Guild Wars Feature Request Thread

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Guild Wars Feature Request Thread

Unread postby Panda Tar » 01 Oct 2018, 19:46

:hoo: Yoohoo, people. This thread is intended for you to list things you want to suggest for implementation/fix/change for the next Guild Wars update. We have been some brainstorming as how mechanics works here and there and I do think you all have some something to contribute on whether we can help refining the system in due course.

I think we can list the idea, discuss, then update this first post with the debated ideas in bold. I'll leave a space here for the list, where GREEN subjects are things we'd like to implement/add and RED are things we'd like to change/fix:

  • COMMAND | WAR SHOUT: exclusive for Guild Leader, sent to all allies to strategize an action, call to arms, for defense and whatnot. It creates a small trumpet icon on the screen with high priority (meaning it'll be visible on regular menus).
  • COMMAND | REPOSITION ARMY: exclusive for Guild Leader, enabled only before War starts, allows reposition of troops from buildings.
  • CHAT FEATURE| MENTION ALERT: a player can filter messages to check whenever he/she was mentioned in the guild chat.
  • FEATURE | ARMY READY ICON: when starting the game, a small icon on the Guild Wars icon shows when you have troops available and at least 1 galleon to carry them. Similar to the mechanism of knowing whether we have upgrades available and affordable in our Kingdom.
  • FEATURE | Not only officers and leaders, but all members of the guild are able to see shard costs of buildings, as they might know better keeping track of achievements and provide assistance.
  • DAILY REWARD | Create an army for Guild Wars: reward with 5 diamonds.
  • ACHIEVEMENTS | Place army to defend a building in Guid Wars | Accumulate a total damage on enemy buildings in a single Guild War greater than <<Damage>> | Assemble an army worth of <<STR>> | Single Time Achievement: Assemble an army with all bonuses at 100%

  • At the end of the war, show an option for the player if one wants all armies dismissed or keep them as they are.
  • Troops and galleons refreshes at the same time daily, instead of giving a 24h cooldown when the refresh command is issued. Diamond costs regarding time left for default refreshing decrease accordingly.
  • BUG | Sometimes buying galleons for ally won't deduce diamonds, then it'll only show an animation. For now, restarting the game fixes that.

My first 2 suggestions are rather simple and straightforward, so let's see if you guys agree.

1) At the end of the War, all armies are automatically dismissed. As the war ends, nothing more is accounted for. So, to avoid anyone setting the old army by mistake, every creature is sent back home to their families.

2) Different kind of bonuses for upgrading buildings. Focus on Common and Medium fort. We all know by now that upgrading Common and Medium forts doesn't pay off. One way to spice things up is tweaking the sort of bonuses provided by these buildings, so as to make them work as a gamble of sorts. One suggestion is: Upgrading Common Fort enable a chance of inflicting critical hits upon attacking. How would that work? On a general view:
- Each small creature in the army provides 2 to 5% critical damage (an examplary number, which means maximum critical of 40% to 100% damage).
- Critical is added at the end of the attack, like a bonus.
- Each building upgrade gives 5% more chance to a critical to happen and substracts 2% chance to enemy inflicting critical strikes upon buildings.

There might have holes in that description, but that's the overview feeling of the feature. Thoughts?
Last edited by Panda Tar on 17 Oct 2018, 20:15, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: Guild Wars Feature Request Thread

Unread postby Galaad » 02 Oct 2018, 01:28

Panda Tar wrote:
1) At the end of the War, all armies are automatically dismissed. As the war ends, nothing more is accounted for. So, to avoid anyone setting the old army by mistake, every creature is sent back home to their families.
Well once I have settled multiple armies, I don't want to spend time reassigning everyone everytime please. :)

One feature I would like to get though, is to allow guild leader to remove someone from a wrong placement, if it's done before the war actually starts.

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Re: Guild Wars Feature Request Thread

Unread postby Pol » 02 Oct 2018, 07:24

Ah, when we are at it. I would like "War Shout" which would allow us to assign target, visible for all our members.

And I would like "Name Alert" in the chat, which would show you and keep all messages when someone mentioned you.
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Re: Guild Wars Feature Request Thread

Unread postby Troller » 02 Oct 2018, 08:24

That all armies are refrehed at the same time as the galleons - it's anoying that the monent when I can attack is drifting each day - and I don't whant to spend diamonds on refreshing an army if there is a few hours left before it is ready - or at least let the diamond refresh not reset the counter...

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Re: Guild Wars Feature Request Thread

Unread postby Galaad » 02 Oct 2018, 10:33

Troller, in case you don't know, sending galleons to your guild mates is MUCH cheaper than buying them for yourself. :)
This is another reason about how we find a use to every each one of our guild members. ;)

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Re: Guild Wars Feature Request Thread

Unread postby Troller » 02 Oct 2018, 11:04

Hi Galaad yeah we use that somewhat - my issue is that if I refresh an army with only 5 minutes left the countdown is reset and it won't be available for 24 hours... If the reset was the sime time every day I wasn't so reluctant to refresh an army or keep one back for an oppotune kill...

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Re: Guild Wars Feature Request Thread

Unread postby Pol » 02 Oct 2018, 12:03

Indeed more logical would be to decrease diamond fee, as is time counting down. Like if you would have last 30min it would cost you just 5D.

I just noticed another bug, when you buy galleon for someone else and diamonds are not deduced - then all what you see is just an animation. Restart of the game can fix that.
Last edited by Pol on 02 Oct 2018, 12:03, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Guild Wars Feature Request Thread

Unread postby Galaad » 02 Oct 2018, 12:13

Pretty sure armies refresh is main income for VCME right now though. :D :P

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Re: Guild Wars Feature Request Thread

Unread postby Panda Tar » 02 Oct 2018, 16:33

They are very greedy already, adding diamond costs almost everywhere. It will backfire someday. :drama:

Updated first post. Please, check if everything is clear or needs better phrasing.

Any ideas on making Common and Rare forts more useful? Another thing, regarding daily rewards, which reward could be linked to GWs? :) "Set an army for Guild Wars"? As you can assign even when there's no war going on, so you can do it daily. And regarding Achievements, there's none yet. :beg:
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Re: Guild Wars Feature Request Thread

Unread postby SpinZero » 02 Oct 2018, 21:42

It would be nice for guild members below officer rank to be able to see shard cost of building upgrades.

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Re: Guild Wars Feature Request Thread

Unread postby Panda Tar » 02 Oct 2018, 22:03

Right, added.
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Re: Guild Wars Feature Request Thread

Unread postby Galaad » 02 Oct 2018, 23:10

Panda Tar wrote:They are very greedy already, adding diamond costs almost everywhere. It will backfire someday. :drama:
I think they actually needed more revenue badly, game is so f2p friendly. Even in GW, it is more biased towards long time players than anything else.
Last edited by Galaad on 02 Oct 2018, 23:14, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Guild Wars Feature Request Thread

Unread postby Troller » 04 Oct 2018, 12:23

Na I don't feel penalized for playing F2P - and with Battle Tower, adds, quests and Dungeon Challange I get a pretty steady income of Diamonds. My biggest disadvantage is the VIP bonusses but I don't know how much that really is...

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Re: Guild Wars Feature Request Thread

Unread postby Panda Tar » 04 Oct 2018, 20:23

I think the greatest thing about VIP, aside the Diamond costs of some things being diminished, is the time Energy gets refreshed. In the long term, you get considerable more energy. Right now, my Energy gets refreshed every 4'05" instead of 5'. Next VIP level decreases that time again. The Level reward is not that bad either, although they are only once. Lv 10 gets 2 Legendary Idols and some sorted items.

The daily VIP income is not really anything to miss.
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Re: Guild Wars Feature Request Thread

Unread postby Pol » 05 Oct 2018, 08:27

The best parts of VIPiness are:
* More Quick Quest per day
* Summoning discounts
* And some extra resources - one time and in daily income (which is a few but.. )

VIP3 have 10 QQ per day, 285/95/25 tokens for chest summoning.
VIP4 have 4D Parot, 760/86D for summoning, 4:35 to restore one speed point

Which is great as defaults are:
2QQ per day, 30/100/30 tokens for chest summoning, 80/90D for summoning and 5min to restore one speed point
Last edited by Pol on 05 Oct 2018, 09:53, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Guild Wars Feature Request Thread

Unread postby Galaad » 05 Oct 2018, 23:39

VIP3 is around 20 or 30 bucks, really worth it if you love the game and play daily.

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Re: Guild Wars Feature Request Thread

Unread postby wimfrits » 06 Oct 2018, 08:47

I think so too. Though hesitant to spend on mobile gaming, I went to VIP3 a few months ago. I play CQ more than paid games so it feels ok to spend some on it.
Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

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Re: Guild Wars Feature Request Thread

Unread postby Panda Tar » 10 Oct 2018, 20:42

I think we can create this:
  • Create an army for Guild Wars – reward with 5 diamonds.
  • Place an army to defend a building in Guid Wars: 1 time / 3 times / 5 times / 10 times / 25 times / 50 times (Rewards: 10 diamonds / 25 diamonds / 75 diamonds / 150 diamonds / 300 diamonds)
  • Accumulate a total damage on enemy buildings in a single Guild Ward superior of: 10K / 50K / 250K / 1M / 5M / 10M / 25M / 50M (Rewards: 5 diamonds / 10 diamonds / 25 diamonds / 100 diamonds / 150 diamonds / 200 diamonds / 300 diamonds / 500 diamonds)
  • Assemble an army worth of: 2K STR / 5K STR / 10K STR / 25K STR / 75K STR/ 150K STR / 220K STR (Rewards: 10 diamonds / 25 diamonds / 50 diamonds / 80 diamonds / 120 diamonds / 200 diamonds / 350 diamonds)
  • Assemble an army with all bonuses at 100%: 350 War Coins

And a general question: the max STR an army can reach is what, 240K?
Last edited by Panda Tar on 10 Oct 2018, 21:36, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Guild Wars Feature Request Thread

Unread postby Pol » 10 Oct 2018, 21:25

I wouldn't go into that, war coins should be something special only. In other words one of most rare resources.

Though I admit, that I wouldn't object against some extra diamonds. :)
Last edited by Pol on 10 Oct 2018, 22:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Guild Wars Feature Request Thread

Unread postby Panda Tar » 10 Oct 2018, 21:37

Yup, fixed, but still think that, at least for the one-time achievement of having all bonuses at 100%, it would really be worthy giving WC for such long and extensive (and expensive) work. :proud:
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