H5 TOE map tester(s) needed

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Galactic Gargle Blaster
Galactic Gargle Blaster
Posts: 42
Joined: 06 Jan 2006

H5 TOE map tester(s) needed

Unread postby Madaxe » 24 Oct 2021, 22:15

Hello all. A few months ago I got bit by the HOMM bug as tends to happen every now and then, and I loaded up H5 again. Been having a blast, what a fun game. I also decided to go back and try to fix one of my old H5 maps that the script broke after, iirc, Windows Vista or 7 came out (wow, how time flies lol). I never got it to work again before I left the game for other games.

I think, after remembering what in the world I was doing and working on the issues, I have fixed it. I have no idea if anyone is still playing the game and if so if anyone would be willing to do some playtesting and feedback.

The map is a Extra Large TOE single player map. I based the map and some design elements off of an old game by Steve Fawkner called Warlords, released back in 1990 (yes, I am that old). Warlords was 8 player and had many castles scattered across the map. Each castle was important in that in produced troops and gold. So, to reflect that in my map, the creature dwellings around each town also produce Gold, not just troops. Because of that, the town incomes are capped and only allow the building of Town Hall or Village Hall. This was the part of the script that broke all those years ago.

If someone would be able to play it through a few times and let me know what they think and if they find something is broken, I would really appreciate it! :hug:

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