[Immersion Mod] Might and Magic S&M - Complete Edition

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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[Immersion Mod] Might and Magic S&M - Complete Edition

Unread postby Vaulth516 » 17 Nov 2020, 14:23

"HALT! ...Who goes there?!"


"His Grace, Lord Valthyr,
Harbinger of the Undead, Grand Maestro of Sound, High Necromancer of Enroth!"



Aahh... Greetings, adventurers... :devious:

This is a music mod and skills revamp, a tribute to this wonderful game and to accompany the MMMerge.

This project is designed to act as and emulate a 'remastered rendition' of the Might and Magic soundtracks.
Done in virtuoso style, extending upon the songs as if there were part two and three of the original tunes;
similar to the second and third movements of a symphony, meanwhile keeping the original spirit and idealism intact. :hug:

Be prepared for a spellbinding, soul rendering journey of the highest caliber! :devious:

https://www.moddb.com/mods/might-and-ma ... -music-mod

The songs are for the most part STILL the original tracks to start in a normal area, (so you if go to a town to turn in a quest and leave quickly, there's no difference). While in the event that you roam the scenery on a map,
or access inventory for a long time, you'll no longer hear one same song in an area.

Instead, you will hear multiple tunes on each map, after the original,
with appearances from various games and epic soundtracks.
All themes are diversified, no song is played out, and each track is delegated to just a few locations. :hoo:

The new music is the previous songs redone with amplified harmonics and enhanced ambiance,
and then evenly matched with a musically progressive counterpart to themselves.
All to build a bridge of creativity to inspire deeper immersion and potentially... map modding ideas. :tsup:

(Speaking of which, many previous mod projects kept dying because I believe map modders had no 'food of inspiration' while building dungeons to continue working. This music will hopefully give players and modders inspired ideas to keep their works alive.) :right:

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the songs compiled in the package, nor do I claim possession of the performances that were included, (even though I've twisted them to a point beyond original recollection). The base theme is 3DO's music, the additional movements and progressions are from other compositions, samples, and traditional tunes; and only segments were picked rather than whole songs. (extending each dungeon's tune beyond 3 minutes to reduce repetition.)

The credits of the audio fragments are included in the metadata of each track. They were selected by how each variation would fit into a similar musical-key native to the base themes of 3D0's original songs, ACTING as melodic continuations. By which, I would be called the remixer, similar to an arranger, (but never a composer); for the work I did included splicing, remixing, extending, adjusting volumes, cleaning noise, etc, making the tunes appealing to the ears, and atmospherically congruent in ambience to the visuals of Might and Magic environments.

In simpler words, I didn't write these songs, I cooked them into a supreme quality dish for yer enjoyment, capisce.


-Album symbols-
]†[ : MM6 Soundtracks
)°( : MM7 Soundtracks
}‡{ : MM8 Soundtracks
]x[ : Bonus Album

https://www.moddb.com/mods/might-and-ma ... -music-mod

[Final Edition and includes 3 bonus tracks:
my improvised arrangements of Isles of Terra, Clouds of Xeen, and Darkside of Xeen.]

(if you downloaded before Nov. 30th evening, download again.)

Notes :

* The songs from different areas within a continent have been merged together to extend their durations
making room to add more immersive music, also to alleviate the issue of music not looping on newer Windows.
All the original songs are present, extended, and made HQ.

** The tracks have been audio-enhanced and adjusted to the appropriate kbps for them to be looped,
with necessary files included so that they will play at correct locations and replay endlessly.
Do not open the files with standard Windows media players, as that will tag the files with ID3v2 tags,
causing potential looping issues.

*** Do not change the names of the tracks, else they'd play in wrong locations,
the list begins with 1 and ends with 52, like a deck of cards.


Think of the tunes as having undergone an evolution, for example,
"Dragonsand Desert" became Dragonsand Epitaph,
"Temple of Baa" evolved to "Grand Cathedral of Baa",
"Dwarven Barrows" built into "Dwarven Tombs Aria",
"Castle Harmondale" upgraded to "Castle Harmondale Legend",
"Chapel of Eep" grew into "Monastery of Eep",
"Shadowspire" mystified to "Ancient Shadowspire", etc.


- Dragonsand Desert area now truly has a desert feel to it, and should bring more epicness while fighting dragons.
- Mire of the Damned is boosted, lengthened, now totally doomed and haunted.
- Blackshire has wolfish howling in the background, Kriegspire improved, more driven and less droning.

- The previous track entitled 'New Sorpigal' was never played in New Sorpigal, instead it was the track 'Castle Ironfist',
they are now combined into one, enhanced, and dubbed "Realms of Enroth". The beginning music of MM6, as well as many towns are no longer medievally cheesy, the theme now gradually builds up from a serene hamlet atmosphere.
(This folk tune was very difficult to enhance and almost needed bagpipes to deliver... good thing panflutes could make it.)


- Gharik's Forge is made jolly and upbeat, so you don't go insane in the dungeon from trying to figure out its bridge levers.
(it isn't a large place but it's deep and has lots of spirals, with the new theme you should still feel energetic after the dungeon.)

- The cult of Baa has gotten more intense apocalyptic music. - Werewolves got organized, made Alphas, and even more ruthless. - Duke Osric Temper drafted new legions of knights, rocking Free Haven with the tune from Emerald Island mounted on mighty steeds.


- The Tomb of Varn now packs a piano solo to die for, it rocks so hard you're already dead before hearing it.
This is actually one of the largest areas in MM6, it's a spaceship that transported colonists to safety from the Kreegans.
Thus the music will personify as such; the first part is boarding the ship, second part is flying through space, and third part is landing on Enroth. This pattern of the lore also fits a type of novel character's evolution, Errant Knight->Outlaw->Dark Lord persona. Varn refer to a place and also denotes an individual.

- All castles' music made epic and lengthened for longplays, no more hearing the same 2-3 minutes repeating, or whole tune not replaying. - Annoying dungeons elevated in atmospheres for a smoother experience, awesome dungeons augmented in audio themes for a more memorable journey.


- Bracada shares with Deyja's music and they should have been two songs. Done, with a moorish and desert vibe to them.
- Tatalia and Avlee now both have their own themes.
(Darkside of Xeen medley in Tatalia, Clouds of Xeen improvisation in Avlee!)
- Evenmorn Island is now how that war-ravaged godforsaken island should have been.


- Emerald Island got hit by a heavy storm, meanwhile the tune is sieged by ominous winds and does not start blaring right off the bat.
- Entering Harmondale area should fuel you with a full blast of Nostalgia, because, "I will give you the choice I never had." ;u


- Them Dwarven kings knew how to play the key-boards before they bit the dust. - And don't even think about going into the Titan Stronghold, it's an epic battle through and through.

- The Gregorian Warlocks in Antagarich now rival the sages on High Hrothgar. They have found the true Way of the Voice, and once you climb Mt. Nighon you will rarely come down. The tunnels themselves are also made into a religious experience.


- School of Sorcery... wizards look like they're in league with the Horadrims...
Hmm, I'll stay awhile and listen...

https://www.moddb.com/mods/might-and-ma ... -music-mod

- The Shoal should drive you to battle sharks in fear and wonder, while building up to The Lincoln's cosmic experience,
putting a true climax to the endgame stage.


- Celeste and The Pit go all out, 8:18 and 8:28, Celeste is more grandeur while The Pit is more sensual.

- Celeste is more divine than ever, making sense of angels flying around and Gavin Magnus' God complex.
With dual chants hitting the highest notes in the heavens, carried by flying harpsichords and winged cellos,
there's no comparison, definitely a good religious experience...

- It's an evil medieval porno, The Pit is still spooky while highly romanticized, making Queens of the Dead more gorgeous, so that come-hithering Dragon Breath will wreck harder than ever. As a matter of fact, it's a never-ending striptease of the highest caliber, those Necromantic cowbells will summon all the Speakers for the Dead.


- The beginning of MM8 is how it should have started ages ago.
- Shadowspire is now spookier and remastered with an extension mate, like Necromancer met Vampire.
It also takes you back in time to when the Cults of the Sun and Moon battled, where you'll hear the blast of magic that blackened the land.


- 'Chapel of Eep' should sound like a bunch of mice got together and made a religion.
It's four ratmen of the apocalypse, and the second movement gets the cheese.

(At deeper observation, previously in the MM8 game, the OST entitled "Chapel of Eep" was never played there.
In the Chapel of Eep (Ravenshore), the ost 'Plane Between Planes' was played, in the Church of Eep (Ravage Roaming), the ost 'Escaton's Crystal' played instead, and in the Grand Temple of Eep (Garrote Gorge), it was the ost 'Regna' that played. Idk if they did that on purpose to "hide" the mouse, but a full song enhanced is available in this mod - that which was the track "Chapel of Eep" (the one in the game's OST that did not appear), for a yet-to-appear gathering of Eep)
. Wtf.
(Update - issue solved!)


- Dungeons and tombs now carry serene and foreboding waltz and melodies, driving you to keep exploring further.
- Garrote Gorge should portray a dragon fighting experience with its colossal movements, and Ironsand area is now trolltastic,
after you recover from strong desert winds to hear a saddening guitar intro painting a picture of a rural village afflicted by disasters.
Ironsand and Regna now both have different themes and no longer using same ones from other towns.


- All dungeons within a region are diversified in themes, no same tune playing at many locations in one area's dungeons.

- 4 heart rending killer suites for the Planes, and don't tell me you're not in a dream when you arrive at Ravenshore.
- Finally, There's no denying the breath consuming flute solo in the Plane of Water, mixed with real underwater sounds.


(...And much more.)

Rank the file at the download site if you like the work! :D


Last edited by Vaulth516 on 22 Jun 2021, 09:39, edited 88 times in total.

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Keypoints / Starting Stats Adjustments / HP MP Rebalancing

Unread postby Vaulth516 » 17 Nov 2020, 14:24

Regarding the other portion of the mod, there are several files in the package.


- Patch.UI.txt : This fixes the UI bug that crashed when choosing a different UI in game.
(courtesy of CkNoSFeRaTU, introduced by CognizanceGamer)

- Character selection.txt (from Templayer) : The Character Selection Unlocker, letting you select any class for any race.
(You can download that from Templayer's upload page, which is Eastern European, it's included here in the event
the other is region-locked or lost for some reason.)

Also, there was a minor error in the previous file, it had both Cleric and Priest as starting classes.
If you select Priest, you cannot upgrade to any promotion other than High Priest in Enroth, even if you cleared the quest.
That has been corrected in this version, Cleric is on the starting selection list while not 'Priest', to prevent confusion.

- mm8 configuration settings, with correct presets for music looping,
QuickSave as number 9, and QuickLoad as number 0.

and finally,
- The files for the Class Masteries Overhaul.

Copy and Paste them to your [Might and Magic] directory if you're playing MMMerge,
(if playing standalone versions, you can just ignore those files and move only the files in the Music folder
to your [Might and Magic] directory.)

* The goal of this mod is Lore Immersion and an idealized take upon Balancing.

-- The ranger class is reworked, ranger was a class that could do everything, good at nothing;
ranger now can actually do well at a few things, and is more fun to play.

-- The Dragon class is mellowed out from being too OP.
Dragons could just cheese all the maps, learn fly fast and spam fire attack and Flame Blast.
Dragons now have had their stats greatly diminished, so you actually won't spam Flame Blast as much and have to think a little while playing dragons. They are still slightly OP because nerfing Dragon was not the point, they simply were adjusted to be a little balanced, restoring the challenge factor. The outer stats of dragons now simply rival promoted Knights in HP instead of majorly eclipsing it, and their MP is slightly less than Archmages by a tint.


--Stats of character racetypes have been adjusted to fit the lore theme,
rather than all of them having 11 points for most stats.
Light Elves different from Dark Elves, Humans different from Vampires, etc.

--Starting skills of characters were slightly adjusted and revised carefully,
it is to fit the lore concept while reducing the cheese factor at early game.
It should augment the challenge aspect a little bit, i.e. Sorcerers don't start with Fire Magic having access to Torch Light taken for granted, the game now starts a little darker.


-- Every class can still start choosing [Leather], while most classes can no longer choose Dagger to start.

-- [Dagger] is made more specialized for certain classes, with a lore-reason behind it. For example, Minotaurs are proud warriors and find daggers to be shady, thus will not use daggers.

-- Sorcerers and Clerics are no longer staples for high levels of Light/Dark magicks, one more class can reach mastery of Light or Darkness. Monk can reach Mastery in Light/Darkness, and MinotaurLord can learn Master level in Light magic, because, "The Bull of Heaven", sacred cow concept.


-- Paladins are no longer knights with some magic, they are more specialized, and Knights are no longer Paladins without magic. Yes, Champions and Black Knights now have SOME mp, Knights and Cavaliers still cannot use magic.
-- This also applies to Trolls, they can muster up a liiiiitle bit of MP, to do one or two spells, which will be explained below.
Because it's Might AND Magic, not Might OR Magic, lmao.

-- Vampires do not have to promote to Nosferatu to learn Grandmaster [Vampire], as "Nosferatu" in vampirism lore is unappealing to players in those settings. Some players actually would prefer to maintain the class title of "Vampire" for this reason. As a penalty for this buff, a few more auxiliary skills will require the promotion to reach higher learning.


-- All classes now have masteries more restricted until promoted, from base to first promotion to second.
-- All classes now have masteries branched out between the path of Light and the path of Darkness.
For example, only Champions can learn Grandmaster [Spear], while only Black Knight can learn Grandmaster [Axe].


-- It was said that giving Druid Grand mastery in Everything-magic was a mistake.
In this mod, that has been honored,
-- Archdruids can grandmaster Elemental magic and simply master Self magic, and vice versa for Warlock.

-- Necromancer is slightly altered to no longer be the unwanted Sorcerer, it's for those who aim for Lich directly,
whom may even use Necromancer to go Lich and take the path of Light to have both Light and Dark.


-- Lich, Archmages, and 'dark'Archmages are made slightly different. Making the choices and shifts carry more weight.
Lich can now Grandmaster [Alchemy] so you don't have to roll Druid to do that, Archmage on the other hand, can Grandmaster [Staff].

-- HP and MP of promotions are now different, Archmage will have more MP, while Lich will have more HP.
-- Lich can now use swords... BECAUSE, Lich King.
Meanwhile, Archmage can wear basic Chain, and darkArchmage, if switched from Light path and turn Darkside, can wear basic Plate.


-- High Priest and Master Wizard have somewhat fewer stats and less masteries, however, can use both Light and Dark at Expert level.
In the game, clearing promotion quests in Antagarich continent, does not change their titles if they were already promoted in Enroth continent.
If path-switched through NPC, then their titles will change and they will forget the spells in one of the paths to reach Grandmaster in the other.


-- The bonuses of Basic level in certain skills at 2nd promotions are for solo-players, who for some reason want to play the game with 1 character. The 'Singleton' players will find it viable with such settings. There are also 'Primaton' players who seek a diehard challenge by not promoting characters at all, so that will give them some survival perks. Other than those, they are interesting addons to allow some versatility.


* The starting stats alterations should make very little difference, only a different feel to the beginning of the game,
adding more immersion into your journey and development. This is not about technicality but about the lore.

Highest starting stat for a character racetype is the same at 14, and lowest starting stat is still 7.

Humans are typically favored by the gods, at first, and start with 14 points in Personality,
giving a small perk to Mind, Body, and Spirit magic wielders.
Humans naturally have 'self-ish' human nature, now Self-Magic users begin with a little MP boost.
Humans have some frailties and start with 10 points in Endurance, Speed, and Accuracy.
Humans start standard in Might, Intellect, and Luck, at 11 points.

Vampires are humans who were turned into the Undead, so they are similar to humans, yet somewhat different.
Vampires start standard with 11 points in Might and Intellect like humans, also 10 points of Accuracy like humans.
Vampires are resilient and start slightly high in Personality, Endurance, and Speed, at 12 points.
Vampires are cursed and start kind of low in Luck at 9 points, and take 2 reserved-points to increase 1 point of Luck.
Vampires, on the other hand, may take 1 reserved-point to increase 2 points of Personality, and start with Mind magic.

Elves are delicate creatures, and like before, still start with only 7 points in Might, and 7 points in Endurance.
Elves also require 2 reserved-points to increase 1 point in Might and Endurance.
Elves are highly Intelligent and being great sharpshooters, start with 14 points of Intellect and 14 points of Accuracy.
Elves also require only 1 reserved-point to increase 2 points in Intellect and Accuracy.
Elves begin lifted in speed, at 12 points; mellow of Luck, at 10 points; and standard in Personality, at 11 points.

--Dark Elves--
Dark Elves share the frailty of Elves and begin with 7 points in Endurance, however, have no problem with strength
and start standard at 11 points in Might.
Dark Elves require 2 reserved-points to increase 1 point in just Endurance.
Dark Elves are merchant counterparts of Elves and start raised in Luck, at 12 points, while reduced in Speed, to 10 points.
Dark Elves are strategically less intellectual and savvy than Elves, and begin with 12 points for Intellect, and 10 points in Personality.
Dark Elves are also excellent strikers and only require 1 reserved-point to increase 2 points of Accuracy.

Dwarves are mighty warriors, and need just 1 point of reserved-point to increase 2 points in Might and Endurance,
they also start with 14 points in both Might and Endurance.
Dwarves launch with 10 points in Intellect and 12 points in Personality, and a basic 11 points of Luck.
Dwarves are torpid and imprecise, they begin only with 7 points in Speed and 7 points of Accuracy,
and must use 2 reserved-points to increase 1 point in Speed and Accuracy.

Goblins are steadfast fighters, entering with 14 points in both Might and Speed,
and require only 1 reserved-point to increase 2 points in those categories.
Goblins are gimped in mental facilities, they need 2 reserved-points to increase 1 point in the categories of Intellect and Personality,
and start with just 7 points of Intellect and Personality.
Goblins are decently durable, they have 12 points in Endurance, albeit 10 points in Accuracy, and they have a standard of 11 points in Luck.

Trolls are oddly observant this time and do begin with a keen eye, at 12 points for Accuracy.
Conversely, trolls are a bit slower and start at 10 points in Speed, and have a standard 11 points of Luck.
Trolls are challenged in mental aspects, requiring 2 reserved-points to boost 1 point at Intellect and Personality,
finally, they only have 7 points in both those mental categories to start.
Nonetheless, Trolls are stalwart battlers, and stomp the scene with 14 points in both Might and Endurance, as usual,
and only require 1 reserved-point to increase 2 points in the physical categories to start.

Minotaurs have gone through some contemplation and experienced a bit of evolution, though they still start standard in Personality, at 11 points.
Minotaurs sacrificed Speed for Endurance, lowering Speed to 9 points, raising Endurance to 13 points.
Minotaurs relinquished Accuracy for Luck, having 10 points at Accuracy, and 12 points of Luck.
Minotaurs face struggles mentally, appear with just 7 points of Intellect, and must use 2 reserved-points to boost 1 point to Intellect.
Minotaurs, however, charge in brutally with 14 points in Might, and only need 1 reserved-point to raise 2 points in Might.

The Undead are cursed wraiths, experiencing not much alterations, or so it seems...
They start with a standard gathering of all 11 in Might, Endurance, and Speed.
They start with a diminished prowess of all 10 in Intellect, Personality, and Accuracy.
The Undead are decadent in bones and find it difficult to raise their Speed, needing 2 reserved-points to raise 1 point of Speed.
The Undead, however, are vilely fortuitous, for they are not part of the living dimension...
They may expend just 1 reserved-point to lift 2 points in Luck, and begin refined with 14 points in Luck.

Dragons must have been cursed by the gods, despite their power...
Dragons do not change, rarely they do, and so they remain standard in all categories of Might, Intellect, Personality, Accuracy, and Speed,
having 11 points for them.
Dragons have found their rigid and unchanging nature to be resilient, thus they now have 14 points in Endurance to start.
Dragons may use just 1 reserved-point to increase 2 points at Intellect, "be wise as serpents..."
Dragons have undergone massive reprisals to their HP and MP, so the above perks to Endurance and Intellect will balance.
Dragons now enter with only 7 points of Luck, and tragically require 2 reserved-points this time around to raise just 1 point in Luck.

If the spell Reanimate is used on a dead character, they are brought back to life as a zombie
and their race becomes Zombie (unless they were the prototype skeletons or undead dragon).

As an actual 'racetype', Zombies have the primitive 11 points in starting stats across the board,
(alas, the base-stats shift may or may not take effect upon a reanimated character).
('Zombie' is also a status effect that reduces most stats, cannot rest, and is injured by healing spells. Can be cured at a temple.)


* This work provides a unique experience and adds more weight in choosing between the paths,
as well as making promotion switching a more thought-carrying decision.
The adjustments are cross divided between the paths and done with lore-consciousness in mind.

- MasterArcher has more HP, Sniper has more MP.
- Warlock has more HP, ArchDruid has more MP.
- BountyHunter has more HP, RangerLord has more MP.
- Assassin has more HP, Spy has more MP.
- Master has more HP, Ninja has more MP.
- Champion has more HP, Black Knight has more MP.
- Villain has more HP, Hero has more MP.
- Priest of the Light has more HP, Priest of the Dark has more MP.
- Lich has more HP, ArchMage has more MP,
and darkArchMage, aka MasterNecromancer is a balance between the two.
- With stats scaling lowered, Great Wyrm now has equal HP to Champion, and equal MP to Lich.
(Remember they cannot wear armors, so will be much less OP than before.)

- Champion and Black Knight can now use magic, with very little MP and only Expert in Light or Magic.
(Intellect is their MP stat, as opposed to Hero and Villain's Personality stat.)

A "Black Knight" should be able to raise a few dead and control them to do his evil bidding,
and also rock a rare Pain Reflection.
A Champion should be Champion of righteousness, may summon 1 wisp, Zelda-style,
and honor the heavens with a generic Day of the Gods.
Knights and Cavaliers still cannot use magic.

- War Trolls can now use 2 spells, with very very few MP,
they may reach Expert in the Dragon Ability to do a Shout and a Flame Blast at rare intervals.
Unpromoted Trolls still have no MP gain.
(Both Intellect and Personality are their MP stats, similar to Ranger and Druid.)
Last edited by Vaulth516 on 10 May 2021, 01:21, edited 45 times in total.

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Class Masteries / Starting Skills

Unread postby Vaulth516 » 17 Nov 2020, 14:24


* This revision provides an immersive alternative angle to their starting positions,
focusing on the true lore factor of the game and what each class name should ideally have,
as opposed to previous traditions.
Like normal, classes begin with 2 default skills and may select 2 more,
and this time, all classes each has different starting skills from another.

The Steal skill is ingrained into the starting selections, hopefully Steal will be incorporated into MMMerge very soon.
At this moment, if you pick Steal as a skill, it won't appear, for now...
(Stealing is placed as a starter option for Peasants.
In the event it is incorporated, this encourages you to start as a Peasant,
for when you switch to a class that cannot learn Stealing, you may keep the Steal skill on the character.)

Knight starts with [Sword] and [Armsmaster].
- May pick Axe, Spear, Bow.
- May pick Shield, Leather, Plate.
- May pick Repair, Bodybuilding, Perception.

Paladin starts with [Mace] and [Spirit Magic].
- May pick Sword, Axe, Mind.
- May pick Shield, Leather, Chain.
- May pick Repair, Bodybuilding, and Unarmed.

Ranger starts with [Spear] and [Repair].
- May pick Sword, Bow, Leather, Plate.
- May pick Perception, DisarmTraps.
- May pick IdentifyMonster, Armsmaster, Stealing.

Cleric starts with [Shield] and [Body Magic].
- May pick Staff, Mace, Leather.
- May pick Spirit, Mind.
- May pick Merchant, Meditation, IdentifyMonster, Learning.

Sorcerer starts with [Staff] and [Water Magic].
- May pick Dagger, Leather.
- May pick Fire, Air, Earth.
- May pick IdentifyItem, Merchant, Meditation, Alchemy.

Necromancer starts with [Fire Magic] and [Dark Magic].
- May pick Dagger, Leather.
- May pick Air, Water, Earth.
- May pick ItentifyItem, Merchant, Stealing, Alchemy.

Druid starts with [Earth Magic] and [Alchemy].
- May pick Staff, Mace, Leather.
- May pick Water, Mind, Body.
- May pick IdentifyItem, Meditation, Learning.

Vampire starts with [VampireAbility] and [Mind Magic].
- May pick Sword, Dagger, Shield, Leather.
- May pick Merchant, Regeneration.
- May pick DisarmTraps, IdentifyMonster, Alchemy.

Monk starts with [Dodging] and [Unarmed].
- May pick Staff, Dagger, Spear, and Leather.
- May pick VampireAbility as an option.
- May pick Meditation, Perception, IdentifyMonster, Learning.

Archer starts with [Bow] and [Air Magic].
- May pick Dagger, Leather.
- May pick Fire, Water, Earth.
- May pick Repair, Perception, Dodging, Armsmaster.

Dark Elf starts with [DarkElfAbility] and [Meditation].
- May pick Sword, Bow, Leather, Chain.
- May pick Fire, Air.
- May pick IdentifyItem, Merchant, DisarmTraps.

Thief starts with [Dagger] and [Stealing].
- May pick Bow and Leather.
- May pick DarkElfAbility as an option.
- May pick IdentifyItem, Perception, DisarmTraps, Dodging, Alchemy, Learning.

Minotaur starts with [Axe] and [Light Magic].
- May pick Spear, Mace, Leather, Chain.
- May pick Spirit.
- May pick Bodybuilding, Regeneration, Unarmed, and Armsmaster.

Troll starts with [Bodybuilding] and [Regeneration].
- May pick Staff, Axe, Bow, Mace, and Leather.
- May pick DragonAbility as an option.
- May pick Repair, Unarmed, Armsmaster.

Dragon starts with [DragonAbility] and [Perception].
- May pick Bodybuilding, Regeneration.
- May pick Alchemy, Learning.
- May pick IdentifyItem, IdentifyMonster.

Peasant starts with [Leather] and [Learning].
- May pick Bow.
- May pick Perception, Unarmed, Stealing.



* This is a vastly complex labyrinth that has been examined and tested multiple times with extreme scrutiny to ensure that it is flawless and immersive. It is to bring a heightened experience and restore the challenge factor to gameplays.
At the least, doubling replayability.

** Not all classes can learn Grandmaster Blaster by default.

*** Light path and Dark path now have different Masteries.

**** Rogue can learn Expert DarkElfAbility, for the stylish use of Traveler's Boon.
Initiate can learn Expert VampireAbility, for the wise use of Levitate.
Troll can learn Expert DragonAbility, for the trolltastic use of Flame Blast.
You must select those skills at Character Selection or you won't be able to learn them.

***** For the Monk's second promotions, Master can cross learn Dark instead of Light, and Ninja can learn Light instead of Dark.
(Contrary to imagery, Ninjas were seen in Eastern cultures as righteous warriors, whereas Shogun Masters were deemed tyrannical warlords.)
The crossing of Mastery here also kind of makes sense, since the Master promotion quest requires you to kill a religious person.
Whereas the Ninja promotion quest is just complex scholarly research. Why is a Master a killer and a Ninja a researcher??
If not then Light is evil and Dark is good in the case of this class?

Sword, Shield, Armsmaster
Axe, Spear, Blaster, Leather, Chain, Plate, Repair, Bodybuilding, Unarmed.
Dagger, Bow, Mace, DisarmTraps, Dodging, Learning.

- Can improve Spear, Plate, Repair, Bodybuilding to Master level.
- Can improve Dagger, Bow, Mace, Dodging, Learning to Expert level.
- Can additionally learn Basic Merchant, Perception, IdentifyMonster.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<xx[[CHAMPION]]xx<<<<<<<<<<<<< | >>>>>>>>>>>>>>xx[[BLACK KNIGHT]]xx>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
--------------------------Sword, Spear, Shield, Plate | Sword, Axe, Shield, Plate----------------------
----------------------------------Repair, Bodybuilding | Repair, Armsmaster----------------------
------------------------------Axe, Mace, Blaster, Chain | Spear, Mace, Blaster, Chain----------------------------------------
----------------------------------Armsmaster, Unarmed | Bodybuilding, Dodging--------------------------------------
-----------------------------------Dagger, Bow, Leather | Dagger, Bow, Leather-------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------Light | Dark-------------------------------------------------
------------Merchant, Perception, Dodging, Learning | Merchant, Perception, Unarmed, Learning-----------
------------------------------------------------------Staff | Staff--------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------Regeneration | Meditation------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------DisarmTraps, IdentifyMonster | DisarmTraps, IdentifyMonster---------------------------------------

Mace, Shield
Sword, Axe, Blaster, Chain, Plate, Repair, Bodybuilding, Armsmaster.
Dagger, Spear, Bow, Leather, Self Magic, Dodging, Unarmed, Learning.

- Can improve Sword, Blaster, Chain to Master level.
- Can improve Spear, Leather, Self Magic to Expert level.
- Can additionally learn Basic Staff, Merchant, Meditation, Perception.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<xx[[HERO]]xx<<<<<<<<<<<<< | >>>>>>>>>>>>xx[[VILLAIN]]xx>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
-------------------------Mace, Blaster, Shield, Chain | Mace, Blaster, Shield, Plate----------------------
---------------------------------------Sword, Axe, Plate | Sword, Spear, Chain----------------------------------------
---------------------------------------Mind, Body, Spirit | Mind, Body, Spirit--------------------------------------
------------------------------------Repair, Bodybuilding | Repair---------------------------------------------
--------------------Staff, Dagger, Spear, Bow, Leather | Staff, Dagger, Axe, Bow, Leather-----------------------------
-------------------------------------Merchant, Unarmed | Merchant, Bodybuilding--------------------------------------
--------------------Meditation, Armsmaster, Learning | Perception, Dodging, Armsmaster, Learning-----------
------------------------------------------------------Light | Dark----------------------------------------------------
--------------------DisarmTraps, Perception, Dodging | Meditation, Regeneration, Unarmed, Stealing------------

Blaster, Repair, Perception
Dagger, Spear, Bow, Leather, Merchant, DisarmTraps, IdentifyMonster.
Staff, Axe, Plate, IdentifyItem, Bodybuilding, Armsmaster, Dodging, Stealing, Learning.

- Can improve Bow, Merchant, and IdentifyMonster to Master level.
- Can improve Axe, Plate, Bodybuilding, Armsmaster, Dodging, Stealing, Learning to Expert level.
- Can additionally learn Basic Sword, Shield, Unarmed, Elemental Magic, Self Magic.
- Cannot learn Light and Dark.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<xx[[RANGER LORD]]xx<<<<<<<<<<< | >>>>>>>>>>>xx[[BOUNTY HUNTER]]xx>>>>>>>>>>>>
-------------------------------------------Spear, Blaster | Bow, Blaster------------------------------------
-------------------------------------Repair, Perception | Merchant, IdentifyMonster----------------------
------------------------------Sword, Bow, Shield, Plate | Dagger, Axe, Leather----------------------------------------
----Elemental Magic, IdentifyItem, IdentifyMonster | Self Magic, Perception, DisarmTraps----------------------------
----------------Merchant, Bodybuilding, Armsmaster | Stealing, Repair, Armsmaster---------------------------------------
-----------------------------------Dagger, Axe, Leather | Sword, Spear, Shield, Plate-----------------------------
-------------------------------Self Magic, DisarmTraps | Elemental Magic, IdentifyItem, Meditation------------------
---------------------------Dodging, Stealing, Learning | Bodybuilding, Dodging, Learning-------------------------
---------------------------Staff, Unarmed, Meditation | Staff, Unarmed-----------------------------------

Mace, Shield, Self Magic, Merchant, Alchemy.
Staff, Bow, Leather, Chain, Repair, Meditation, IdentifyMonster.

- Can improve Self Magic to Master level.
- Can improve Mace, Blaster, Shield, Leather, Chain, Meditation, IdentifyMonster to Expert level.
- Can additionally learn Basic Bodybuilding and Perception.

+>+>+(HIGH PRIEST)+<+<+ (Enroth only)
- Can further improve Shield, Merchant, Meditation to Master level.
- Can further improve Repair, Perception to Expert level.
- Can additionally learn Basic Armsmaster; and Expert in Light and Dark.

<<<<<<<<<xx[[PRIEST OF THE LIGHT]]xx<<<<<<<< | >>>>>>>>>xx[[PRIEST OF THE DARK]]xx>>>>>>>>>>
-----------------------------------------------------Light | Dark--------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------Mind, Body, Spirit | Mind, Body, Spirit-----------------------------------
----------------------------------------------Meditation | Learning------------------------------------
---------------------------Mace, Blaster, Shield, Chain | Staff, Blaster, Shield, Leather----------------------------------------
-----------------Merchant, IdentifyMonster, Learning | Merchant, Meditation, Perception-------------------------------
-------------------------------------Staff, Bow, Leather | Mace, Chain-------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------Repair, Bodybuilding| Repair, DisarmTraps, IdentifyMonster--------------------------
------------------------------------Perception, Alchemy | Armsmaster, Alchemy-----------
-----------------------------------------------------Spear | Axe, Bow--------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------Regeneration | Regeneration--------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------Armsmaster | Bodybuilding---------------------------------------

+>+>+(MASTER WIZARD)+<+<+ (Sorcerer path/Enroth only)
- Can further improve Blaster, Alchemy to Master level.
- Can further improve Dagger, Perception to Expert level.
- Can additionally learn Basic DisarmTraps, Repair; and Expert in Light and Dark.

+++++(Wizard)+++++ (Sorcerer path only)
- Can improve Staff, Elemental Magic to Master level.
- Can improve Leather, Meditation to Expert level.
- Can additionally learn Basic Dagger, Perception.

-----------------------------------------------Learning | Dark, Alchemy, Blaster--------------------
-------------------------------------------IdentifyItem | IdentifyItem, IdentifyMonster--------------------
-----------------------------------------Staff, Blaster | Staff, Dagger, Leather--------------------
--------------------------Elemental Magic, Alchemy | Elemental Magic, Merchant--------------------
--------------------------------------IdentifyMonster | Meditation, Perception, Learning--------------------
-----------------------------------------Bow, Leather | Sword, Bow-------------------------------
-------------------------------Merchant, Meditation | DisarmTraps, Stealing--------------------

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<xx[[ARCHMAGE]]xx<<<<<<<<<<< | >>>>>>>>>>>>xx[[LICH]]xx>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
-----------------------------------------------------Light | Dark--------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------Elemental Magic | Elemental Magic-----------------------------------
----------------------------------------Staff, Learning | Blaster, IdentifyItem, Alchemy-----------------------------
-----------------------Blaster, Meditation, Perception| Staff, Leather----------------------------------------
-------------IdentifyItem, IdentifyMonster, Alchemy | Meditation, IdentifyMonster, Learning-------------------------------
----------------------------------------Dagger, Leather | Sword, Perception, Merchant-------------------------------------
----------------------------------------Repair, Unarmed| Regeneration, Stealing--------------------------
------------------------------------------------------Bow | Bow--------------------------------------------------
-----------------------Chain, Merchant, DisarmTraps | Repair, DisarmTraps-------------------------------------

+++++#[[MASTER NECROMANCER]]#+++++
- (Non-Undead version of Lich, also referred to as "darkArchMage".)
- (Identical to Lich in skills, except cannot Grandmaster IdentifyItem, Alchemy, nor Blaster;
can neither Master Leather nor Meditation; can only learn Basic Regeneration, and cannot learn Stealing.

- Can instead improve IdentifyMonster to Grandmaster level.
- Can instead improve Perception to Master level, and Bow to Expert level.
- Can now learn Expert Spear, Dodging, can also learn Basic Plate; has balanced HP/MP.
- Can be converted to Darkside from Master Wizard and ArchMage, by NPC in Enroth)

Staff, Mace, Elemental Magic, Self Magic,
IdentifyItem, Merchant, Meditation, Learning.
Bow, Blaster, Leather.

+++++(Great Druid)+++++
- Can improve Meditation and Elemental Magic to Master level.
- Can improve Blaster, Leather to Expert level.
- Can additionally learn Basic Shield, Dagger, Perception, IdentifyMonster.
- Cannot learn Light and Dark.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<xx[[ARCHDRUID]]xx<<<<<<<<<< | >>>>>>>>>>>xx[[WARLOCK]]xx>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
--------------------------------Fire, Air, Water, Earth | Mind, Body, Spirit------------------------
----------------------------------Meditation, Alchemy | Meditation, Alchemy------------------------------------
---------------------------------------Mind, Body, Spirit | Fire, Air, Water, Earth----------------------------------------
-----------------------------------Staff, Blaster, Shield | Mace, Blaster, Leather-------------------------------
---------------------------------IdentifyItem, Learning | IdentifyMonster, Learning-------------------------------
--------------------------Dagger, Spear, Mace, Leather | Staff, Sword, Dagger, Bow, Shield-----------------------------
--------------------Merchant, Bodybuilding, Perception| Merchant, Armsmaster, Perception--------------------------
------------------------------------------IdentifyMonster | IdentifyItem-----------------------------------
----------------------------------------Bow, Armsmaster | Bodybuilding--------------------------------------------------

Sword, Dagger, Blaster, Leather, Unarmed, Self Magic, Regeneration.
Bow, Shield, Chain, IdentifyItem, IdentifyMonster,
Merchant, Perception, Dodging, Armsmaster, Alchemy, Learning.
Dark, Unarmed, Meditation.

- Can improve Dagger, Blaster, Unarmed to Grandmaster level.
- Can improve Shield, Merchant, Dodging, IdentifyMonster, Alchemy to Master level.
- Can improve Dark, Mace, DisarmTraps, Unarmed, Meditation to Expert level.
- Can additionally learn Basic Staff and Stealing.
- Cannot learn Light.

Staff, Dagger, Blaster, Leather, Dodging, Armsmaster, Learning.
Sword, Bow, VampireAbility, Bodybuilding, Meditation,
IdentifyItem, IdentifyMonster, DisarmTraps, Stealing.

- Can improve Staff, Blaster, Leather, Dodging, Unarmed, Armsmaster, Learning to Master level.
- Can improve Sword, VampireAbility, IdentifyItem, IdentifyMonster, DisarmTraps, Meditation, Stealing to Expert level.
- Can additionally learn Basic Spear, Perception, and Self Magic.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<xx[[MASTER]]xx<<<<<<<<<<<< | >>>>>>>>>>>>xx[[NINJA]]xx>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
--------------------------------------------Staff, Blaster | Staff, Blaster------------------------------------
------------------------------------Unarmed, Learning | Dodging, Stealing----------------------
------------------------------------------------------Dark | Light----------------------------------------------------
--------------------------Sword, Leather, Armsmaster | Dagger, Leather, Armsmaster----------------------------------------
----------------------DisarmTraps, Dodging, Stealing | DisarmTraps, Unarmed, Learning, Meditation----------------------------
---------------------------------------Mind, Body, Spirit | Mind, Body, Spirit----------------------------------------
-------------------Dagger, Spear, Bow, VampireAbility | Sword, Spear, Bow, VampireAbility-----------------------------
-------------------------IdentifyItem, IdentifyMonster | IdentifyItem, IdentifyMonster------------------
-----------------Bodybuilding, Perception, Meditation | Bodybuilding, Perception-------------------------
-----------------------------------------------------Shield | Regeneration-----------------------------------

Dagger, Leather, Perception, DisarmTraps, and Learning.
Sword, Chain, All Elemental Magic, Merchant, Repair, Bodybuilding, Dodging, Armsmaster.

- Can improve Blaster, Perception, Learning to Master level.
- Can improve Sword, Chain, All Elemental Magic, Repair, Bodybuilding, Dodging, Armsmaster to Expert level.
- Can additionally learn Basic Staff, IdentifyMonster, Alchemy.

<<<<<<<<<<<xx[[MASTER ARCHER]]xx<<<<<<<<<<< | >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>xx[[SNIPER]]xx>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
---------------------Bow, Blaster, Chain, Perception | Bow, Blaster, Leather, Perception----------------------
------------------------------------Leather, Fire, Water | Chain, Air, Earth-------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------Merchant, Repair | Dagger, DisarmTraps--------------------------------------
-----------------------Dodging, Armsmaster, Learning | IdentifyMonster, Armsmaster, Learning-----------------
-------------------------------------------Sword, Dagger | Sword, Merchant-------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------Air, Earth | Fire, Water-------------------------------------------------
-----------------------------Bodybuilding, DisarmTraps | Bodybuilding, Repair, Meditation, Stealing--------------
-------------------------------IdentifyMonster, Alchemy | Dodging, Alchemy-----------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------Staff, Axe | Staff, Axe--------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------Light | Dark--------------------------------------------------------
-----------------------------------Meditation, Unarmed | Unarmed----------------------------------------------------

=x=x=x=Dark Elf=x=x=x=
Dagger, Bow, Chain, Merchant, Meditation, DisarmTraps.
Sword, Blaster, Shield, Leather, All Elemental Magic,
Repair, Perception, Dodging, Alchemy, Learning.
Staff, Spear, IdentifyItem, Armsmaster.

- Can improve Bow, Chain, Merchant, Meditation, DisarmTraps to Grandmaster level.
- Can improve Sword, Blaster, All Elemental Magic, Perception, Learning to Master level.
- Can improve Staff, IdentifyItem to Expert level.
- Can additionally learn Basic Unarmed.
- Cannot learn Light and Dark.

Dagger, DisarmTraps
Bow, Blaster, Leather, IdentifyItem, Merchant, Perception,
Dodging, Unarmed, Stealing, Learning.
Sword, Spear, Repair, Alchemy, DarkElfAbility.

- Can improve Blaster, IdentifyItem, Dodging, Stealing to Master level.
- Can improve Sword, Alchemy, DarkElfAbility to Expert level.
- Can additionally learn Basic Mace, Chain, Elemental Magic, Bodybuilding, Armsmaster.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<xx[[SPY]]xx<<<<<<<<<<<<< | >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>xx[[ASSASSIN]]xx>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
--------------------------------Dagger, Blaster, Dodging | Dagger, Blaster, Leather-------------------------
------------------------------IdentifyItem, DisarmTraps | Stealing, DisarmTraps-----------------------
------------------------------Spear, Bow, Leather, Chain | Sword, Bow-------------------------------------------
------------------------Air, Earth, Merchant, Perception | Fire, Water, IdentifyItem, Perception-------------------------
------------------------Bodybuilding, Unarmed, Stealing | Dodging, Armsmaster, Alchemy-----------------
---------------------------------------Sword, Mace, Shield | Spear, Chain-------------------------------------------
-----------------------------------------Light, Fire, Water | Dark, Air, Earth-----------------------------------------------
----------------------Repair, Armsmaster, DarkElfAbility | Repair, Merchant, Bodybuilding, DarkElfAbility--------------
-----------------------------------------Alchemy, Learning | Unarmed, Learning-----------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------Shield | Shield, Mace, Meditation-----------------------------------------

Axe, Bodybuilding.
Light, Spear, Bow, Mace, Leather, Chain, Plate.
Merchant, Unarmed, Armsmaster.
Staff, Sword, Blaster, Shield, Self Magic,
Repair, Regeneration, Perception, DisarmTraps, Learning.

+++++#[[MINOTAUR LORD]]#+++++
- Can improve Axe and Bodybuilding to Grandmaster level.
- Can improve Light, Spear, Mace, Chain, Plate to Master level.
- Can improve Staff, Sword, Blaster, Shield, Self magic,
Repair, Regeneration, Perception, DisarmTraps, Learning to Expert level.
- Can additionally learn Basic Alchemy and Meditation.
- Cannot learn Dark.

Sword, Mace, Leather, Regeneration.
Staff, Dagger, Axe, Spear, Chain,
Unarmed, Repair, Bodybuilding, Armsmaster.
Bow, Blaster, DragonAbility, Learning, Stealing.

+++++#[[WAR TROLL]]#+++++
- Can improve Sword, Mace, Leather, Regeneration to Grandmaster level.
- Can improve Staff, Chain, Unarmed, Repair, Armsmaster, Bodybuilding to Master level.
- Can improve Bow, Blaster, DragonAbility, Learning, Stealing to Expert level.
- Can additionally learn Basic Perception, DisarmTraps; can also learn Expert IdentifyMonster.
- Cannot use magic except Flame Blast.

DragonAbility, Perception, IdentifyMonster.
Bodybuilding, Regeneration, IdentifyItem, Alchemy, Learning.

+++++#[[GREAT WYRM]]#+++++
- Can improve DragonAbility, Perception, IdentifyMonster to Grandmaster level.
- Can improve Alchemy, IdentifyItem to Master level.
- Cannot wear Weapons and Armors; cannot learn humanoid skills.
Last edited by Vaulth516 on 29 Nov 2020, 08:16, edited 73 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic Merge Music Mod - HQ Enhanced / Class Mastery Overhaul

Unread postby lightbringer23 » 18 Nov 2020, 03:28

I can't WAIT to try these. :D

Will this work for the individual games, or only the merge? I'd love to listen to your tracks while working on my MM7 mod.

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Re: Might and Magic Merge Music Mod - HQ Enhanced/Class Immersion Overhaul

Unread postby Vaulth516 » 20 Nov 2020, 14:35

Yea, just copy the Music files corresponding to your game variation(6, 7, or 8). :devious:

Yes! At long last! It is complete! It's alive!! Mwuahahahahahaha!!! :oex:

I've spent days and nights without sleep working on it... this project has drained me so much.
Thanks to anyone who's listening and supporting so far, comment if you like the materials. ^^
Let me know your in-game experience, adventurers! :D
Last edited by Vaulth516 on 21 Nov 2020, 09:37, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic Merge Music Mod - HQ Enhanced/Class Immersion Overhaul

Unread postby lightbringer23 » 21 Nov 2020, 00:53

I've been listening to your new soundtracks as I've been working on my mod. It's a vast improvement. Very well done! This has a permanent spot in my Merge :D

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Re: Might and Magic Merge Music Mod - HQ Enhanced/Class Immersion Overhaul

Unread postby cthscr » 21 Nov 2020, 07:38

Quickly looking through: you haven't changed MapStats.txt (from EnglishT.lod, modified version can be put into DataFiles directory to override lod's one).
You might want to change 'Redbook Track' number for several locations. (As usual, use TtxtEdit to modify that file.)

(See also https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/-/issues/370)

It's rare and great when someone make musical enhancement. Keep up the good work!

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Re: Might and Magic Merge Music Mod - HQ Enhanced/Class Immersion Overhaul

Unread postby Vaulth516 » 21 Nov 2020, 16:13

lightbringer23 wrote:I've been listening to your new soundtracks as I've been working on my mod. It's a vast improvement. Very well done! This has a permanent spot in my Merge :D
Thanks, glad you like it. ;)
cthscr wrote:Quickly looking through: you haven't changed MapStats.txt (from EnglishT.lod, modified version can be put into DataFiles directory to override lod's one).
You might want to change 'Redbook Track' number for several locations. (As usual, use TtxtEdit to modify that file.)
Stellar instructions, doing it now... :oex:
Akk, no rest for the wicked. :canthear:
Last edited by Vaulth516 on 21 Nov 2020, 16:22, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic Merge Music Mod - HQ Enhanced/Class Immersion Overhaul

Unread postby Vaulth516 » 21 Nov 2020, 22:39

Ok, here we go... :hoo:

For the locations that needed Redbook Track changes, the available songs were mapped into dungeons based on their interior design, atmosphere, difficulty, and similarity in relation to another location.

i.e. if a dungeon is sanctified looking with a religious overtone, then a choir or similar theme is placed,
if with cavernous interior, then a subterranean tune, if creepy structures with skulls, then a more ominous ambiance, etc.
I went into each dungeon for a long time to find the most compatible placement for each one.

(merge compilers, if viable please do use that MapStats file within future patches;
if nothing else then just the RedBook track row. Thanks again cthscr for the instruction. :hug:


- All temples' music are diversified, each theme should match the "faith" type of the temple.
Temple of the Mood was druidoid (haha), so their theme will delightfully differentiate from Temple of the Sun's structure.

- ['Supreme' and 'Superior' Temples of Baa] are diversified differently, :left: :right:
using more intense and befitting themes for their interior settings and monsters.
Those are also massive dungeons, the first Temple of Baa's theme also appears in the last, the middle one is different.


- The thrill factor is very frequent, especially in narrow pathways, keeping players on their toes while exploring. :devious:
MM6's depths are a tint more brutal and MM8's dungeons are less of a breeze this time. :oex:

Conversely, certain dungeons that were tiring have been tuned to a more pacing ambiance to reduce the dread factor, making it more fun. :hoo:
The spooky dungeons are still haunting, if not more, meanwhile the creepy dungeons are now less eerie, so you don't avoid them.


- A slightly more upbeat theme was placed in Agar's Laboratory to reduce the loathing in fighting those Beholder monsters. :disagree:

(I also allotted befitting background themes to a series of maps named [pending], which seem to be a project that was in development within MMMerge, for MM6. The song previously for all 10 of them was the theme for the Werewolf Lair, which is a rather gruesome dungeon. :tsdown:
With the new background dungeon tracks, whoever was working on those pending maps could tune into the wave and possibly finish developing them, at some point. :tsup:)


- Most originally composed songs for specific dungeons are correctly placed in their named-locations,
true to the primordial ideas, i.e. "Icewind Keep" now plays in [Icewind Keep].

What has changed is that "Lair of the Werewolf" track does not play in [Warlord's Fortress],
(In fact, "Lair of the Werewolf" was also played in [Icewind Keep] previously in the game...) 8|
and "Castle Kriegspire" track no longer plays in [Temple of the Snake], etc.


The Arena in MM6 now treats you with a heroic intro delivering into the battle. :-D
The Monolith is now a pleasant stroll in nature, rather than a rushed touchdown. (not LotW again...) :wall:

also because...

Druidess. :hug:


- The true Corlagon's Estate this time around, which was hell to find the right music for.
- All MM6 town themes aligned, and each track only appears twice at different towns.

- The 'Barrow Downs' is coincidentally an area in LotR, it is lush green and inhabited by Barrow-wights, wraithlike monsters.
Players rarely fight in the Barrow Downs, they're usually spooked to rush to Stone City or the tombs.
What was missing from the picture was adventurer's campfire for comfort, and in this rendition, you'll hear crackling fire in the background, very subtle... it may just motivate you to look around and fight those monsters. :|


- Three Barrows are mixed with a different theme, so you may find your way out better... (or you may get more lost) :yes:
(it sounds very similar to the other, you may only tell them apart if you listen, hehe...)

- Immersion, if you're not lost in The Maze, no, the labyrinth... you will be. Mwuahahahaha!! :devious:


- Morcarack's battle is more epic, just don't loot too hard, haha. (The Emerald Island dragon)
- Wromthrax's battle is more epic, because fighting a dragon hearing Dwarven Barrows' waltz ballad and then Charles Quixote popping out saying "yo, thee art Crusaders!!" makes no sense... (The Tatalia dragon)
- Anonymon's battle is more epic, because, "Megadragon" is his name. (The Land of the Giants dragon)
- Longfang Witherhide's battle is more epic, because loner dragon in Enroth. (The Mire of the Damned dragon)
- Yaardrake's battle is more epic, he's the rebel who commands a legion of dragons that broke away from Garrote Gorge. (The Shadowspire dragon)
- Ilsingore's battle is more epic, because finding a watery cave in a burning land is like finding an oasis. (The Ironsand Desert dragon)
- Old Loeb's battle is more epic, because, ancient one and the strongest dragon, and there you can recruit Duroth the Eternal. (The Regna dragon)


- One of the flaws of MM8 was an unconscious factor, the beginning of the game did not have a strong magnetic pull to draw you in. The tribal music of Dagger Wound Island did not build upwards to a climax, it built downwards to a plateau instead. :tired: And then the first pathway dungeon, the Abandoned Temple, was just a dreary ambiance. :(

That has been solved and Dagger Wound Island now should open ideally.
This time, it begins at a plateau zone and builds upwards, :up:
After that, the Abandoned Temple now shares a similar theme as the Abandoned Temple in MM6,
it draws and brings you up nicely to arrive at first base in Ravenshore. You're in.


- Eep locations have been delegated correctly, the Eep titled track is in the large temple.

- Prisons of elemental lords refurbished to sound like restrictive holding cells of great and powerful outlaws.
Air will sound earthly, Earth will sound airy, Fire will have Water sounds and vice versa.


- Almost every town in a continent now has its own theme.
In MM6, only a few 2-towns share one theme between them, and because they have very similar geographies.
In MM7, aside from Deyja and Bracada (Light and Dark), all towns have individual music.
In MM8, all towns have music variance, and the three Arenas in 6,7,8 are different.

- Meet the new Tatalia and Avlee. :devious:
They used the share the same music with Harmondale, now they have their own. :applause:
Tatalia is supposed to support Erathia against the elves, and Avlee in the story gives reinforcements to Tularean Forest.
You will now experience True Tatalia and Actual Avlee. :tongue:

- The missing ingredient that MM7 lacked and MM6 had, was birds and nature-sounds in the outside maps,
natural ambiance has been added to the new ost for those two locations, which are Darkside of Xeen medley for Tatalia,
and Clouds of Xeen medley for Avlee.


- And much more.

Akk... after days and nights without rest, it's finally done... :tired:
If you downloaded before Nov 26th, an update was applied, the link is here...
https://www.moddb.com/mods/might-and-ma ... -music-mod
Last edited by Vaulth516 on 27 Nov 2020, 05:36, edited 32 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic Merge Music Mod - HQ Enhanced/Class Immersion Overhaul

Unread postby lightbringer23 » 22 Nov 2020, 20:47

Wow! Sounds like some great changes to the music. I'll look forward to redownloading when it comes online.

I just started listening to the Barrow Downs Aria (I think?) and I love the 2nd movement. It has a very gothic and baroque feel -- interspersing harpsichord with strong orchestral bursts. It sounds very familiar, but I'm having trouble placing it. My closest guess is something from a Final Fantasy or a Castlevania. Where is it from?
Edit: It's the 2nd movement of Barrow Haunts. My current guess is the background music from the Opera scene in FF6.
Edit again: I think I've got it! I had the right feel, wrong series. I feel fairly certain it's from the Ghostly Theater levels of Castlevania: Lament of Innocence. Great music!
Last edited by lightbringer23 on 29 Nov 2020, 00:20, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [Immersion Mod] Might and Magic S&M - Complete Edition

Unread postby Vaulth516 » 24 Nov 2020, 17:55

Nice observation. It may just be from the latter, as the former's music is too mainstream. :devious:

Final version is now available! prepare yourself, mwuahahaha! :oex:

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Re: [Immersion Mod] Might and Magic S&M - Complete Edition

Unread postby cthscr » 24 Nov 2020, 18:02

Vaulth516 wrote:At this moment, if you pick Steal as a skill, it won't appear, for now...
Actually it will in Community Merge. But Community Merge has incompatible tables.

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Re: [Immersion Mod] Might and Magic S&M - Complete Edition

Unread postby Vaulth516 » 25 Nov 2020, 02:15

Very nice, can't wait for finished Steal skill implementation. :oex:

Ok, to address a few concepts,
keep in mind that all I had to work with- was what the source music themes within certain locations were.
It's like I was given a pickaxe and a stone and asked to make a statue.

The music in any RPG area should reflect the environment of the place itself.

A track that comes to mind is the song from Castle Harmondale, which shares with Stone City, Mercenary Guild in Tatalia, and originally, repeating in many other locations. It was a 2-minute tune that repeated 2-3 times into a song; and in your span of activities looking for invading mercenaries in Castle Harmondale, or fighting Troglodites in Stone City, that 3xrepeat tune would loop 5-7 times, leaving you very exhausted afterward. Also, from all the locations that the song appeared, you would end up hearing 10+ times of such same repetitions over and over.

In the mod, the tune is altered and added more melodies so that it is much less repetitive.

Next, in the concept of those locations, one is a castle constantly sieged by goblins and both sides of the war, where many lords had died, along with other atrocities. The other is a city of the dwarves built on top of a haunted land and burial ground, pestered by Troglodites, linked to the Nighon tunnel with constant battles against devils, where the dwarves put pieces of stones together to make a home.

Such a location cannot sound nice and smooth, even the guitar song that was in it already brings a sense of agitation. What's worse is that it uses Spanish-style classical guitars to carry that message, which is next to impossible to pull off, using a romantic instrument to deliver a dreadful tune of conflict; incidentally affecting any mod that could be made for such a theme, based on what the theme started with.
Last edited by Vaulth516 on 30 Nov 2020, 11:49, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Immersion Mod] Might and Magic S&M - Complete Edition

Unread postby Vaulth516 » 25 Nov 2020, 12:36

Now, in the mod, that tune is limited to only play in Castle Harmondale, Stone City and Dwarven Compound.

The middle section of the modded song was strongly tension building before releasing mentally. It was a stage performance of a renowned musician, which brings a sense of angst and dread to personify the ravaged history of the environment. To adjust that portion would be like removing spice from Thai food. And yet, I'm going to do that, because according to zzzz100200 on discord, whatever his name is, that new song is "jarring".

I'll take that into consideration, but instead of changing the tune, I will switch the musician who plays that classic in that section, which is another ton of work. So, taking out spice from Thai food and add Tapatio source and remix..? M to PG13?

You cannot please everybody, one sure as hell cannot please the whole world, and unbeknownst to zzzz, if I turn the other cheek to someone who does no work and can only criticize others to act macho on the interweb, while the modders are doing the work to make the game better - I might end up making him my punching bag on discord. Just a thought. :tsup:

Update : It's done! Now Castle Harmondale has a fireplace, windows where you can hear the wind and rain, and also crickets in a jar sounds, hahahaha!! :oex:
Last edited by Vaulth516 on 30 Nov 2020, 11:50, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: [Immersion Mod] Might and Magic S&M - Complete Edition

Unread postby Vaulth516 » 30 Nov 2020, 12:03

Alright, the mod is fully done, and a final revision was also made to Tatalia's new theme's intro.

This music project was a thought that I took off on and sacrificed sleep to see it to fruition.
I've done all I can for it, if there's a future update for Merge that might require adjustments to this then I'll do that.

Other than that, I don't plan to be around to promote it. Not much of a forums guy or discord person.
Those who care, do spread the word, keep it known I suppose.

The Skills Revamp portion of the mod is also legit btw.
I know it's an idea not easily accepted, since veteran players usually mod their own skills.
But if people want to give it a shot, it tunes the characters' skills for a challenge and adds some replayability diversity, when the path you pick further differentiates from the other one. :tsup:

so I've been here 1 month, 33 posts, and that's my ticket.
For a while at least.

Enjoy and have fun~ :hug:

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Re: [Immersion Mod] Might and Magic S&M - Complete Edition

Unread postby Pol » 12 Dec 2020, 00:46

Stickied! :D
Last edited by Pol on 12 Dec 2020, 00:47, edited 1 time in total.
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