MM7 Modding

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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MM7 Modding

Unread postby Grumnar1982 » 26 Aug 2021, 21:50

Hello, I am new to modding games, and I have been looking up a lot on information on how to mod MM7 specifically right now. I figured out how to mod the skill tables so that is not my current issue. I was wanting to modify the items in the game to fit my style a little. I saw in several different threads to move certain table files directly into the Datafiles folder of my MM7 folder. and edit then directly I did that and modified one enchantment to see if I could figure it out. In game the text of the enchantment changed, but the actual stats did not.


Ring of the Gods
Normally reads +10 to all seven stats

I changed it to where it now says

Ring of the Gods
+20 to all seven stats.

When the ring is equipped, it only gives the +10. Is there a different file that needs to be edited to allow the change to take place? Do I need to move the table file back into a different folder?

Any advice would be helpful.
Last edited by Grumnar1982 on 26 Aug 2021, 22:42, edited 1 time in total.

War Dancer
War Dancer
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Re: MM7 Modding

Unread postby Tomsod » 27 Aug 2021, 01:10

The text files are in this case only responsible for, well, text. You will need to (at least) use MMExtension scripts to modify the actual behavior. See here for an example that is very close to your case.

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Re: MM7 Modding

Unread postby Grumnar1982 » 27 Aug 2021, 01:40

Thank you for the response...apparently it is way more complicated than I was hoping it would be. I do not know how to script. But I will look into this further.

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Joined: 26 Aug 2021

Re: MM7 Modding

Unread postby Grumnar1982 » 28 Aug 2021, 23:18

So I tested the "of the Gods" script provided by the link in MMExtension and it worked just fine. I am guessing to make it a permanent change I would need to create a script file correct? Is there a specific name I would need to use? Is there a specific file folder in which I would need to place the script file once created?

Also another question about the other enchantments like "of the Unicorn: or "of the Golem" How would I modify those? I tried using the same script as I used for the "of the Gods" but changed the stats to represent the ones of the enchantment, but it just caused an error which locked up MMExtension where I had to task manager out of the game to close it down.

Thanks again for any advice.

Oh one last thing, can I create a single script file for all the new item scripts (If I change several? or do they all need their own separate files?

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