Short News 21' January 29

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Short News 21' January 29

Unread postby {CH}ArticleBot » 29 Jan 2021, 23:12

Hello folks,
we are back armed with armload of news from our favourite inkeeper!
Well, the pubs are closed over here.


  • From now on we are hosting Rodril's patch for MMMerge. For anyone longing to play Might & Magic 6,7,8 in one go polished and modded you have it now served to be even easier.
    The most actual instructions by cthscr can be found here.
AB Walkthrough - Maker of Sorrows
  • ithacor continues in filling gap with Armageddon Blade Walkthroughs, we are getting closer to the end of the main campaing with "Maker of Sorrows".
    Read it all to keep an advantage or just to perfectly save some time.
Hope Squirr vocal for Heroes music
  • If you love Opera music, like me, I recommend to listen to some vocals from HopeSquirr. Guaranteed you know that music from your heroic adventures, but this is very sound execution which you shall not miss.
    Start it on SoundCloud and listen to her beautiful voice.

    If you know SoundCloud, it will continue with other artist in the same mood, so your relax session can be made to be a very long.

At last we can cover even such unlikely situations, that you would have been bored or managed to snap a free time. To divert your attention to our old but famous Bestiary. Where you can read the background of many creatures from Angel to Devil from our history/mythology.

And for more playful adventurers, go and try Arcante, you can ask your question in advance or after playing the game in this topic. The game was born to be played, after all. ;)

Long live the Might and Magic!
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Last edited by Pol on 29 Jan 2021, 23:49, edited 1 time in total.
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