Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta

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Re: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta

Unread postby Tomsod » 26 Feb 2025, 10:15

Lone_Wolf wrote: 25 Feb 2025, 17:14 +12 ring of health works and gives angel's ring of health
+13 ring of health gives : sorry, that item doesn't seem to exist

Apparently there is a limit to the amount such a ring can get through special order.
If that's correct, changing the message to something like 'I'm unable to craft such a powerful item, try asking the Ancients for itt." would help to avoid confusion .
Rather, +12 is the absolute limit to these enchantments, because +HP and +SP are halved, like +armsmaster in vanilla. But adding this to the error message would be a good idea, indeed.

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Re: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta

Unread postby Lone_Wolf » 26 Feb 2025, 17:11

Thanks, that will clarifiy it.

Another issue with special orders for E magic shop :
Alacorn wand of acid, blades, fireballs, lightning can all be created, but alacorn wand of charms 'doesn't exist' .

(Want to try a no-kill approach to sewers using charms) .


It seems there's now an alacorn wand of shock and a "fairy wand of charms" .

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Re: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta

Unread postby Tomsod » 27 Feb 2025, 08:38

I intend to also allow orders like "wand of charms" (without specifying wand type), but I haven't got around to that yet. In general, shop orders assume some player knowledge on e.g. how everything is named, which unfortunately may not hold for some obscure mod changes. Dunno if that's a problem.

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Re: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta

Unread postby Lone_Wolf » 01 Mar 2025, 17:56

The special orders would benefit from a drop-down interface with selections for type, quality, enchantment etc or a multi-level dialog menu system.
Neither seems to be part of the MM7 UI .

Add a note that when in doubt people should look at items.txt , spcitems.txt & stditems.txt ?

My ptrs party is now at lvl 15 .
The hp penalty for elves hurts the sorcerer a lot, she got killed in arena fights 4 times already.
Items help with that, but I dislike depending on them for the whole game.

I do like the skill distribution over the party.


Looking closely at the sorcerer I may have chosen the wrong items to strengthen her.
Of the Troll + Of the Golem items add +30 Endurance, but that only gives 7 hp .

An of life item + of earth would add 10 hp directly and 4 extra (End from 15 to 25) so 14 total .
Total is still low, but not as low as I thought.

The stats of the other 3 are more to my liking.
I do intend to promote the thief to assasssin eventually (rest of the party will go light) and GM alchemy should help a lot.

I might start over, but with the same setup of human paladin, goblin thief, elf ranger , elf sorcerer.

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Re: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta

Unread postby Lone_Wolf » 03 Mar 2025, 11:45

My party now is at lvl 9 and has 3 items from special orders :
Mogred gauntlets of the earth (sorcerer)
Silver belt of life (sorcerer)
Full helm of the ocean (thief)

I would have preferred mogred helm of the ocean, but I only found 8 erudine and the other 2 items needed 7 .
Mogred helm of the Ocean needed 2 erudine, full helm of the ocean 3 kergar .
Elf sorcerer (end base 10, 7 accounted for race, lvl 9) is still fragile, but went from 26 to 41 hp with these 2 items, or an increase of 58% .

I've done all battles on hard and noticed a very annoying behaviour with flyers and jump .

example :
visit the erathia obelisk area (walk, don't use fly) and notice griffins jumping towards you without changing their height .
This results in them ending up above you . you can't even see them or hit them.

The same happens with Deyja harpies and Bracada griffins . Bats are likely to be affected also, but I don't think they appear outside.
Haven't tested rocs or dragons.

On easy/vanilla flyers change height when moving so over a few turns they end at the same height as party.
Parties that can use fly shouldn't have problems with this, but I have found only one way to deal with this for those that don't :
move away fast during move phase of turn based combat.
The distance stays below jump threshold so the monsters use the vanilla mechanism of adjusting height slowly.

Does mouse look allow looking up above you and aiming at such targets ?

If not, the jump mechanic may need to be changed for (some) flying monsters.

Sidenote :
For walking units jump does make battles more lively in in terrains with height differences (try erathia bandits near the bandit cave)

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Re: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta

Unread postby Tomsod » Yesterday, 20:49

It seems hardening artifacts (with the potion) broke at some point. This is serious enough that I'll probably make another bugfix release soonish. (Plus, another playtester made some good points about how necromancers are way too easy now, even compared to vanilla, and that's also bad.)
Lone_Wolf wrote: 01 Mar 2025, 17:56 The special orders would benefit from a drop-down interface with selections for type, quality, enchantment etc or a multi-level dialog menu system.
Neither seems to be part of the MM7 UI .
Yeah, that would be a bit too much work for me! And arguably it's not even simpler for the player, apart from not having to remember how everything is called.
Lone_Wolf wrote: 01 Mar 2025, 17:56 Add a note that when in doubt people should look at items.txt , spcitems.txt & stditems.txt ?
These are packed inside the lods, and the copies on github are liable to change anytime. But whenever I get around to writing a proper user guide, I can add an addendum with all the new item and bonus names.
Lone_Wolf wrote: 01 Mar 2025, 17:56 I might start over, but with the same setup of human paladin, goblin thief, elf ranger , elf sorcerer.
Take care not to overdo this, it's easy to lose interest if you redo the same thing several times over.
Lone_Wolf wrote: 03 Mar 2025, 11:45 I've done all battles on hard and noticed a very annoying behaviour with flyers and jump .

example :
visit the erathia obelisk area (walk, don't use fly) and notice griffins jumping towards you without changing their height .
This results in them ending up above you . you can't even see them or hit them.

The same happens with Deyja harpies and Bracada griffins . Bats are likely to be affected also, but I don't think they appear outside.
Haven't tested rocs or dragons.

On easy/vanilla flyers change height when moving so over a few turns they end at the same height as party.
Parties that can use fly shouldn't have problems with this, but I have found only one way to deal with this for those that don't :
move away fast during move phase of turn based combat.
The distance stays below jump threshold so the monsters use the vanilla mechanism of adjusting height slowly.
I've noticed this too, but it didn't seem that bad. Thankfully, it should be easy to fix.

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Re: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta

Unread postby raekuul » Yesterday, 21:21

Question. Is Judge Grey's death only on a time limit (as in vanilla) or does it also happen when you complete the altar pieces quest of your choosing?

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Re: Elemental Mod for MM7 -- v4.0 open beta

Unread postby Tomsod » Yesterday, 21:52

raekuul wrote: Yesterday, 21:21 Question. Is Judge Grey's death only on a time limit (as in vanilla) or does it also happen when you complete the altar pieces quest of your choosing?
The second one. The timer resets to just a few days when the quest is completed.

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