It's here!

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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It's here!

Unread postby Thelonious » 16 May 2006, 13:57

The day has finally come. The pre-ordered copies are reaching the buyers. HoMM V is in stores.

Hope there'll be no lines :devious:

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Unread postby Sikon » 16 May 2006, 14:10


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Re: It's here!

Unread postby Wolfshanze » 16 May 2006, 14:14

Thelonious wrote:The day has finally come. The pre-ordered copies are reaching the buyers. HoMM V is in stores.

Hope there'll be no lines :devious:
Stores where? Has anyone in the US received a retail copy yet?

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Unread postby Angelspit » 16 May 2006, 14:23

I'm afraid it might take a little longer in North America, but I'll visit various stores in Canada this week and let you know if I see anything. It took me a few days to find a copy of Heroes IV back in 2002, but that was 3DO...
I'm on Steam and Xbox Live.

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Unread postby dragonn » 16 May 2006, 15:23

And I still have a loooooong wait ahead of me...:(:(:(

In my country it's out on 8th of June. Thx Ubi...
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Unread postby Wolfshanze » 16 May 2006, 15:33

Angelspit wrote:I'm afraid it might take a little longer in North America, but I'll visit various stores in Canada this week and let you know if I see anything. It took me a few days to find a copy of Heroes IV back in 2002, but that was 3DO...
Damn... I want it now! I've been scouring the net reading everything about HV I can... not much longer to wait.

All this background info and knowledge about the game is just waiting to be unleashed... hurry up and get it to my town!

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Unread postby magritte2 » 17 May 2006, 00:16

Future Shop estimates its arrival date here in Canada at May 25.

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Unread postby cher » 17 May 2006, 04:14

got mine yesterday in Melbourne Australia :-D

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Unread postby Furay » 17 May 2006, 04:18

@ Cher

OOhhh! Did you buy it in a store? If so, which one? Is it really available in Australia!!! I was going to wait the usual month or 2 like I had to for H4.. but to have it here before the US! :tongue:

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Unread postby asandir » 17 May 2006, 04:33

Yes it is avail in aus, im in perth and my copy was ready yesterday, but only picked up today ... got the deluxe edition as well

now if only i wasn't at work for another 5 hours or so ....

got it from eb - had a pre-order, very few copies of the deluxe edition made it to the eb games in perth, only 10 copies, i got number 9!!!

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Unread postby Furay » 17 May 2006, 04:49

@ stefan.urlus

Thanks! w00t! Now if only my computer could run it well. I have a Latitude D820 with an X600, and 512 Ram. The demo ran Ok..ish on the lowest settings, which looked pretty bad. Hopefully the demo wasn't optimized perfectly...

One more thing, what exactly is in the Deluxe edition vs. the Standard (for the Aus release) - I know different countries had different specs.


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Unread postby asandir » 17 May 2006, 05:16

Well ...

apparently the game runs a bit smoother than the demo, but can't confirm - in any case i am running an x850xt on a 3500+ with gig of corsair - so had no problems at all ....

as for the specifics of the deluxe edition in Australia I can confirm the following:

Heroes V on DVD
Heroes II (Complete game it is called, suspect no expansions) - for XP
Expansive Manual - hard copy - am reading it atm - 47 pages in all
Paper Map of Ashan
Cloth Map of Ashan - very nice quality indeed
16 page Artbook - very nice pictures inside
Faction Document - foldout with all faction creature stats (no ability info thou) and some faction hero info (primary and secondary attributes and initial skills)
And according to the packaging, 3 additional Scenario maps (which is nice considering there are only 6 to start with) and the "In-game visual artifact" for your hero

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Unread postby asandir » 17 May 2006, 05:18

oh and RRP of standard game is $89.95 and deluxe is $109.95

not too bad for an extra $20, although some ppl prolly won't agree ;-)

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Unread postby Furay » 17 May 2006, 05:29

Thanks dude!

Yeah, I guess for $20 it is not bad. I already have H2 (with all expansions), so that's not really drawing me in.

The cloth map and faction document are the real things for me.

Another question (since you seem to be so fast in answering them): Does the standard edition come with the "Expansive Manual" ? I mean, doesn't have to be hard cover, but at least a hard copy (not PDF).


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Unread postby asandir » 17 May 2006, 05:33

sorry, but i can't answer that one .... only had a look at the deluxe edition, my understanding however is that it does come with a hard copy manual - and just between you and me, I think it will be the same as the one in the deluxe edition

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Unread postby Minmaster » 17 May 2006, 07:17

so does it have a wait button? better tooltips? is there any big difference from what we saw in demo?

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Unread postby asandir » 17 May 2006, 07:32

no wait button, just press "w"

dunno about the tooltips, but at least the manual explains all the shortcuts etc!!!

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Unread postby Sikon » 17 May 2006, 08:22

What do you mean by "better" tooltips? Tooltips appear if you press the right mouse button or hold the mouse long enough.

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Unread postby asandir » 17 May 2006, 08:35

i think he's talking about the content in the tooltips

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Unread postby Teagle » 17 May 2006, 08:50

Well, I'm in Australia too, but I had to go and order it through Ubi's online store. Cost a freakin' fortune too, got the limited edition- but the damn thing hasn't even shipped yet!

So you other aussies got it through ebgames already? I take it you had pre-ordered? I'm so jealous. Does anyone know when the Ubi shop plans on shipping their stuff?

Cheers, and enjoy!

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