HoMM7 Fan Manual or unit card

The game Might & Magic: Heroes VII, developed by Limbic Entertainment.
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HoMM7 Fan Manual or unit card

Unread postby Blake » 02 Mar 2022, 06:38

I'm guessing the answer is no as I haven't been able to find anything.. but is there a fan made manual/handbook for HoMM7 like what fans made for HoMM5 & 6?

Or maybe a fan made unit card?

Been trying to find something to complete my collection.

Blake's Sanctum - Heroes of Might & Magic: fan page containing pictures, vids, info, similar games & fan projects!

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Re: HoMM7 Fan Manual or unit card

Unread postby Blake » 05 Jun 2022, 09:16

Thanks to EvilP over at heroescommunity who has generated HoMM7 creature tables for his HoMM site I finally had something I could make a card out of!

Wasn't easy though as due to the massive size of the Neutral factions I had to juggle around and squeeze more factions onto one page (2x3 instead of 2x2) leaving extra space on the other so I was trying to think of ways to fill that space. In the end I went with a Heroes 7 cover poster! :)

So here they are, the printable HoMM7 unit cards. Far from perfect as the text is very small on an A4 page and I probably should have put some fancy borders on them but meh.. it's good enough for me haha!

(Click to expand)


This plus my printable HoMM6 cards and the official HoMM3 AB creature card I recently bought off ebay means I've finally completed my collection! :)

New additions (Click to expand)

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Blake's Sanctum - Heroes of Might & Magic: fan page containing pictures, vids, info, similar games & fan projects!

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