WIP Might and Magic 6 (with grayface's patch) Combat LOG

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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WIP Might and Magic 6 (with grayface's patch) Combat LOG

Unread postby peddroelm » 24 Mar 2021, 05:49

This is for the game patched with grayface's MM6.Patch.v2.4.exe .

Current Features:

- (equivalent *) CTH dice rolls for PC ranged and melee attacks and for the spells that aren't AUTOHIT from the beginning. (*The game doesn't roll D100 vs CTH, it rolls 30 + 2 * Shoot/Attack + target AC and compares vs AC + 15 - bonus to hit ..)

Code: Select all

DEBUG preinj ToHIT [AADDR= 9490824] [TADDR= 5823624] [Type=  0] [flatToHitBonus=  0 (5* effective magic skill)] [PC:          Druid] vs [M: Magyar Soldier(ID=228)]  
ToHit Roll [CtH: 82.04%] [15 + 2*  77(Attack)] / [30 +  22(AC) + 2*  77(Attack)]

// NON AUTOHIT* SPELL CAST ; non autohit spells (quickly) BECOME AUTOHIT vs specific AC values with sufficient effective skill level
DEBUG preinj ToHIT [AADDR= 9485164] [TADDR= 5778140] [Type= 54] [flatToHitBonus= 65 (5* effective magic skill)] [PC:         Cleric] vs [M:  Magyar Matron(ID=145)]  
 toHit AUTOHIT !! [ 65(Effective Magic Skill x5)] >= [15 +  28(AC)] 
DEBUG ROLL PC SPELL DAMAGE for    Spirit Arrow [Spell_ID: 45] [EffectiveSkillLvL: 13]  
  Magyar Matron(ID=145) has ZERO rezistance to    Magic !! [Damage in     2] = [Damage out     2] 
- monsters dicerolls to halve damage they have >0 resistance to . Again I give the equivalent CThalve damage and some breakdown (appropriate resistance type used, damage in , damage out after the potential up to 4 damage halvings).
This separates the various damage type amounts for example Dual wielding 2 elemental weapons will apply (in case of succesful to hit roll) physical damage once and elemental damage for each weapon separately . THIS also SHOWS spells DAMAGE TYPEs (dragon breath vs poison resist, magic arrow vs physical resist, implosion vs physical resist etc ..)

Code: Select all

// druid dual wielding poison mace and fire dagger
DEBUG preinj ToHIT [AADDR= 9490824] [TADDR= 5823624] [Type=  0] [flatToHitBonus=  0 (5* effective magic skill)] [PC:          Druid] vs [M: Magyar Soldier(ID=228)]  
ToHit Roll [CtH: 82.04%] [15 + 2*  77(Attack)] / [30 +  22(AC) + 2*  77(Attack)]  
 Magyar Soldier(ID=228) Rolls to /2 damage up to 4 times [  20 {Physical Rez} / ( 30 +  20 {Physical Rez} ) = 40.00%] [Damage in    99] [Damage out    49] 
 Magyar Soldier(ID=228) Rolls to /2 damage up to 4 times [  30 {    Fire Rez} / ( 30 +  30 {    Fire Rez} ) = 50.00%] [Damage in    18] [Damage out     4] 
 Magyar Soldier(ID=228) Rolls to /2 damage up to 4 times [  30 {  Poison Rez} / ( 30 +  30 {  Poison Rez} ) = 50.00%] [Damage in    12] [Damage out    12] 
- PC spell damage calculation dice rolls. (I don't show the dicerolls, you'll see the [damage in] in the monster roll to reduce script), I've hooked this function to dump the spell NAME and effective magic skill level it was casted with BEFORE each instance of damage application.

Code: Select all

// Inferno vs 4
DEBUG ROLL PC SPELL DAMAGE for         Inferno [Spell_ID: 10] [EffectiveSkillLvL: 19]  
  Magyar Matron(ID=145) Rolls to /2 damage up to 4 times [  50 {    Fire Rez} / ( 30 +  50 {    Fire Rez} ) = 62.50%] [Damage in    31] [Damage out     7] 
DEBUG ROLL PC SPELL DAMAGE for         Inferno [Spell_ID: 10] [EffectiveSkillLvL: 19]  
  Magyar Matron(ID=276) Rolls to /2 damage up to 4 times [  50 {    Fire Rez} / ( 30 +  50 {    Fire Rez} ) = 62.50%] [Damage in    31] [Damage out    31] 
DEBUG ROLL PC SPELL DAMAGE for         Inferno [Spell_ID: 10] [EffectiveSkillLvL: 19]  
  Magyar Matron(ID=278) Rolls to /2 damage up to 4 times [  50 {    Fire Rez} / ( 30 +  50 {    Fire Rez} ) = 62.50%] [Damage in    31] [Damage out    15] 
DEBUG ROLL PC SPELL DAMAGE for         Inferno [Spell_ID: 10] [EffectiveSkillLvL: 19]  
  Magyar Matron(ID=281) Rolls to /2 damage up to 4 times [  50 {    Fire Rez} / ( 30 +  50 {    Fire Rez} ) = 62.50%] [Damage in    31] [Damage out    15] 

planned features:
- log Actor(Pc/Monster) action string ' Druid casts spell "@#$#$%" vs ... ' and recovery delays to make log output more legible without the associated gameplay video recording that generated it..
- log tohit monster dicerolls vs PC and PC dicerolls to reduce magic damage (to grasp the value/opportunity cost for raising AC and resistances )
- log dicerolls to apply resist conditions vs PC and vs Monsters (what stat is tested in what condition, when it pays to try and improve what ...)
- - display extra monster info (AC and resists) on hover and on right click info window

the CE test script
https://fearlessrevolution.com/posting. ... 4&p=183924
Last edited by peddroelm on 24 Mar 2021, 06:19, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: WIP Might and Magic 6 (with grayface's patch) Combat LOG

Unread postby peddroelm » 25 Mar 2021, 15:46

enhanced horn of ros script [ displays AC and Resistances ] .. Might add more monster stats if I figure how to "lift" the string


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Re: WIP Might and Magic 6 (with grayface's patch) Combat LOG

Unread postby Anubis » 28 Mar 2021, 21:59

That is really freaking cool.

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