Upcoming Interview with David Mullich

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Upcoming Interview with David Mullich

Unread postby {CH}ArticleBot » 03 Feb 2022, 16:00

Upcoming interview with David Mullich

It's been quite some time since I last scheduled an interview for the Celestial Heavens YouTube, so it was about time to make it happen again! 

This time, I will be joined by none other than David Mullich, who was the producer of Heroes of Might and Magic III. He has worked on games spanning over three decades and for companies like EA and Disney! 
ImageI highly doubt any of you have missed out on who he is, afterall, he even has a Hero made after him in Heroes of Might and Magic III. 

Like always, we are interested to know whether you have any questions you would like us to ask David. Deadline for this is the 6th of February as we will hold the interview on the 7th. 

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Wizard of Soz
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Re: Upcoming Interview with David Mullich

Unread postby Wizard of Soz » 06 Feb 2022, 21:04

I have a lore question that has been in my nogin for a while! A lot of Heroes IV flavour text mention the Kreegans near extenction; Was this a species wide extinction facing the entire spacefaring race across the cosmos (thus meaning the Ancients are probably winning that long war) or was it just the ones from that Hiveship that went to Enroth? When you read some of the profiles that talk of a "Kreegan Empire" or Malustar the ancient demon coming from another realm to save his species, it suggests to me this is about the species in general, but then again would the inhabitants of Axeoth really know about the wider universe?

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