E3 2019: Songs of Conquest

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E3 2019: Songs of Conquest

Unread postby {CH}ArticleBot » 15 Jun 2019, 23:33

We will remain here, for a bit longer now. If any of new announced games bear any resemblance to Heores of Might and Magic, it's Songs of Contest.

What is served on the plate?
It may looks like one of the oldies but it's not. The game is centered about day gameplay, bulding and fighting and all of that it's serving in nicely fitting 8bits coat.

Where superior graphic is going aside, strategy and stories have a waste space to spring on. As the game is currently in alpha testing stage, you can subscribe for news and possible testing at presenting and verify yourself.


The known info so far:
On E3 2019 they released a game trailer, there's also available interview with game developer. They have also a nice note on the blog, presenting happy coop between them as dev and their publisher.

Level editor and soundtrack are planned to be part of the game. Public release date shall be in late 2020. The game is announced as a classic turn based adventure strategy. Starting with hotseat and later with full mp. Developer is a small Sweden studio Lavapotion, with industry veteran members, this will be their first title. ;)


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