H4 Unity Project Testing Thread

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H4 Unity Project Testing Thread

Unread postby iLiVeInAbOx05 » 17 Oct 2020, 00:00

The purpose of this thread will be to list known issues for anyone testing (or eventually just playing) these maps. Currently only The Isle of Order is in a testable state.

The most up-to-date version of The Isle of Order can be found here.

Issues applying to all maps:
  • You may notice lots of sign posts: ignore them. These sign posts are solely for the map makers so that anyone can come in and add whatever needs to be added at that point.
  • If Genevieve dies, the game should be over. So, if she dies and the game doesn't end, you should treat it as game over and restart or load your last save and try again.
The Isle of Order.
  • All difficulty levels need to be balanced.
  • Not all of the scripting hints have been completed, so keep in mind that some of the rewards which are not reachable, will likely become reachable after you learn a particular spell.
  • There are still some balancing scripts leftover from when PatFX initially drafted the map layout, so if you battle something and it asks if you want to add something, just select no until the prompts (one for each unit type in the stack) go away.
  • There seems to be a bug where Pherlon remains controllable by the player after his involvement in the story.
  • Since this map is still very early in testing, some battles may actually be impossible to win. Please report any such battles you come across like this.
  • For some the game will crash if you select the Steal Enchantment spell. (I've added debug for this)
  • Month of creatures appear on map.
The Isle of Life.

The Isle of Nature.

The Isle of Chaos.

The Isle of Death.
Last edited by iLiVeInAbOx05 on 14 Apr 2023, 02:22, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: H4 Unity Project Testing Thread

Unread postby iLiVeInAbOx05 » 17 Oct 2020, 00:01

Bringing over a response from the testers wanted thread:
Panda Tar wrote:Right, I gave my first try just now, in the Novice (HOHO) difficulty. And got killed in a sudden hidden encounter in a black-hole like place. But my hero was already dead from a previous fight. She would die in this one fight probably, though.
Ah yes, I guess I didn't set the loss conditions yet, noted!
Panda Tar wrote: The first report is like this:
  • Story is nice and ok.
  • It feels interesting learning spells during exploration.
  • There were many places which seemed rocks could be displaced, so I started to wonder if something went amiss.
  • Battles are rather easy throghout the map.
  • After learning Create Illusion, they get much easier.
  • The central part of the map seem to have access from a bridge on the southeast corner. I didn't explore that way, though. So I am not sure if going there and having access to the central plaza would help me defeat those who killed Genevieve.
Glad you're okay with the story. It's a lot of addition on top of what Terry Ray had planned, so some people probably won't like it, but if I'm able to get to it, I'm going to try to add an option to only display texts written by Terry Ray.

Yeah we decided that we would rather have the spell and magic learning happen in a more interesting way than going to the shrines of magic and just learning spells without any explanation of how they apply to the island, so I'm glad that seems interesting!

On novice difficulty, you should be able to just walk all over anything you come across, haha, so the easy battles in this case is how it should be.

I would definitely be interested in how you can get to the central part of the map before making your way around the island. It looks like there isn't any passable way to get there until you have explored the rest of the island.
Panda Tar wrote: Now, for the queer things:
  • I am not sure if Displacement was supposed to be learned when you read a sign saying that you could displace a rock. It was not really clear. But Genevieve did not learn that spell.
  • This message triggered here and I got closer to a naga blocking a bridge. It is puzzling. It feels like it's a scripting note, so you can remember something later. For me, it makes not much sense.
  • This sign could not be reached. Unless that rock was displaced from there.
Ah yes, the signs are meant for the map creators (just me at the moment) so that anyone can come in, look at the points of interest, and add what needs to be added. So for testing the map, these can be completely ignored. I've removed most of them, but left the ones that still have something I need to address.

As far as the group of rocks in the first area, I do still need to script a placed event near them to give you a hint of some sort (It will be something like, "I need a spell to displace these rocks out of the way"). Then, when you later learn Displacement, you are meant to remember this and go back to grab the reward.
Panda Tar wrote:
  • This message would be triggered in almost all battles. If you clicked positive, it would keep prompting the question in an endless loop. Clicking negative would prompt the battle faster (sometimes only choosing once).
That is a script from PatFX to help with balancing. You should just click "no" to adding whatever it's asking you to add. I probably won't be using them for balancing, so I'll try to get rid of them all.
Panda Tar wrote:
  • I died once there, then the second time, only my hero got killed. That battle, a Ogre Magi defending that dwelling, we have 10 golems, 6 ogre magi and something like 6 centaurs defending it. These units are too sturdy for dwarves and halflings alone (they also have fair movement reach), and even by using illusions, they got my hero in the end.
Got it! I'll whittle those guys down so they should be easy to defeat. Did you ever pick up your own gold golems from the quest in the second area (southern part of the map)?
Panda Tar wrote: [/list][/list]
If Genevieve dies, the game should be over. That place will make more sense if you have Genevieve with you, lol.
Panda Tar wrote:
  • The second hero would land on the northern part of the map. Ok. There is no way out from there. No passage. I don't know if it was meant for Genevieve to displace a rock and free him from that place. If not, then you get stuck.
  • There is a scripted battle against a naga. But it triggers again if you walk over the same place. When you go the first place, 10 squires and 10 crossbowmen join your hero. The second time, though, it started to add more over that.
For Pherlon in the ship at the north end of the island, you're meant to read the text for an idea of what he should be doing. The text from Terry Ray mentions a naga that is causing his men issues, so he's supposed to land and go looking for their supplies.

It's odd that after winning the battle you still have control of Pherlon. He should be deactivated as soon as you win that battle, so I'll have to take a look at that.
Panda Tar wrote: I'll try again another time, probably in the same difficulty and explore that central place, or see if there's access to it. If not, I'll try some manner to spare as many troops as possible and see if it's possible defeating those enemies who killed her.
Hopefully I'll be able to fix the stack sizes for you before you test again, but if not, just use nwcares to auto win the battle. That's what I've been doing to quickly run through the map to test the various scripting!

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Re: H4 Unity Project Testing Thread

Unread postby Karmakeld » 18 Oct 2020, 19:02

iLiVeInAbOx05 wrote:
Panda Tar wrote: I'll try again another time, probably in the same difficulty and explore that central place, or see if there's access to it. If not, I'll try some manner to spare as many troops as possible and see if it's possible defeating those enemies who killed her.
Hopefully I'll be able to fix the stack sizes for you before you test again, but if not, just use nwcares to auto win the battle. That's what I've been doing to quickly run through the map to test the various scripting!
This is really where the 'give 1 dwarf' script could come in handy, as it could help us to speed up balancing. Now it's been quite a while since I tested the map myself, but does the script/text appear before each battle? If so I'd keep it for now, and ask testers to be aware of it's purpose.
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Re: H4 Unity Project Testing Thread

Unread postby Panda Tar » 18 Oct 2020, 19:09

Yes, it appears. It also displays 'mage', 'halfling', 'ogre', 'harpy'.

Right now, it crashes the game (closes it) after selecting the Steal Enchantment option, when you first encounter the genie. Create Illusion option does not crash it.
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Re: H4 Unity Project Testing Thread

Unread postby iLiVeInAbOx05 » 18 Oct 2020, 19:58

Karmakeld wrote:This is really where the 'give 1 dwarf' script could come in handy, as it could help us to speed up balancing. Now it's been quite a while since I tested the map myself, but does the script/text appear before each battle? If so I'd keep it for now, and ask testers to be aware of it's purpose.
Yeah you make a good point. I think I'll try to come up with a better way for those scripts to be used. Probably a debug flag at the beginning of the game, which if off for testers, but for balancers it can be turned back on.
Panda Tar wrote:Yes, it appears. It also displays 'mage', 'halfling', 'ogre', 'harpy'.

Right now, it crashes the game (closes it) after selecting the Steal Enchantment option, when you first encounter the genie. Create Illusion option does not crash it.
Right now I'm not sure what actually crashes the game. The display events that trigger after you select between steal enchantment / create illusion are only display events (not to be confused with the balancing display scripts). You're seeing all of them, and then the game is crashing after that, so it's really confusing.

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Re: H4 Unity Project Testing Thread

Unread postby Panda Tar » 18 Oct 2020, 20:34

Apparently the thing is the same as before? Maybe it's not related to that debugging, because I see all of them, and it just crashes after that. Before that, it would crash after accepting the spell. I think it might be something that start running after that, after all scripts regarding stacks are done. But I am not knowledgeable on this subject. It just feels like all stack scripting is actually correct.
Last edited by Panda Tar on 18 Oct 2020, 20:34, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: H4 Unity Project Testing Thread

Unread postby iLiVeInAbOx05 » 18 Oct 2020, 20:55

Yeah there definitely shouldn't be anything wrong with it, especially given that it doesn't crash my game.. Super weird!

If you wanted to try something out, open up The Isle of Order in the map editor, and go over to the genie that gives you the spell path choice, and double click him. Next go to the events tab, and open up the "Defeated" event. Remove the script that is called "Trigger custom event named 'Spell path chosen'". If the game still crashes after that, then something else is the problem!

Also, if you would like me to remove that script and send you a new map to test that out, just let me know!

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Re: H4 Unity Project Testing Thread

Unread postby Panda Tar » 18 Oct 2020, 21:23

Not a problem. I'll see to it and let you know if I get some problem editing, instead.

It keeps going normally. There is no crash.

Obs.: there's a small 2x1 event next to the sign explaining about Displacement. Apparently, there's nothing tied to it.
Last edited by Panda Tar on 18 Oct 2020, 21:45, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: H4 Unity Project Testing Thread

Unread postby iLiVeInAbOx05 » 13 Apr 2023, 14:15

tracyberge wrote: 13 Apr 2023, 05:58 I tried but there are some games that still crash.Anyone like me?

Hello there! Are you saying the map you downloaded from the link in the original post crashes when you try to play it?

I haven't updated that link in a while, so it's very possible that it's out of date. I'll see about getting it updated tonight.

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Re: H4 Unity Project Testing Thread

Unread postby iLiVeInAbOx05 » 14 Apr 2023, 02:24

tracyberge wrote: 13 Apr 2023, 05:58 I tried but there are some games that still crash.Anyone like me?

I updated the link to point to the most up-to-date Isle of Order, so give it a try and let me know if you still experience crashes.

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Re: H4 Unity Project Testing Thread

Unread postby It'sAllSoulvable22 » 25 Oct 2023, 03:44

Hi again Celestial Heaven Seekers and Finders! This is Steven Lynch from Australia. Can I help with this Project?

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Re: H4 Unity Project Testing Thread

Unread postby iLiVeInAbOx05 » 25 Oct 2023, 14:21

Hey there Steven! You were Steven Aus?

Definitely interested in anyone that would like to help out :D What in particular would you be interested in helping with?

Just to let you know, this project is now The Restoration of Axeoth, so it's a lot more than just this Unity campaign, though I REALLY want to finally get this campaign done :)

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