Do MM6 spells properly work with the GreyFace patch?

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
Sator Arepo
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Joined: 20 Feb 2021

Do MM6 spells properly work with the GreyFace patch?

Unread postby Sator Arepo » 20 Feb 2021, 19:26

I'm playing MM6 after a long while with GreyFace patch 2.4. Does it fix bugs in spells that didn't work in the original game, like Mass Fear and Turn Undead? I'd love to know before going out and testing each of them.

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Macros the Black
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Re: Do MM6 spells properly work with the GreyFace patch?

Unread postby Macros the Black » 22 Feb 2021, 12:58

I don't think it fixes them, but most of the spells weren't really broken. By that I mean that the spells work mechanically, they just get resisted very often. It's more a case of bad design or overbalancing by the devs. Mass Fear and Turn Undead are broken in turnbased mode, but work in realtime.

I'm guessing they use the MM7&8 formula in the Merge, so crowd control should be more powerful in that.
You'd think Darkmoor was a ghost town, but instead there's plenty of life among the dead.

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