus removed. Casts random harmful spell on attack.
- Seer: Vision bonus +2 -> +3.
- Prophet: Spiritual armor bonus removed. When casting healing spell on creature, use 25% of excess healing to resurrect dead creatures.
- Beast Lord: now also learns "Summon white tiger" spell. "Summon white tiger" doesn't require Advanced Nature Magic to be used by Beast Lord.

--- Artifacts ---
- Cloak of Distraction: Old useless bonus removed. Gives +1 to Stealth skill (does nothing if hero has GM Stealth).

--- Creature abilities ---
- Block: creature has 40% to block a hit. It will block at least once every 3 hits, but can't block 3 times in a row (something similar to H5 ghosts).
- Acid: renamed to Corruption because of change in Acid spell name and effect.
- Poison: if effect of poison applied by this attack is stronger than effect on already poisoned target, stronger poison is applied.

- New ability: Positive Morale. This creature's morale can't get lower than +2. It is also immune to Sorrow and Despair spells.
- New ability: Corruption. This creature's attack reduces target HP by 25% and applied healing or resurrecting effects by 75%.
- New ability: Tactical retreat. This creature can retreat from battlefield together with your heroes or on their own.
- New ability: Gate Destroyer. This creature deals full damage to the castle gates.
- New ability: Terrain walk. Creature ignores terrain penalties in combat (including quicksand).
- New ability: Strikes and shoots twice.
- New ability: Invulnerable. Creature resurrects loses at the start of it's turn (power of resurrection = 10% of current stack HP).

--- All towns ---
- Spellcaster creatures can cast mass versions of spells if there are more than 5 weekly growths of them.

- Town hall: wood 10 -> 5, ore 10 -> 5.
- City hall: instead of 5 crystals and 5 gems now requires 5 faction resources.
- Citadel: gold 7500 -> 3000, wood 10 -> 5, ore 10 -> 5.
- Castle: gold 7500 -> 4500, wood 10, ore 10.
- Caravan: gold 4000 -> 3000, wood 10, ore 0 -> 2.
- Magic guild: now also requires resources of friendly factions, faction resource cost doubled.
- Libraries: faction resource cost doubled.

--- Life ---
- Crossbowman: movement 18 -> 20, shots 10 -> 15.
- Squire: movement 18 -> 20, growth 21 -> 24.
- Pikeman: defense 14 -> 16, movement 18 -> 20.
- Ballista: defense 16 -> 14, movement 8 -> 11, cost 190 -> 195. Gets "Giant Slayer" ability.
- Crusader: hp 65 -> 75, movement 18 -> 20, growth 5 -> 6.
- Monk: movement 18 -> 20, cost 550 -> 600, loses "Death ward" ability. Can cast "Death ward" and "Chaos ward".
- Champion: movement 30 -> 34, speed 6 -> 7.

- Guardhouse: Doesn't require Tavern.
- Stables: gold 2750 -> 2500, wood 10 -> 12.

--- Order ---
- Dwarf: attack 11 -> 10, defense 13 -> 14.
- Halfling: shots 10 -> 15.
- Mage: spell power 24 -> 32, mana 16 -> 18, movement 18 -> 20, cost 160 -> 170. Gets "Precision" spell.
- Gold golem: damage 8-12 -> 10-12, movement 18 -> 20, cost 240 -> 250.
- Genie: defense 18 -> 16, movement 30 -> 28, spell power 45 -> 38, growth 6 -> 5, cost 550 -> 700, exp 105 -> 120.
- Naga: movement 20 -> 28, exp 157 -> 175, gets "Three headed attack" ability.
- Dragon golem: damage 36-55 -> 42-55, movement 36 -> 38. Gets "Terrain walk" ability.

- NEW BUILDING Order Library:
Adds 1 extra order spell on every level of magic guild,
Requires level 1 magic guild,
Cost: gold 2500, wood 2, ore 2, gems 4.

- Golem factory: gold 3000, ore 6 -> 8.
- Mage tower: requires Order Library.
- Golden pavilion: gold 6250 -> 6500, crystal 4 -> 6, doesn't require Treasury.
- Altar of wishes: crystal 0 -> 6.
- Dragon factory: gold 14000, ore 30 -> 26, crystal 4 -> 3, sulfur 4 -> 3, mercury 4 -> 3, gems 4 -> 3.
- Treasury: gold 6000 -> 1500, wood 5 -> 2, ore 10 -> 2, crystal 0 -> 1, sulfur 0 -> 1, mercury 0 -> 1, gems 0 -> 1.

--- Death ---
- Imp: damage 1-2 -> 1-3, defense 10 -> 9.
- Skeleton: hp 8 -> 10, movement 18 -> 20.
- Cerberus: damage 4-6 -> 4-8, movement 22 -> 26, speed 6 -> 7.
- Ghost: damage 2-4 -> 2-5, exp 33 -> 35.
- Vampire: attack 30 -> 25, defense 30 -> 25, movement 38 -> 36, exp 205 -> 260.
- Venom spawn: attack 26 -> 24, movement 18 -> 24, now is immune to "Poison" spell. Gets "Corruption" ability.
- Devil: damage 34-50 -> 35-60, experience 614 -> 621.

- Zombie: exp 10 -> 8, gets "Invulnerable" ability.
- Mummy: hp 30 -> 40, movement 18 -> 20, exp 39 -> 32.
- Ice demon: movement 18 -> 20.
- Dark champion: exp 1000 -> 900.

- Kennels: sulfur 1 -> 2.
- Barrow mound: gold 3250, crystal 3 -> 4.
- Mansion: gold 6250 -> 6500, wood 8 -> 10, crystal 8 -> 12, doesn't require Tavern.
- Dragon graveyard: also requires Magic guild level 2.
- Temple of the damned: also requires Magic guild level 2.

- Undead transformer:
Renamed to Evil transformer. Now transforms creatures into undead or demons:
1. Level 1-2 - transform into skeletons,
2. Level 3 - transform into ghosts or cerberi (depends on level 2 dwelling in this town),
3. Level 4 - transform into vampires or venom spawns (depends on level 3 dwelling in this town).
4. If there is no dwelling, transform into undead.
5. Dragons still transform into bone dragons.

--- Chaos ---
- Orc: hp 12 -> 14, damage 1-3 -> 2-3, movement 18 -> 22, gets "Ranged Stun" ability.
- Minotaur: attack 16 -> 19, defense 15 -> 18, movement 18 -> 22, growth 6 -> 7, cost 230 -> 210, gets "Positive morale" ability.
- Medusa: movement 18 -> 20.
- Efreet: cost 850 -> 800.
- Nightmare: mana 6 -> 10.
- Hydra: movement 22 -> 28.

- Troglodyte: hp 14 -> 15, damage 2-3 -> 2-4, attack 11 -> 12, movement 18 -> 20.
- Evil eye: movement 18 -> 20.
- Troll: hp 45 -> 50, attack 16 -> 14, defense 15 -> 20.
- Pirate: attack 11 -> 12, defense 9 -> 8, movement 18 -> 20.
- Goblin knight: exp 157 -> 180.

- NEW BUILDING Cave lair:
Daily spawns Trolls, Evil Eyes or Troglodytes in garrison of the town,
Requires Den of Thieves or Orc Towers,
Cost: gold 3000, ore 8, crystal 2.

- Statuary garden: mercury 0 -> 1.
- Labytinth: requires Thieves gauntlet -> Requires Battle academy.
- Black wood: wood 14 -> 12, mercury 5 -> 6.
- Hydra pond: wood 16 -> 12.
- Dragon cave: also requires Magic guild level 2.
- Thieves gauntlet: replaced with Cave lair.

--- Nature ---
- Sprite: exp 7 -> 8.
- Wolf: movement 22 -> 26, growth 15 -> 18, exp 11 -> 9.
- Elf: damage 3-4 -> 3-5, movement 18 -> 24, speed 6 -> 7, shots 24 -> 36.
- White tiger: damage 6-8 -> 6-10, attack 19 -> 20, defense 19 -> 20.
- Griffin: attack 19 -> 20, defense 19 -> 20, cost 800 -> 760.
- Unicorn: hp 80 -> 85, speed 6 -> 7.
- Faerie dragon: exp 612 -> 621.

- Leprechaun: movement 18 -> 20.
- Air elemental: exp 74 -> 77, gets "ignore first strike" ability.
- Earth elemental: damage 9-14 -> 10-15, hp 50 -> 60, exp 77 -> 74. Gets "stone skin" ability.
- Water elemental: hp 38 -> 30, speed 5 -> 3, movement 18 -> 20, exp 73 -> 77.
- Fire elemental: movement 20 -> 24.
- Waspwort: movement 8 -> 12.
- Gargantuan: damage 28-40 -> 16-28, attack 32 -> 26, defense 32 -> 26, speed 4 -> 3, shots 16 -> 10, exp 800 -> 614,
cost 2 crystals -> 2 mercury. Gets "Two melee attacks" in addition to "Shoots twice" (United in one "Strikes and shoots twice" ability).

- NEW BUILDING Adventurer's Guild:
Allows to hire Order and Death heroes in the tavern,
Requires Tavern,
Cost: gold 1000, wood 15.

- Unicorn glade: gold 6500 -> 6250.
- Blacksmith: gold 3500 -> 3000, wood 20 -> 10, ore 0 -> 4.
- Creature portal: Gargantuans are available (1.1 per week).
- Sacred grove: wood 4 -> 0, crystal 1 -> 3, gems 0 -> 3, mana +3 -> +12.

--- Might ---
- Centaur: growth 9 -> 10, cost 40 -> 35.
- Harpie: attack 16 -> 17, growth 8 -> 9, cost 110 -> 95.
- Nomad: attack 16 -> 18, defense 13 -> 14, gets "Can retreat from combat" ability.
- Cyclop: attack 30 -> 28, shots 8 -> 7.
- Ogre mage: attack 18 -> 20, defense 16 -> 18, movement 18 -> 24, mana 6 -> 8, exp 101 -> 120, gets "Sparks", "Speed" and "Snake strike" spells.
- Behemoth: movement 22 -> 28, gets "Gate destroyer" ability.
- Gnasher: gets "Charge" ability.

- NEW BUILDING War Institute:
University with Tactics, Combat, Scouting and Nobility skills,
Requires Fort,
Cost: gold 4500, wood 5, ore 5, crystal 1, sulfur 1, mercury 1, gems 1.

- Ogre fort: Doesn't require Tavern.
- Cyclops cave: ore 4 -> 6.
- Arena: wood 0 -> 3, ore 6 -> 3.
- Blacksmith: gold 5000 -> 3000, wood 12 -> 8, ore 12 -> 8.
- Breeding pit: wood 10 -> 15, ore 30 -> 25.

--- Spells ---
Life magic:
- Retribution: level 2 -> 1, now gets bonus damage from Sorcery.

Order magic:
- Town gate: level 3 -> 5.

Death magic:
- Sacrifice: summoned or raised creatures can be sacrificed.

Chaos magic:
- Fire aura: now gets bonus damage from Sorcery.
- Armageddon: damage 40 -> 80, damage increase per level 4 -> 8. Now is a fire spell.
- Acid: now reduces max HP by 25% and received healing or resurrection by 75%. Renamed to "Corruption".

Nature magic:
- Summoning creatures to existing stack also restores shots.
- All summoning level 1 spells: increase per level 3 -> 4.
- Quicksand: length 20 -> 15.
- Summon imps: summoned imps can't be dispelled like illusions.

- New spell: Summon gargantuans (level 5).

--- Adventure Movement ---
- Adventure movement formula changed. It's "20 + 0.25 * base_movement" instead of "12 + 0.44 * base_movement".

--- Optional changes (turned off by default) ---
- Test variant of new necromancy, working as Undead Transformer:
Level 1-2 - transform into skeletons,
Level 3 - transform into ghosts,
Level 4 - transform into vampires,
Dragons - transform into bone dragons.

Basic Necromancy: Level 1 creatures can be raised as undead after battle. Level 2 and above creatures can't be raised at all.
Advanced Necromancy: Level 1 and 2 creatures can be raised as undead after battle. Level 3 and above creatures can't be raised at all.
Expert Necromancy: Level 1-3 creatures can be raised as undead after battle. Level 4 creatures can't be raised at all.
Master Necromancy: Level 1-3 creatures can be raised as undead after battle. Level 4 creatures can't be raised at all.
Grandmaster Necromancy: Level 1-4 creatures can be raised as undead after battle.

Note: Necromancy window after battle shows only the strongest creature raised, although other creatures are raised and added to your army too.
- Undead transformer transforms creatures 1 to 1 (without exp restriction). For example, 1 imp turns into 1 skeleton.

--- Fixes ---
- Fixed incorrectly rounded attack and defense stats on creature recruitment screen.
- Fixed ranged attack value shown for non-ranged creatures in "Buy all creatures" screen (now displays 'N/A').
- Fixed "Buy all creatures" screen crash if 6 types of creatures can be purchased in non-nature town.
- Fixed descriptions of "Greatsword", "Dragonscale Shield", "Logbook of the Master Sailor" artifacts.
- Rephrased descriptions of "Demonary" and "Ring of the Elementals" artifacts to represent additive nature of their bonuses.
- Changed descriptions of spells and artifacts to represent area or movement effects in tiles instead of yards.

- Fixed free cast of "Armageddon" spell.
- Fixed "Armageddon" spell not triggering "Spell shackles" and "Mana leech" effects.
- Fixed "First strike" spells so they can't be applied on creatures with "First strike" ability.

- Fixed "Weakness" ability not working on Undead, Elemental or Mechanical enemies, although "Weakness" spell can be cast on them.

- Fixed collecting stat-boosting gems with dead hero.

--- Fixes by H4Zero ---
- Changed new skills offered when leveling up:
1. "Combat" skill is offered every 3 levels.
2. New skill will be offered once 4 skill points are invested into already learned skills (was 6).
- Fixed "Mass cancellation" spell destroying friendly illusions.
- "Steal enchantment" spell now can be resisted.
- Maximum attack/defense ratio 20 -> 10.
- "Hand of death" spell power is now affected by magic resistance.
- Fixed "Magic mirror" effect triggering after stack death.

--- H4EM Campaign Editor ---
- Added options to build/block new buildings added in mod.
- Added an option to block town conversion in specific town by ticking or blocking "Convert Town" in "Buildings" tab (blocking recommended).
- Added "Skills" tab for Might town to choose skills available in War Institute.

--- Known bugs ---
- After rebuilding town some buildings (like universities, evil transformer etc) can be used from the town screen, if it is not reopened.
- If you build in a newly converted town without reopening town screen (in this case old textures are still used for buildings), game may crash.
- Some buildings images are blurred (like tigers den).

- Automatic refreshment of town screen after rebuilding.
- Add new adventure objects like creature banks, fountains etc (maybe also Equilibris adventure objects support).
- Add new buildings to Death town.
- Add interesting Grail bonuses.
- Improve dead and imprisoned heroes mechanics.

Posts: 2
Joined: 19 Dec 2022

Re: Heroes 4 Enhancement Mod 1.1

Unread postby Albyx » 21 Feb 2023, 15:59

Heroes 4 Enhancement Mod AI Module (H4EMAI)
H4EMAI is a part of H4EM made into separate plugin for H4 Modding System that can be used separately from the main mod.
It allows to give AI various bonuses and configurations, such as:
  1. Daily experience for AI heroes.
  2. Daily movement bonus for AI armies.
  3. Daily resource bonus for AI.
  4. Usage of Immortality potions by AI heroes.
  5. Extra vision for AI armies.
  6. Usage of Creature Portal by AI (with possibility of adding custom strategies).
All these bonuses can be set for each difficulty level (Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert, Champion) differently, allowing for better customization. Even more, H4EMAI supports loading custom configuration for scenario map if it's specified in the map description.

H4EMAI v0.3 comes preinstalled with H4EM 1.1, details about configuration can be found in "H4EMAI_documentation.pdf" file.

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