EOC Fan Art Event

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EOC Fan Art Event

Unread postby {CH}ArticleBot » 27 Jun 2020, 08:01

EOC Fan Art Even
Time: June 23 - July 7

Contestants who draw SSR units, will have the opportunity to get their work selected as the official unit skin in Premium Card, which may be made into models by the development team and used in the game permanently.
The creators will have the opportunity to name the original skins they made (non-commercial title), and receive the below rewards:

(CH): Rewards and complete rules to be seen here. At EoC FB page. SSR means Legendary, in old words, level 7. Currently there is Green Dragon, Black Dragon, Angel, Devil and Behemoth. For some reason Phoenix is only SR.

ImageExcellent emoji works will also have the opportunity to be used in official media channels and in-game chat systems.

Event Rules:
1. Based on the prototypes of heroes and units in Might & Magic: Era of Chaos, draw your own original piece of art.
2. Entries can be in any form of painting, including character drawing, character emoji, chibi graphic manga, original wallpaper, etc.
3. Please post your entries to your Facebook homepage and Instagram, tag on #MightandMagicEOC and #eocfanart, and @ our official page to notify us.
 [If you'd prefer to not post the entry on your personal channel, you may also choose to post it under the Facebook event announcement to be counted in.]
4. The content of artwork must be positive and conform to the EOC community content norms.
5. Once the event ends, all entries will be examined closely by our official EOC community team and fine arts team. The winning entries will be announced on EOC official Facebook and Instagram homepages.
6. For regular awards, they will be sent to the player's account within 10 business days after the announcement is released. For special awards, the skins will be sent to players once they are completed and launched.
7. Entries are required to include the author's UID, server, username and valid contact information (email address or Discord ID).
8. Entries can be in either electronic or hand-drawn form. For hand-drawn art, please scan it and upload a HD version.
9. By submitting the work, you grant us the permission to repost your work on our official EOC media channels; By submitting your work, you agree to let us add your work later to the game under your name.
10. Contestants are required to remain contactable for further discussions about copyright matters.
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Last edited by Pol on 28 Jun 2020, 06:48, edited 1 time in total.
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