ok..i have this problem awhile now. i started to play this game again for a long time.. seems i have forgotten eveything, how to make maps...
i have map what have 2 human players and 1 computer.
i set map properties player 1 to cpu and player 3 and 7 to players only.
i have put heros for all colors in map but dont put cpu towns yet
players dont have towns a start but there is 3 town per player for waiting claiming.
my question is why map showing only single player ,ap list and have player 1 player and other 2 are computers..even i set those in map editor different.
map is not showing at all on hot seat.
MY map not showing on hot seat maplist on H5 TOE, why?
Re: MY map not showing on hot seat maplist on H5 TOE, why?
i made new map and same thing happend..cant play on hot seat..and teams are not right.. its always red human and others are computers
dunno reallt whats wrong..
dunno reallt whats wrong..
Re: MY map not showing on hot seat maplist on H5 TOE, why?
When you created "New map" did you chose "Single scenario" or "multiplayer arena"? Alternatively, the map is actually a zip archive, and if you open it with a zip extractor, does it have Sinleplayer or multiplayer subdirectory?
Avatar image credit: N Lüdimois
Re: MY map not showing on hot seat maplist on H5 TOE, why?
ah yes i have wrong option. solved it 

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