UPDATE 29.08.2021
A large amount of work is done, 309 Monsters and their icons complete! In general, this video will be split into two informative parts. In one of them, in the first, I will tell you about the concept as a whole, in the second, the main part concerning the main video will be touched on - which you can now watch and ask, perhaps, questions about what kind of units are these, because here you will see a lot of new things. Namely, the second part will tell you about new units in fashion, their features, general information about mechanics, tactics, and the features of those concepts that I developed, not only creating and improving graphics, but also coming up with interesting abilities and mechanics for creatures.
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/AURN0OTCAu4
UPDATE 13.02.2021
The mod is gradually approaching the end in terms of editing models, at the moment progress in this regard is about 85%, there are a number of small adjustments with frames and the creation of about 120 more frames for 2 units, the main array of tasks in this regard has been completed. The next step will be to finalize the interface, icons, and other things, so far everything is somewhere at the level of 55% of the work done. Today, a small addition in the form of a video with a presentation of another unit of the Necropolis faction - the Necromancer (I was inspired by this theme thanks to the game Allods 2) well, in general, the concept of a * carcass * (reaper) was originally created by someone, I started processing and finishing the frames , the result can be viewed.
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/suhR4N1U7bE

UPDATE 18.11.2020
Finally my job on Dwarf Fraction (Neutral units update) is done! The idea behind this was to make a world of Heroes III wider, more beautiful, more dynamic and tactically variable, many of ideas comes from Might & Magic lore, and this one is not an exception. Dwarfs was a part of a lore, somehow there are not many information, but this universe combines itself fantasy and sci-fi both are a part of the world. I have my own minds about adding some steampunk concepts that will be a bridge between fantasy and techoligical things. And my concepts was released in a list of units and the names you can see: Sibyl, Dwarf Watcher, Dwarf Guard, Berserker, Rune Master, Steam Golem, Mimic, Mountain Executor, Turtle Cannon, Steam Dragon. In the video I did, you can check the gameplay, stats, skills, graphic and sound design on which I worked on few month:
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/GzpZHHWU_Yc

UPDATE 11.07.2020 Autumn Rampart redesign v1.0b
I did some graphical changes to old Autumn Rampart mod, combined it with original classic Rampart, but more detailed and rich in composition, added new Icons, changed and fixes few graphical glitches, added more transparency to layers, and made new background.
Watch review in this video (Also I can share this grahpic modification with community): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksldvY8vzBo&t=36s

UPDATE 11.05.2020 Review of new Necropolis Fraction units (12 new units for Necropolis)
Check this link https://youtu.be/DpAhZa_jctg
to see guide about new units and graphic updates of Necropolis fraction units, also I made some new sfx sounds for 3d models and added a small fragment of main theme (menu soundtrack) that you can hear at the beggining of the video. Work on project still in progress and I will try to keep updated community with a new information about development soon. Sorry for "google" voice in the video.
Finally, after more than a year of work on this project, I found free time, to do this thread and to show you something you might be interested in.
I always loved good old Heroes 3, SOT, AB, WOG, and new one HoTA. More than 10 years of work with Map Editor and endless love to this game. As a designer and music composer I was always desired to try myself in modding and at end of 2017 I started to work on my own mod called "The Days Of Silence".
G A M E P L A Y - V I D E O - T E S T S:
The Days Of Silence is the MOD, the story, campign, between HoMM (AB) and HoMM IV about tragic ending of Enroth world, the great cataclysm that caused by Gelu and Kilgor when they fought with two warring blades. (You all know this is the opening trailer in HoMM IV) The campaign will consist from the history of several fractions Kreegans (Inferno Campaign), Necromantic Order (Deyja, Necropolis Campaign) and Krewlod (Barbarian Campaign) wich will consist of 8\8\6 Maps. A huge amount of new and old well know heroes will again confront the war for power, survival and the fulfillment of their secret plans. The campaign will have a lot of text and references to the well-known and related to the universe of heroes series of games called Might and Magic, and appear in game different new fractions like Forge, Conflux, Cathedral, Holy Legion, Northerner Clans. They all will take a part in campaign story and will be half available for single player.
This mod is created on platform HoMM MOP (Master of Puppets) v2.12 which gives a convenient opportunity to edit the game code using the programming language Phyton. (Big thanks to the one of the developers that explained me a lot about programming and software for editing mr. Ричард Десфрей [Richard Dethfray]) New code features allow add to the game a lot of new content, abbilities, spells, town rules, dificulty scaling etc. So I decided to work with this code, not ERA or WOG (the last of which I know very well and regret that there is still no way to use the good old way of modding individual maps, although according to the authors of the mod, which formed the basis, it can still be done somehow) [if you work with phyton and MoP let me know how it possible to use because ZVSE triggers doesn't work].
What this mod will offer to player?
- New game mechanics
- New battle tactics
- More than 500 decorative objects for map editor to make game more atmosphere
- A lot of new monsters, with special abbilities of different levels. Neutrals, fraction monsters
- New artifacts with new abbilities
- New spells and redesign of some old spells
- 3 new campaigns
- Single and hot-sit maps
- New music and Video trailers
- New sounds for monsters and environment fx's
I do this mod for free, when have free time with a great desire to create a truly beautiful organic addition that will not be inferior to the original and will fit beautifully into the general atmosphere, giving players a lot of new interesting fractional objects and interesting game moves. A lot of materials for the work were borrowed from various archive libraries and collected in different forums, many of the objects or animations were improved or redrawn by me. New unique animations, objects and interface elements were also created.
This mod can't be installed on any other mod or platform and will be a distinctive individual. There is no specific date of release, because the project is in work, and after 1.5 year only 38% done, slow work, due to the fact that I do it in my free time, if possible, but try to devote at least 3 days a week to the project. Since the main part of the time now is working with the graphics and design of the project, there is not much time left to work with text content, however, the first campaign has already advanced to 3 scenarios, and the text and game messages, storyline have already been wroted before the end of the first campaign (Inferno).
Here is some screens of game UI update and new maps I'm working on or have already finished.

This is not the final UI design some elements still doesn't been changed and require more work on brightness ballence. To emphasize the darker atmosphere of this add-on, I decided to add more Gothic and darker elements to the design, from this the general gamma of the interface prevails in dark cold tones, and also contains a lot of different mystical symbols.

All new objects allow to variy fraction environment, for example Arena has new clone Demonic Altar wich is also gives +2att\+2def but looks better for Inferno fraction on lava, similar changes added to different fractions. New objects was also created for campaign story to make it more truth and realistic. More water objects and new bank objects allow to collect more artifacts and resources throughout the game and some of this objects can be truly challenging at late game, where Dwarwen Treasury can't grant truly great challenge and reward to main hero. Game allows to have more than +100 A.D.S.K. and to have more skills. Game contains all well known 8LVL DW and also a lot of WOG units some of them was updated on graphic. Also more new different level DW from 1 to 10 lvl. From now on Azure Dragon not alone on olympus of most dangerous and rare monsters.

New units also has new abbilities, for example Hell Fafnir (Inferno Dragon) [lvl10] is a full berserk unit, that cast berserk spell on itself and targets around, can fly, strike foes that passes by and adds morale to Inferno fraction. Magical Dragons [lvl3] can cast meteor shower by 3 times, you can choose to strike magic or to use melee attack. More higher level unit has more new and interesting abbilities for rare and valuable units you really have to fight. Full list of monsters will be added to game with teaching aid document PDF where you will find a list of all game changes. (Someday) But if you want to know more about game units just let know about it in this thread, and I will try to post more.
My own artworks:
New portraits for Campaign heroes:

New Forge fraction dwellings:

New Forge fraction mines:

New different fraction objects (from left to right - Inferno Garrison, Inferno Garrison Magic, Pirate Ship, Hell Seal, Destroyed Elf House, Destroyed Elf Stables, Wood Mill):

Void Dragon:


As you can see interface is on Russian language, I'm a guy from Urkaine, so I choosed this language for mod, but as soon as all will be finished for early alpha I will start to add a translation on English. Big thanks to all other mod teams, who share their knowledge and metarials that helped a lot in my work.
PS. Sorry for my English.
Update 31.12.2019

Added castles animation and changed some things graphically. 5 Campaign maps finished. Map Editor update. New decoration objects added and some bug fixes.