like the title says I am searching some help and maybe advice to test some maps.
I don`t know if I figured the right place out for my post; if not please be so kind to move it

To introduce me in a short way I played Heroes since III and started map making in the golden ages of Heroes V.
I released four maps long ago for Heroes V and 1 for Heroes III on a german Heroes fanpage (I guess it was and "is still" the biggest one in German language area.
And to keep it short after finding back to Heroes V, maybe thanks to corona in this way, i really would like to share/ update the maps for maybe still interested/hungry players.
For sure I need to translate the maps (intro, messages and stuff like that) in English.
Here some short informations about them. All of them are non campaing/ szenario maps; so like to be hot seat/ mulitplayer maps.
- my first one is a short and tiny 1v1 map
- second one was a "remake" addition to official Heroes V or maybe Heroes V HOF Map "War of the Worlds" or in German "Krieg der Welten"
( I upgraded it with an underworld and 2 more players)
- my last and I guess most personal one was a 2V2V1 large map with much water based on the idea of the offical Heroes III map Thousand Islands.
It is a team map, designed for hot seat/ multiplayer with the option for on one NPC.
HIII Shades of Death
- just a short and tiny 1v1 map to see if I could get use too of the editor in Heroes III.
So thats first all. If you have any questions feel free to ask and just give me a sign with a short `here`if you would be interested to help/ test one of the maps.
Thank you, if you made it reading untill here