HoMM 2 Save Editor

The old Heroes games developed by New World Computing. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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HoMM 2 Save Editor

Unread postby Maximus » 22 Jul 2018, 15:31

Save Editor for SW и PoL, ver 2.8.3

This Utility provides the ability to edit The Heroes of Might & Magic II Succsession Wars and The Price of Loyality saved games. The ability to edit the HMM2 save file of any localization is added.

1. To view the information of the selected file: path, game type, map size, map description, map difficulty, game difficulty, Teams personality, win and loose conditions, number and color of the Teams;
2. To edit Heroes characteristics;
3. To set\clear the Cheater state;
4. To edit the game date;
5. To edit learned spells in a Magic Book;
6. To edit Artifacts (including Spell Scroll magic);
7. To edit Hero Skills;
8. To edit troops: kind and quantity;
9. To edit the amount of resources;
10. To edit castle structures;
11. Shows the information about The Ultimate Artifact;
12. Shows the Statistics about all Heroes and Castles;
13. To change the Personality (Builder, Warrior, Explorer). It increases the game difficulty. Specially for those who are not enough Expert+Impossible )));
14. To View\change the set of Speels in Magic Towers (The "?" button on the Castle page);
15. To edit Spell Scroll spell (use context menu of the Spell Scroll item);
16. Multi -lingual interface support (Eng, Rus). English interface is used in all OSes where the Lang ID is not 1049 (Russian). In case of non-Russian OS localization the additional Menu Item in the Help menu appears to guide through tuning the Russian lang;
17. To show the amount of day the game will be lost in case the Hero has not any Castle;
18. To show an additional information about Win/Loose conditions;
19. If the construction of Castle is prohibited due to Game rules, mark the Castle with strikethrough font (The ability to build the Castle is remain);
20.To open the Puzzle to any Hero;
21. To open the full Map to any Hero;
22. To open the full water surface to any Hero;
23. In case the Castle is occupied with the any Hero to show the Hero;
24. To view passwords for color barriers and to visit it;
25. To edit Castles without names;
26. To edit Heroes with the same names;
27. To show an additional information about the Ultimate Stuff (what kind we are searching for);
28. To show an additional information about resourses;
29. If the Hero is in a Jail show it on the Hero\Info and Statistics\Heroes pages;
and some more tiny interface improvements.
30. To rename Heroes and Castles;
31. To view Sphinx info (Riddles and answers, awards);
32. To view map preview (landscape, positions of Heroes and Castles, Ultimate Staff).

With comments and wishes mail to: maximelizarov@yandex.ru
If the Editor crashes pls send the attachement of the game to the e-mail to analyse.

Due to restrictions follow the link to download: http://forum.heroesworld.ru/attachment. ... 1582051090

Last edited by Maximus on 29 Feb 2020, 14:16, edited 15 times in total.

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Blood Fury
Blood Fury
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Re: HoMM 2 Save Editor

Unread postby Darmani » 22 Jul 2018, 22:57

This looks cool! Nice work.

Feel free to reach out if you want any tips for adding new features. We (the Ironfist team) can tell you the ins and outs of the HoMM II save format and how to hex-edit it.

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Joined: 22 Jul 2018

Re: HoMM 2 Save Editor

Unread postby Maximus » 24 Jul 2018, 03:55

Thanks for offering a collaboration. It's a really good idea. I have a gap in understanding of the HoMM II save format. This tool was programmed using only fc.exe command )
I have some ideas to expand the functionallity so i'll be very thankful to get any useful information

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