MM6-MM8 Turn-Based Fights Only

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MM6-MM8 Turn-Based Fights Only

Unread postby Anubis » 17 Mar 2019, 20:23

I've been feasible would it be to play through MM6-MM8 where all your fights are in turn-based mode (no moving around to dodge projectiles or magical attacks)? I'm thinking of giving that a try but I can see some scenarios where that wouldn't work, such as having to face off against Terminator Units or Blood Titans (Unless there's a way to counter eradication or being K.O.'d in one hit).

I've never really used the white or black potions...dunno if there are any potions there that cure eradication or being knocked unconscious. I'd also have to find the information regarding those one-hit-kill creatures and see if they have any class/racial preference (e.g. goblins being more likely to attack the dwarves in your party) and set up a party based on that information.
Last edited by Anubis on 17 Mar 2019, 20:32, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: MM6-MM8 Turn-Based Fights Only

Unread postby GrayFace » 18 Mar 2019, 00:29

It's one of the standard ways to play.
Anubis wrote:(Unless there's a way to counter eradication or being K.O.'d in one hit)
MM7: Protection From Magic.
MM6: Killing them faster, reloading sometimes.
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Re: MM6-MM8 Turn-Based Fights Only

Unread postby killeroid356 » 21 Apr 2019, 20:32

wait you played through these games WITHOUT turn based mode? i always thought it was neccecary to avoid being demolished by certain enemies. and to counter tough enemies kiting or just bombarding them from range are good ways to do it, iirc titans and dragons in mm6 fall very quickly to mass distortion and implosion (mass to weaken and implosion to kill, and not on gold dragons they are immune to mass).

now i need to try a playthrough without using turn based and see how it goes :P

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Re: MM6-MM8 Turn-Based Fights Only

Unread postby Tress » 21 Apr 2019, 21:03

First of all it would require some change to rules of mm6 as you cant really move during TB, so not really sure how fighting would look like in that case or how you would envision that or do you mean that you are "hitting" only after pressing enter, and still moving in meantime.
Considering monster Ai which in dungeons tend to cluster into corners and not actually come to you, it would make general gameplay frustrating as hell, even with movment option, and it would still reduce to some level of cheesing the dungeons.
As for insta KO/ KILL , mm6-8 have that handled if you have body gm priest, or you are boosting body res with white potions (which according to to math GF provided will still give 20-30 % chance of being killed.) MM6 will probably look like lesson in frustration and spamming of paralysis.
As for monster meta information, check TELPs page - He have really nice charts with monster stats, but aside for personal challenge, making party to avoid specific monster, and consider that intended strategy would make for extremely bad game design.
Last edited by Tress on 21 Apr 2019, 21:07, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: MM6-MM8 Turn-Based Fights Only

Unread postby Anubis » 21 Apr 2019, 23:42

No, no. I think you guys misunderstand me. I've used turn-based mode in all my games, but I've also moved during combat. This current playthrough -- I don't move at all whatsoever during combat. I won't retreat at all and I'll continue to stay in turn-based mode until all my party members are dead or all the monsters around me are dead. Should my entire party die, I'll then reload.

For example, Minotaur Kings or Greater Werewolves approach me and knock me unconscious -- I'll heal them and continue to fight -- no reloads! (The only time I reload during combat is if those retarded thieves steal something from my inventory, lol)

Also, during my fight with the Terminator Units - their eradication ability triggered a lot, so I made sure to fight them during 5 AM to 6AM or 8PM to 9PM so I could cast Divine Intervention. I then went over to Hermit's Isle and touched the Rejuvenation well if my age got too high to the point it was debilitating.

@Tress -- Should monsters cluster into corners, I'll just go straight into the center of the room so that all monsters in that room can see me and have a chance to hit me.

It made for an interesting playthrough. Definitely doable and was fun. It was tedious with some outdoor areas though (Dragonsand/Hermit's Isle/Paradise Valley). I didn't bother clearing the entirety of Paradise Valley or Hermit's Isle. I just cleared the areas of interest (Rejuvenation Fountain, Supreme Temple of Baa, Town of Paradise Valley, Obelisk areas, and the chest locations).
Last edited by Anubis on 21 Apr 2019, 23:58, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: MM6-MM8 Turn-Based Fights Only

Unread postby Tress » 22 Apr 2019, 07:37

Also, during my fight with the Terminator Units - their eradication ability triggered a lot, so I made sure to fight them during 5 AM to 6AM or 8PM to 9PM so I could cast Divine Intervention. I then went over to Hermit's Isle and touched the Rejuvenation well if my age got too high to the point it was debilitating.
Generally you can just skip them unless you want to clear everything. First blaster is like 2 meters from entrance.

As for TB - i still think the AI would make it more frustrating than fun, but i guess its certainly a challenge. For mm7 its of course much more easy as generally once you get GM body and at least some light magic , the challenge enemies can provide is almost 0, since hp pool is quite high and regen compensates it, and you cant really die due to preservation/ protect combo, and almost any amount of monsters can be CC's by paralysis.

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Re: MM6-MM8 Turn-Based Fights Only

Unread postby Anubis » 22 Apr 2019, 12:51


The reason I cleared the Control Center (and other dungeons) was so I could use Telekinesis at my leisure and see if there were any secrets in that dungeon -- sadly, no go for any secrets in Control Center.

I won't be playing 100% turn-based mode for MM6 in any future playthroughs. that's for sure. Overall, doing that wasn't really frustrating, but that could just be bias as I'm generally a patient person. It was mostly fun. The only tediousness I experienced was when I was fighting in Dragonsand, Paradise Valley, and Hermit's Isle, as well as Terminator Units until I came up with the solution of using Divine Intervention during the fight as that spell cures Eradication and restores all health/mana.

I was just personally curious to see if playing in 100% turn-based was doable without any extreme "roadblocks". It seems to be. I mostly used spells to take down the tougher creatures as my weapons missed quite a bit. One thing I can say though -- The Paladin and Archer in my party weren't really that helpful because of their low mana pool and they ended up being useless until end-game. If there were anything I would change, my party config would be a Cleric, Sorcerer, and two Druids.

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