Creature List by Type and Effects

Mobile game by Jon Van Caneghem studio VC Mobile Entertainment. Beautiful offspring with Might & Magic touch. All your quests lead to adventure!
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Panda Tar
Forum Mascot
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Creature List by Type and Effects

Unread postby Panda Tar » 16 Apr 2018, 03:53

This list is mainly to show color, Special Ability main attribute and added effects, such as Healing, Cleansing, Buffing, Debuffing. The creatures will be named after their last evolution. A note of AWAKENED will be pointed out when the added effect requires an awakened state, taking into account the RED STARS, and the AWAKENED information considers the complete AWAKENED form and not every red star. Stats improvements in red stars are not shown when they don't affect precisely the Special ability (when they affect creature stats directly, improving, if attribute matches, Special ability indirectly), although sometimes I might list some resistances, if they are relevant.

Hope it helps giving a better view of the creatures. :hug:

Names in italic need updating, so help is welcome to update them. :please:


Special Ability PWR Attribute
  • Royal Air Fish (125% main, half adjacents)
    Fox Musketeer (100% 2 hits)
    Royal Jester (50% random 9 allies)
    Dread Parrot (100% 2 hits, IGNORE DEFENSE, AWAKENED 40% chance of half damage on adjacents)
    Hypnotoad (175%)
    Jellyfish Genius (40% random 6 hits)
    Kobold Captain (250% first hit)
    Rimefrost Eagle (80% all targets)
    Nymph Oracle (100% random 2 hits)
    Water Elemental Lord (150% all enemies, AWAKENED 170%)
    Naga Priestess (60% 4 hits, AWAKENED 5 hits)
    Divine Siren (170% main and adjacent, AWAKENED 200%)
    Ferocious Yeti (50% 6 hits)
    Sapphire Drake (175% main, half adjacents)
    Frost Giant Besieger
    Ice Queen (150% main, 50% adjacents)
    Queen Scylla (225%)
    Ancient Blue Dragon (200% main, half adjacents, + 35% all enemies)
    Maleficent Tiamat (50% random 6 hits, AWAKENED 50% chance to each head strike again: 7 to 12 hits)
    Lurker of the Deep (20%, 16 hits)
    Storm Rider Wukong
Special Ability %HP Attribute

Special Ability ATK Attribute
  • Otter Skipper (200%, AWAKENED 225%)
    Kobold Captain (30% second hit, AWAKENED + 1 hit, 60%)
    Big Game Hunter (50% 1 + random 5 hits, AWAKENED 60%)
    Megalodon (280%, IGNORE DEFENSE)
Special Ability DEF Attribute
  • Arcane Dragon Turtle (100%, all allies)
    Walrus Yokozuna (125%, a row, AWAKENED 150%)
    Marid Stormlord (250% random)
    Stormhide Stegosaurus (150%, a row)
Special Ability LUK Attribute
  • Penguin Fish Sniper (200%, 30% 2nd hit, AWAKENED + 20% chance 2nd hit vs epic and boss)
    Giant King Cobra (50% 3 hits)
    Sea Terror (50% random 4 hits, half adjacents)
Effect: Healer
  • Royal Jester (50% PWR random 9 heals, AWAKENED 10)
    Arcane Dragon Turtle (100% DEF all allies)
    Rimefrost Eagle (AWAKENED 30% all allies)
    Nymph Oracle (100% PWR random 2 heals, AWAKENED 140%)
    Divine Siren (170% PWR main and adjacents, AWAKENED 200%)
    Queen Scylla (150% PWR all allies, AWAKENED 175%)
    Marid Stormlord (AWAKENED if DEF buff is active 280% self and adjacents)
Effect: Mana Healer or Burner
Effect: Cleanser
  • Royal Jester (random 4 cleanses)
    Rimefrost Eagle (3 allies, AWAKENED all)
    Nymph Oracle (AWAKENED 4 random cleanses)
    Divine Siren (all main, AWAKENED all main and ajacents)
Effect: Dispeller
  • Mysterious Mask (3)
    Otter Skipper (1, AWAKENED all)
    Marid Stormlord (1)
Effect: Buffer
  • Fox Musqueteer (25% DEF)
    Mysterious Mask (30% Protection, AWAKENED 50% PWR Mend, 30% DEF)
    Otter Skipper (30% ATK)
    Arcane Dragon Turtle (AWAKENED 30% Protection, DEF)
    Kobold Captain (25% ATK, AWAKENED 35% ATK)
    Rimefrost Eagle (40% Protection, AWAKENED 50%)
    Nymph Oracle (30% PWR)
    Sea Terror (30% ATK)
    Water Elemental Lord (35% ATK and DEF)
    Naga Priestess (25% PWR and LUK, AWAKENED 35%)
    Queen Scylla (AWAKENED if target poisoned, 40% PWR Mend)
    Marid Stormlord (70% DEF)
Effect: Debuffer
  • Royal Air Fish (30% ATK and LUK 3 turns, AWAKENED 5 turns)
    Jellyfish Genius (AWAKENED 25% chance 20% Fatigue 3 turns)
    Ferocious Yeti (30% LUK and DEF 3 turns, AWAKENED 40% and 4 turns)
    Giant King Cobra (40% Fatigue 4 turns)
    Naga Priestess (AWAKENED 20% chance 50% Fatigue 2 turns each blade)
    Ferocious Yeti (DEF and LUK 3 turns)
    Sea Terror (25% LUK and ATK 3 turns, AWAKENED 35% and 5 turns)
    Stormhide Stegosaurus (50% DEF 2 turns)
    Maleficent Tiamat (20% ATK, DEF, LUK, PWR 5 turns, AWAKENED 30%)
    Queen Scylla (30% PWR 3 turns, AWAKENED 50% PWR 3 turns, 40% Fatigue 3 turns all enemies)
    Megalodon (60% Fatigue 3 turns)
Effect: DoT
  • Jellyfish Genius (25% chance 20% PWR Poison 6 turns, AWAKENED 40% chance)
    Giant King Cobra (100% LUK Poison 4 turns)
    Queen Scylla (30% PWR Poison 3 turns all enemies, AWAKENED 40% 4 turns)
Effect: Critical
  • Fox Musketeer (AWAKENED + 20% crit. chance)
    Big game Hunter (AWAKENED + 40% crit. chance vs large and boss)
    Ferocious Yeti (AWAKENED + 40% crit. chance vs debuffed)
    Giant King Cobra (AWAKENED + 40% crit. chance vs poisoned)
Effect: Bonus on Damage (size, color, DoT, debuff, DoT detonation, death blow)
  • Royal Air Fish (AWAKENED + 40% vs small and medium)
    Jellyfish Genius (AWAKENED + 40% vs poisoned)
    Giant Cobra (AWAKENED 50% self heal vs poisoned)
    Sea Terror (AWAKENED +20% for each active debuff)
    Sapphire Drake (AWAKENED + 50% vs RED)
    Stormhide Stegosaurus (AWAKENED 50% self heal vs DEF debuff)
    Maleficent Tiamat (AWAKENED +20% for each active debuff)
    Megalodon (80 mana on death blow)
    Ancient Blue Dragon (AWAKENED +50% vs stunned)
Effect: Passive Resistance to Debuffs, DoTs, Special Ability Damage Reduction
  • Sea Terror (AWAKENED 50% burn resistance)
    Water Elemental (AWAKENED 100% burn resistance)
    Sapphire Drake (AWAKENED 50% stun resistance)
    Marid Stormlord (AWAKENED - 25% damage from basic attacks, - 25% damage from Special)
    Stormhide Stegosaurus (AWAKENED – 40% damage from DEF debuff)
    Ancient Blue Dragon (AWAKENED - 60% damage from Yellow)
Effect: Silencer
  • Naga Priestess (AWAKENED 20% for each blade, 1 turn)
    Ice Queen (2 turns)
    Maleficent Tiamat (1 turn)
Effect: Stunner
  • Hypnotoad (4 turns, AWAKENED 6, 3 adjacents)
    Sapphire Drake (3 turns, AWAKENED 5)
    Walrus Yokozuna (50% chance 4 turns, AWAKENED 65% chance 5 turns)
    Maleficent Tiamat (4 turns)
    Ancient Blue Dragon (4 turns)
Effect: Counter Special Ability
  • Fox Musketeer (AWAKENED 40% chance 50% PWR damage)
    Water Elemental Lord (AWAKENED stun 3 turns)

Special Ability PWR Attribute
  • Harrowing Hen (40% 4 hits and 25% chance additional 4 hits, AWAKENED + 1 additional hit)
    Blazewing (85%, a row, AWAKENED 110%)
    Squirrel Ace (200%)
    Fiendish Imp (200%)
    Firebug (50% 2 hits, AWAKENED half adjacents)
    Big Boss Shroom (50%)
    Lava Crocodile (200%)
    Utramoth (100% all enemies)
    Oni Tyrant (160% main, half adjacents)
    Boarbarian (225%, AWAKENED 250%, 50% chance additional hit vs large or boss)
    Ridgeback Wyvern (250%)
    Blood Diamond Drake (175% main, half adjacents)
    Fire Elemental Lord (175% main, half adjacents, AWAKENED 200%)
    Flamewing (125%)
    Harpy Vixen (50% random 6 hits)
    Ogre Chieftain (175%, + 25% PWR 50% accuracy random 8 hits, AWAKENED 80% accuracy random hits)
    Infernal Orc (275%)
    Troglodyte Witch Doctor (200% main, 60% all allies, AWAKENED 240% main, 70% all allies)
    Wrathful Asura (50% random 3 hits, 1 additional hit on burned targets [max of 6], AWAKENED 4 hits and 2 additional hits [max of 8])
    Archdevil (250%)
    Fire Giant Incinerator (115% 2 hits, AWAKENED 3 hits)
    Minotaur Warchief (200% main, half adjacents, AWAKENED full damage adjacents)
Special Ability %HP Attribute

Special Ability ATK Attribute
  • Tormenting Devilkin (200%)
    Hellhound (200%, IGNORE DEFENSE)
    Baboon Tormentor (50% 2 hits, + 150% IGNORE DEFENSE)
    Sabertooth Marauder (225% IGNORE DEFENSE)
    Ifrit Pyrelord (50% main + 1 random)
Special Ability DEF Attribute
  • Ant Captain (150%)
    Woodhacker (25%, 2 random targets 5 hits on each)
Special Ability LUK Attribute
  • Inferno Dancer (100% random 2 hits)
Effect: Healer
  • Ant Captain (AWAKENED 30% ATK, all allies)
    Inferno Dancer (AWAKENED 50% LUK, 4 random allies)
    Boarbarian (Self heals 20% max HP)
    Troglodyte Witch Doctor (200% main [RESURRECT], 60% all allies, AWAKENED 240% main, 70% all allies)
    Minotaur Warchief (16% max HP team heal)
Effect: Mana Healer or Burner
Effect: Cleanser
  • Ant Captain (AWAKENED 1 allies)
    Troglodyte Witch Doctor (AWAKENED 1 allies)
Effect: Dispeller
  • Blazewing (AWAKENED 2)
    Inferno Dancer (AWAKENED 1)
    Ridgeback Wyvern (AWAKENED 1)
    Flamewing (1)
    Minotaur Warchief (2, AWAKENED all)
Effect: Buffer
  • Ant Captain (30% ATK and DEF)
    Inferno Dancer (30% LUK)
    Ridgeback Wyvern (25% PWR, AWAKENED 40%)
    Baboon Tormentor (AWAKENED 30% ATK)
    Ogre Chieftain (35% ATK)
    Infernal Flame Orc (30% PWR)
    Ifrit Pyrelord (70% ATK, AWAKENED 55% ATK Mend if ATK buff is active)
Effect: Debuffer
  • Squirrel Ace (30% DEF 5 turns)
    Fiendish Imp (50% chance to 30% PWR, ATK, DEF and/or LUK 3 turns, AWAKENED 60% chance to 40%, affects adjacents)
    Tormenting Devilkin (40% ATK 4 turns, AWAKENED 50% 5 turns)
    Hellhound (40% DEF 4 turns, AWAKENED 25% Fatigue 3 turns)
    Harpy Vixen (40% chance to 25% PWR, ATK, DEF and/or LUK 3 turns, AWAKENED 60% chance, + 25% Fatigue)
    Sabertooth Marauder (AWAKENED 50% Fatigue 3 turns)
    Wrathful Asura (25% chance to 35% PWR, ATK, DEF and/or LUK 3 turns on random hits, AWAKENED 50% chance, on random hits and main-adjacent targets)
    Archdevil (50% ATK and PWR, AWAKENED 50% Fatigue)
    Ifrit Pyrelord (AWAKENED 80% Fatigue 3 turns)
Effect: DoT
  • Firebug (100% PWR burn 2 turns)
    Big Boss Shroom (50% PWR burn all targets 4 turns, AWAKENED 65%)
    Inferno Dancer (25% LUK burn 2 turns, AWAKENED 35%)
    Lava Crocodile (50% PWR burn 3 turns)
    Ultramoth (30% chance to 20% PWR poison 4 turns, AWAKENED 50% chance)
    Oni Tyrant (40% PWR burn 2 turns)
    Blood Diamond Drake (25% PWR burn 2 turns)
    Fire Elemental Lord (10% PWR burn 5 turns, AWAKENED 15%)
    Flamewing (50% PWR burn 2 turns main and adjacents)
    Baboon Tormentor (100% ATK poison 2 turns)
    Wrathful Asura (50% PWR burn 3 turns main and ajacents)
    Fire Giant Incinerator (25% PWR burn 3 turns all enemies, AWAKENED 50%)
    Ifrit Pyrelord (75% ATK burn and poison 2 turns)
Effect: Critical
  • Harrowing Hen (AWAKENED + 60% chance at additional hits)
    Hellhound (AWAKENED + 30% chance vs DEF debuff)
    Ogre Chieftain (AWAKENED + 50% chance at random hits)
    Sabertooth Marauder (AWAKENED + 50% chance vs under 25% HP)
Effect: Bonus on Damage (size, color, DoT, debuff, DoT detonation, death blow)
  • Squirrel Ace (AWAKENED + 50% vs large and boss)
    Firebug (AWAKENED + 50% vs burned)
    Tormenting Devilkin (AWAKENED + 50% vs target below 50% HP, + 50% vs large and boss)
    Lava Crocodile (AWAKENED 80% PWR self heal vs burned)
    Ultramoth (AWAKENED + 50% vs poisoned)
    Oni Tyrant (AWAKENED + 50% vs burned, + 30% vs large and boss, 25% self heal vs burned)
    Ridgeback Wyvern (AWAKENED + 50% vs small or medium)
    Blood Diamond Drake (AWAKENED 80% PWR self heal vs burned, + 50% vs Green)
    Flamewing (AWAKENED 100% chance to detonate Dots on main and adjacents)
    Baboon Tormentor (AWAKENED + 60% vs under 50% HP)
    Harpy Vixen (AWAKENED + 8% damage for each debuff on target)
    Wrathful Asura (AWAKENED + 10% damage for each debuff on target)
    Archdevil (AWAKENED + 20% damage for each debuff on target)
Effect: Passive Resistance to Debuffs, DoTs, Special Ability Damage Reduction
  • Squirrel Ace (AWAKENED – 20% damage from large and boss)
    Big Boss Shroom (AWAKENED – 30% damage from poisoned)
    Lava Crocodile (AWAKENED - 25% damage from burned)
    Infernal Orc (AWAKENED 40% debuff resistance)
    Ifrity Pyrelord (AWAKENED - 25% damage from basic attacks, - 25% damage from Special)
Effect: Silencer
Effect: Stunner
  • Fire Giant Incinerator (6 turns, AWAKENED 8 turns)
Effect: Counter Special Ability
  • Big Boss Shroom (AWAKENED 20% chance to detonate DoTs)
    Fire Elemental Lord (AWAKENED 40% chance to detonate DoTs)
    Infernal Orc (AWAKENED 50% chance 50% PWR)
    Fire Giant Incinerator (AWAKENED 60% chance to detonate DoTs)


Special Ability PWR Attribute
  • Goblin Boomer (70% all enemies, AWAKENED 115%)
    Flaptrap (150%)
    Rainbow Faerie Dragon (500% 1 ally, AWAKENED 525%)
    Hummingbard (70% all allies)
    Friar Mantis (50% 2 hits, + 50% PWR 50% accuracy random 6 hits, AWAKENED 8 random hits)
    Gnoll Cutthroat (30% 8 hits)
    Ace Goblin Bombardier (50% main, half adjacents, + 25% PWR 2 hits on main and adjacents, AWAKENED 25% PWR 4 hits on main and adjacents)
    Hippogriff Guardian (400% 1 ally)
    Kobold Conjuror (160% main, half adjacents, AWAKENED 170%)
    Fairy Periwinkle (150% main and adjacents allies AWAKENED 180%)
    Swamp Terror (60% a row, AWAKENED 75%)
    Centaur Chieftain (30% 6 hits, + 100% IGNORE DEFENSE)
    Bighorn Alpha (275%)
    Emerald Drake (175% main, half adjacents)
    Earth Elemental Lord (275%)
    Ettin Champion (100% 2 hits, AWAKENED 140%)
    Ancient Warden (175% main, half adjacents)
    Ancient Green Dragon (200% main, half adjacents)
    Enraged Keeper (140% 2 hits, AWAKENED 160%)
    Primeval Hydra (60% random 5 hits)
    Medusa (200%)
Special Ability %HP Attribute

Special Ability ATK Attribute
  • Draconic Templar (140% all enemies, AWAKENED 190%)
Special Ability DEF Attribute
  • Dragonling Alpha (150% main, half adjacents)
    Wood Nymph (100%)
    Noxious Sludge Hulk (100% all enemies, + 175% main)
Special Ability LUK Attribute
  • Carousing Clurichaun (AWAKENED 7-77% random 3 hits)
    Jann Sorcerer (140% random 2 hits)
Effect: Healer
  • Flaptrap (100% PWR self heal and adjacents)
    Rainbow Faerie Dragon (500% PWR 1 ally, AWAKENED 525%)
    Hummingbard (70% PWR all allies)
    Hippogriff Guardian (400% 1 ally [RESURRECT], AWAKENED 60% PWR all allies if Debuff Protection is active)
    Fairy Periwinkle (150% PWR main and adjacents allies, AWAKENED 180%)
    Troll Chieftain (30% max HP self heal)
    Ettin Champion (20% max HP self heal)
    Enraged Keeper (70% PWR all allies, AWAKENED 80%)
    Primeval Hydra (30% max HP self heal)
    Jann Sorcerer (AWAKENED 25% LUK random 12 hits if LUK buff is active)
Effect: Mana Healer or Burner
  • Noxious Sludge Hulk (AWAKENED + 80 mana when detonate DoT)
Effect: Cleanser
  • Rainbow Faerie Dragon (AWAKENED all)
    Hummingbard (AWAKENED 1 allies)
    Hippogriff Guardian (AWAKENED 2)
    Fairy Periwinkle (1, AWAKENED 3)
    Earth Elemental Lord (1 allies)
    Jann Sorcerer (AWAKENED random 4 all allies if LUK buff is active)
Effect: Dispeller
  • Hummingbard (AWAKENED all)
    Draconic Templar (AWAKENED all)
    Ettin Champion (all)
    Jann Sorcerer (1)
Effect: Buffer
  • Carousing Clurichaun (30% LUK and PWR, AWAKENED 40%)
    Friar Mantis (30% PWR)
    Hippoggrif Guardian (30% Debuff Protection, AWAKENED 40%)
    Ensorcelled Statue (60% PWR Mend, 25% chance to 30% PWR, ATK, DEF and/or LUK, AWAKENED 65% PWR Mend, 35% chance to 35% PWR, ATK, DEF and/or LUK)
    Wood Nymph (AWAKENED 30% DEF)
    Centaur Chieftain (35% PWR, AWAKENED 40% Mend)
    Draconic Templar (35% Debuff Protection
Effect: Debuffer
  • Carousing Clurichaun (random 2 targets, 30% LUK and PWR 3 turns)
    Gnoll Cutthroat (30% ATK, DEF, LUK and PWR 4 turns)
    Ensorcelled Statue (60% PWR Fatgue, 25% chance to 30% PWR, ATK, DEF and/or LUK 3 turns 4 random targets, AWAKENED 65% PWR Fatigue, 35% chance to 35% PWR, ATK, DEF and/or LUK 5 turns 5 random targets)
    Troll Chieftain (AWAKENED 30% Fatigue 4 turns)
    Centaur Chieftain (AWAKENED 40% Fatigue 3 turns)
    Bighorn Alpha (40% DEF 3 turns, AWAKENED 50% 4 turns, 25% DEF adjacents 4 turns)
Effect: DoT
  • Dragonling Alpha (AWAKENED 20% DEF poison main, 10% DEF poison adjacents 3 turns)
    Wood Nymph (50% DEF poison 3 turns AWAKENED 50% DEF poison 3 random targets 3 turns)
    Swamp Terror (50% PWR poison 2 turns, AWAKENED 3 turns)
    Troll Chieftain (100% PWR poison 4 turns)
    Emerald Drake (20% PWR poison 3 turns, AWAKENED 30% 4 turns)
    Ancient Green Dragon (50% PWR 1 turn all enemies, AWAKENED 65% PWR 2 turns)
    Primeval Hydra (20% PWR 8 turns)
    Noxious Sludge Hulk (50% DEF poison 3 turns, 50% DEF poison 3 turns all enemies if detonate DoT)
Effect: Critical
  • Friar Mantis (AWAKENED + 10% chance at random hits)
    Medusa (AWAKENED + 100% chance vs stunned)
Effect: Bonus on Damage (size, color, DoT, debuff, DoT detonation, death blow)
  • Flaptrap (AWAKENED, + 40% damage vs small or medium, 50% PWR self heal on death blow)
    Dragonling Alpha (AWAKENED 100% detonate DoTs main)
    Friar Mantis (AWAKENED + 20% damage vs large or boss)
    Gnoll Cutthroat (AWAKENED 30% self heal vs large or boss)
    Kobold Conjuror (50% damage self heal, AWAKENED 170% PWR heal adjacent allies on death blow)
    Wood Nymph (AWAKENED ON DEATH stuns all targets 4 turns)
    Troll Chieftain (AWAKENED + 40% poison damage vs under 50% HP)
    Bighorn Alpha (AWAKENED + 40% damage vs DEF debuffed)
    Emerald Drake (AWAKENED + 50% detonate DoTs main, + 50% damage vs Yellow)
    Ancient Green Dragon (AWAKENED 100% detonate DoTs main and adjacents)
    Primeval Hydra (AWAKENED + 30% damage vs poisoned, + 50% damage vs under 50% HP)
    Noxious Sludge Hulf (Detonate DoTs main, AWAKENED 50% damage self heal vs poisoned or burned)
Effect: Passive Resistance to Debuffs, DoTs, Special Ability Damage Reduction
  • Gnoll Cutthroat (AWAKENED + 30% stun resistance)
    Ensorcelled Statue (AWAKENED + 20% resistance to debuffs)* honorable mention
    Swamp Terror (AWAKENED - 25% damage from poisoned)
    Earth Elemental Lord (AWAKENED + 50% resistance to debuffs)
    Ettin Champion (AWAKENED 30% chance to reduce 50% any damage)
    Ancient Warden (AWAKENED - 50% damage from silenced)
    Ancient Green Dragon (AWAKENED - 60% damage from Red)
    Jann Sorcerer (AWAKENED - 25% damage from basic attacks, - 25% damage from Special)
    Noxious Sludge Hulk (AWAKENED - 30% damage from poisoned or burned, + 25% resistance to debuffs)
Effect: Silencer
  • Ancient Warden (2 turns, AWAKENED 1 turn adjacents)
Effect: Stunner
  • Wood Nymph (3 turns, AWAKENED main + 3 random targets 4 turns)
    Enraged Keeper (4 turns, AWAKENED 5 turns)
    Medusa (6 turns main, 3 turns random 4 targets, AWAKENED 8 turns main, 5 turns random)
Effect: Counter Special Ability
  • Swamp Terror (AWAKENED 25% chance to Detonate DoTs)
    Earth Elemental Lord (AWAKENED 40% chance 40% PWR heal team)
    Enraged Keeper ((AWAKENED 60% chance 60% PWR heal team)


Special Ability PWR Attribute
  • Egghead (100% all allies)
    Kitten Mage (180% main, + 2 unique chained halving each jump, AWAKENED 200% main + 4 chained)
    Monarch Butterfly (50% all allies)
    Head Nursequito (20% random 7 hits)
    Wildkin Outlaw (50% random 5 hits, AWAKENED 6 hits)
    Matador Bee (50% random 5 hits, AWAKENED 1 initial targeted hit)
    Wind Piercer (15% 2 hits, AWAKENED 40%)
    Sand Devil (60% 3 hits main, half adjacents, AWAKENED 80%)
    Dwarf Defender (250%)
    Walloparoo (20% 8 hits, AWAKENED + 1 hit 50% PWR)
    Indra's Consort (100%, a row)
    Sky Shah (50% 5 hits)
    Imperious Tengu (60% all alies, 50% random 5 hits, AWAKENED 60% random 6 hits)
    Regal Cockatrice (250%)
    Sunstrone Drake (175% main, half adjacents)
    Air Elemental Lord (200% main, + 3 unique chained halving each jump, AWAKENED 5 chained)
    Royal Griffin (50% random 6 hits)
    Flamesurge Manticore (150% main, half adjacents)
    Royal Siege Elephant (175% main, half adjacents, AWAKENED 200%)
    Archmage (240% main, + 3 unique chained halving each jump, AWAKENED 265% 6 chained)
    Ancient Gold Dragon (200% main, half adjacents, + 30% all enemies)
    Sovereign Genie (200% random, 50% random)
    Goddess of the Sands (45% random 4 hits, AWAKENED 5 hits)
    Titan Blademaster (100% 2 hits, 50% chance 25% PWR random 4 targets 2 hits each, AWAKENED 100% chance random 6 targets)
    Scorpion Legionnaire (20% 10 hits)
Special Ability %HP Attribute

Special Ability ATK Attribute
  • Malicious Boggart (200%)
    Hyena Dervish (50% 2 hits, 25% random 3 targets 2 hits each)
Special Ability DEF Attribute
  • Golden Pegasus (100% all allies, AWAKENED 125%)
Special Ability LUK Attribute
  • Eldritch Chimera (100% main, 15% random 4 hits)
Effect: Healer
  • Egghead (100% PWR all allies)
    Monarch Butterfly (50% PWR all allies)
    Imperious Tengu (60% PWR all alies, 50% PWR random 5 hits, AWAKENED 60% PWR random 6 hits)
    Golden Pegasus (100% DEF all allies, AWAKENED 125%)
    Royal Siege Elephant (AWAKENED 80% PWR heal team if LUK buff is active)
    Sovereign Genie (AWAKENED 30% PWR random 10 hits if PWR buff is active)
Effect: Mana Healer or Burner
  • Archmage (AWAKENED + 10 mana for each enemy hit)
Effect: Cleanser
  • Monarch Butterfly (1 all allies)
    Indra's Consort (1 all alies, AWAKENED 3 all allies)
    Golden Pegasus (1 all allies)
Effect: Dispeller
  • Dwarf Defender (2)
    Adamantine Gorgon (3)
    Sovereign Genie (1)
    Goddess of the Sands (4, AWAKENED all)
Effect: Buffer
  • Egghead (AWAKENED 25% Debuff Protection, 50% PWR Mend)
    Monarch Butterfly (20% PWR, DEF, ATK and LUK, AWAKENED 20% Debuff Protection and Mend)
    Adamantine Gorgon (35% DEF)
    Royal Griffin (25% ATK, AWAKENED 40% ATK and Debuff Protection)
    Flamesurge Manticore (35% PWR)
    Golden Pegasus (40% DEF, AWAKENED 50% DEF Mend)
    Royal Siege Elephant (30% LUK, AWAKENED 45% LUK)
    Sovereign Genie (60% PWR)
Effect: Debuffer
  • Malicious Boggart (40% LUK 4 turns, AWAKENED 25% Fatigue 4 turns, main and adjacents)
    Matador Bee (20% PWR and DEF 3 turns)
    Dwarf Defender (AWAKENED 40% DEF 3 turns)
    Sunstone Drake (30% ATK and Fatigue 3 turns, AWAKENED 45% 5 turns)
    Air Elemental Lord (35% LUK 3 turns)
    Royal Griffin (AWAKENED 40% LUK and DEF 4 turns)
    Flamesurge Manticore (AWAKENED 50% Fatigue 4 turns)
    Ancient Gold Dragon (35% ATK and Fatigue 3 turns, AWAKENED 50% 5 turns)
    Scorpion Legionnaire (20% chance 50% PWR, DEF, ATK, LUK and/or Fatigue 3 turns)
Effect: DoT
  • Head Nursequito (20% PWR poison 8 turns)
    Wind Piercer (100% PWR poison 3 turns)
    Adamatine Gorgon (50% DEF poison 3 turns, AWAKENED 60%)
    Flamesurge Manticore (250% PWR poison 1 turn, AWAKENED 30% chance counterattack 100% PWR poison 1 turn)
    Eldritch Chimera (300% LUK 1 turn main, 4 random 25% LUK 3 turns)
    Scorpion Legionnaire (20% PWR poison 20 turns, AWAKENED 70% chance 10% PWR poison 12 turns when attacked)
Effect: Critical
  • Matador Bee (AWAKENED critical on last hit)
    Hyena Dervish (AWAKENED + 10% chance on initial 2 hits)
    Walloparoo (AWAKENED + 15% chance)
    Sky Shah (AWAKENED + 30% chance)
    Regal Cockatrice (AWAKENED + 40% chance vs stunned)
    Sunstone Drake (AWAKENED + 25% chance vs debuffed)
    Ancient Gold Dragon (AWAKENED + 50 chance vs debuffed)
    Goddess of the Sands (30% chance vs debuffed
Effect: Bonus on Damage (size, color, DoT, debuff, DoT detonation, death blow)
  • Malicious Boggart (AWAKENED 20% damage self heal vs debuffed)
    Head Nursequito (100% damage self heal, AWAKENED 70% PWR heal team on death blow)
    Wildkin Outlaw (AWAKENED + 40% damage vs large and boss)
    Wind Piercer (AWAKENED additional 40% PWR 4 hits if enemy is poisoned)
    Hyena Dervish (AWAKENED + 20% damage vs large and boss)
    Sunstone Drake (AWAKENED + 50% damage vs Blue)
Effect: Passive Resistance to Debuffs, DoTs, Special Ability Damage Reduction
  • Egghead (AWAKENED 25% chance to reduce 50% any damage)
    Head Nursequito (AWAKENED - 25% damage from poisoned)
    Dwarf Defender (AWAKENED + 30% stun and silence resistance)
    Imperious Tengu (AWAKENED + 30% stun resistance)
    Adamantine Gorgon (AWAKENED - 40% damage from poisoned)
    Golden Pegasus (AWAKENED + 40% debuff resistance)
    Eldritch Chimera (AWAKENED - 30% damage from poisoned)
    Ancient Gold Dragon (AWAKENED - 50% damage from Green)
    Sovereign Genie (AWAKENED - 25% damage from basic attacks, - 25% damage from Special)
    Scorpion Legionnaire (AWAKENED - 50% damage from poisoned)
Effect: Silencer
  • Sand Devil (20% chance to silence 1 turn, AWAKENED 40% chance)
    Indra's Consort (1 turn, AWAKENED ON DEATH silences all enemies 1 turn)
    Goddess of the Sands (1 turn all enemies)
Effect: Stunner
  • Walloparoo (25% chance 4 turns)
    Regal Cockatrice (5 turns, AWAKENED 8 turns main, 3 adjacents)
Effect: Counter Special Ability
  • Air Elemental Lord (AWAKENED 50% chance to + 60 Mana)
    Eldritch Chimera (AWAKENED 60% chance 60% LUK self heal)
    Goddess of the Sands (AWAKENED 100% chance 35% PWR, LUK, DEF and/or ATK debuffs 3 turns)
    Scorpion Legionnaire (AWAKENED + 40% chance to detonate DoTs)


Special Ability PWR Attribute
  • Gnome Sniper (50% random 4 hits, AWAKENED 60%)
    Jackalope Sheriff (200%)
    Clockwork Technician (50% random 5-8 hits allies, AWAKENED 7-10 hits allies)
    Safari Pug (50% random 5 hits, AWAKENED 6 hits)
    Clairvoyant Swan (AWAKENED 20% all allies)
    Aura Nymph (20% 4-6 hits all enemies)
    Dwarven Sky Marshall (70% random 3 hits, IGNORE DEFENSE, AWAKENED + 1 initial targeted hit)
    Shardwing (50% 5 hits, AWAKENED 6 hits)
    Angelic Muse (50% random 5 allies, AWAKENED random 6 allies)
    Pandamonium (225%, AWAKENED 250%)
    Jovial Wisp (40% all allies, AWAKENED 50%)
    Exalted Couatl (100% all allies, AWAKENED 110%)
    Sunburst Drake (170% main, half adjacents)
    Light Elemental Lord (120% all enemies, AWAKENED 150%)
    Goliath Beetle King (175% main, half adjacents, AWAKENED 200%)
    Mechanical Spider King (25% 11 hits)
    Colossus Prime (150% main, half adjacents IGNORE DEFENSE, AWAKENED 170% all enemies)
    Desolator (140% a row, + 50% PWR random 2 hits)
    Ancient White Dragon (200% main, half adjacents, + 20% all enemies, AWAKENED full damage adjacents)
    Divine Peri (110% all enemies)
    Cloud Giant (120% 2 hits)
Special Ability %HP Attribute

Special Ability ATK Attribute
  • Crane Sensei (250%)
    Glowing Runeblade (50% 3 hits, 25% chance 50% ATK random 8 hits, AWAKENED 35% chance)
    Weasel Shogun (25% twice random 4 hits, IGNORE DEFENSE, AWAKENED 5 hits)
    Archangel (120% 2 hits, 30% random 6 hits, AWAKENED 40% random 6 hits)
Special Ability DEF Attribute
  • Clockwork Demolisher (70% a row)
    Diamond Golem (250%)
    Celestial Sentinel (60% main, 120% main and adjacent allies)
Special Ability LUK Attribute
  • Pristine Ornithopter (100% main, 40% all allies, AWAKENED 125% main, 50% all allies)
    Mystifying Kitsune (30% 9 hits, AWAKENED 40%)
    Radiant Unicorn (400% main, 20% all, AWAKENED 425% main)
    Master Alchemist (150%)
    Exalted Kirin a.k.a pony-dog abomination :lol: (65% random 10 hits allies, AWAKENED 15 hits)
Effect: Healer
  • Clockwork Technician (50% PWR random 5-8 hits allies, AWAKENED 7-10 hits allies)
    Pristine Ornithopter (100% LUK main [RESURRECT], 40% LUK all allies, AWAKENED 125% main, 50% all allies)
    Clairvoyant Swan (AWAKENED 20% PWR all allies)
    Angelic Muse (50% PWR random 5 allies, AWAKENED random 6 allies)
    Jovial Wisp (40% PWR all allies, AWAKENED 50%)
    Exalted Couatl (100% PWR all allies, AWAKENED 110%)
    Radiant Unicorn (400% LUK main [RESURRECT], 20% all, AWAKENED 425% main)
    Master Alchemist (40% LUK all allies)
    Celestial Sentinel (60% DEF main [RESURRECT], 120% DEF main and adjacent allies)
    Divine Peri (AWAKENED if LUK buff is active 50% LUK team heal, if PWR buff is active 50% PWR team heal)
    Exalted Kirin (65% LUK random 10 hits allies, AWAKENED 15 hits)
Effect: Mana Healer or Burner
  • Clairvoyant Swan (+ 40 mana allies)
    Jovial Wisp (+ 50 mana allies, AWAKENED + 60)
    Radiant Unicorn (AWAKENED + 30 mana allies)
    Celestial Sentinel (+ 20 mana allies, AWAKENED + 30)
Effect: Cleanser
  • Clairvoyant Swan (3 all allies, AWAKENED all from all)
    Angelic Muse (random 5 cleanses, AWAKENED random 6 cleanses)
    Diamond Golem (self cleanse all, AWAKENED 1 all allies)
    Exalted Kirin (random 10 cleanses, AWAKENED 15)
Effect: Dispeller
  • Crane Sensei (1)
    Mystifying Kitsune (1, AWAKENED 3)
    Divine Peri (1)
Effect: Buffer
  • Clockwork Technician (25% chance 30% PWR, ATK, DEF and/or LUK, AWAKENED 35% chance 35% PWR, ATK, DEF and/or LUK)
    Clockwork Demolisher (30% DEF)
    Mystifying Kitsune (30% Debuff Protection, AWAKENED 40%)
    Angelic Muse (30% LUK, AWAKENED 40%, 50% PWR Mend)
    Exalted Couatl (30% Debuff Protection, AWAKENED 45%, 75% PWR Mend)
    Diamond Golem (25% DEF, AWAKENED 40%)
    Master Alchemist (30% LUK Mend)
    Divine Peri (40% LUK and PWR, AWAKENED 50%)
    Exalted Kirin (30% LUK, AWAKENED 50%)
Effect: Debuffer
  • Weasel Shogun (AWAKENED 30% chance to 35% Fatigue 2 turns)
    Clockwork Demolisher (30% DEF 5 turns, AWAKENED 40% 6 turns)
    Aura Nymph (15% chance to 45% PWR, DEF, LUK, ATK and/or Fatigue 2 turns, AWAKENED 25% chance to 50% PWR, DEF, LUK, ATK and/or Fatigue 3 turns)
    Sunburst Drake (30% PWR 3 turns, AWAKENED 40% 5 turns)
    Mechanical Spider King (AWAKENED 40% chance 30% DEF and Fatigue 3 turns)
    Desolator (40% DEF and LUK 3 turns, AWAKENED 50%)
    Ancient White Dragon (35% PWR 3 turns, AWAKENED 50% 4 turns)
    Cloud Giant (50% PWR and LUK x turns, AWAKENED 60%)
Effect: DoT
  • Master Alchemist (50% LUK burn and poison 2 turns on main, 30% chance adjacents, AWAKENED 100% chance adjacents)
    Archangel (30% ATK burn 1 turn, AWAKENED 50% 2 turns)
    Desolator (25% PWR 2 turns)
Effect: Critical
  • Archangel (AWAKENED + 30% chance)
Effect: Bonus on Damage (size, color, DoT, debuff, DoT detonation, death blow)
  • Crane Sensei (AWAKENED 25% damage self heal)
    Pristine Ornithopter (AWAKENED ON DEATH 50% chance revive 25% HP, ONCE PER BATTLE)
    Aura Nymph (AWAKENED ON DEATH, 75% ATK, DEF, LUK, PWR, Fatigue on all enemies 3 turns, ONCE PER BATTLE)
    Dwarven Sky Marshall (AWAKENED + 50% damage vs under 25% HP, + 25% damage vs large or boss)
    Jovial Wisp (AWAKENED ON DEATH, perform Special Ability, ONCE PER BATTLE)
    Sunburst Drake (+ 50% damage vs Black)
    Mechanical Spider King (AWAKENED + 40% chance to self heal 50% damage done)
    Master Alchemist (AWAKENED detonates DoTs on all targets)
    Ancient White Dragon (+ 50% damage vs Black)
    Celestial Sentinel (AWAKENED ON DEATH, 250% DEF heal all allies, 1% HP [RESURRECT] all allies, ONCE PER BATTLE)
Effect: Passive Resistance to Debuffs, DoTs, Special Ability Damage Reduction
  • Clockwork Demolisher (AWAKENED + 40% debuff resistance)
    Diamond Golem (AWAKENED + 40% debuff resistance, 30% chance reduce incoming damage by 50%)
    Light Elemental Lord (AWAKENED 40% chance - 50% damage from Special)
    Goliath Beetle King (AWAKENED + 20% debuff resistance)
    Radiant Unicorn (AWAKENED + 30% debuff resistance)
    Desolator (AWAKENED + 80% debuff resistance)
    Ancient White Dragon (AWAKENED - 40% damage from Black)
    Divine Peri (AWAKENED - 25% damage from basic attacks, - 25% damage from Special)
    Cloud Giant (AWAKENED 70% chance - 50% damage from Special)
Effect: Silencer
  • Safari Pug (20% chance 1 turn, AWAKENED 30% chance, + 30% chance vs large or boss)
    Shardwing (20% chance 1 turn, AWAKENED 30% chance 2 turns)
Effect: Stunner
  • Gnome Sniper (50% chance 2 turns, AWAKENED 60% chance 3 turns, + 40% chance vs large or boss)
    Jackalope Sheriff (25% chance 4 turns, AWAKENED 100% chance)
    Pandamonium (50% chance 2 turns, AWAKENED 80% chance 4 turns)
    Goliath Beetle King (main 6 turns, adjacents 4 turns)
    Desolator (3 turns random hits, AWAKENED 7 turns)
    Cloud Giant (4 turns, AWAKENED 6 turns)
Effect: Counter Special Ability
  • Desolator (AWAKENED 40% chance to 200% PWR self heal)
    Celestial Sentinel (AWAKENED 50% chance to 50% DEF self heal and adjacents)


Special Ability PWR Attribute
  • Succubus Queen (150% 1 target, 50% adjacents, AWAKENED 150% target and adjacent targets)
    Spider Empress (30% 8 hits, AWAKENED 35%)
    Lich of Death (375%, AWAKENED 400%)
    Abomination Cannoneer (120% 2 hits, AWAKENED 160%)
    Archdemon (300%)
    Cerberus (120% 1 target +2 random, IGNORE DEFENSE, AWAKENED 40% chance for + 3 attacks)
Special Ability %HP Attribute
  • Dracolich Nightqueen (10%, all targets, IGNORE DEFENSE)
Special Ability ATK Attribute
  • Corrupted Angel (320%)
    Perfidious Shaitan (150% main, half adjacents)
Special Ability DEF Attribute
Special Ability LUK Attribute
Effect: Healer
  • Dracolich Nightqueen (100% damage done, all allies)
    Perfidious Shaitan (AWAKENED if ATK buff is active 100% ATK team heal, if DEF buff is active 100% DEF team heal)
Effect: Mana Healer or Burner
  • Lich of Death (AWAKENED steals 40% of target's mana)
Effect: Cleanser
Effect: Dispeller
Effect: Buffer
  • Perfidious Shaitan (40% ATK and DEF, AWAKENED 50%)
Effect: Debuffer
  • Succubus Queen (50% PWR 3 turns main target, AWAKENED 50% Fatigue 3 turns on targets)
    Spider Empress (25% chance to 30% PWR, ATK, DEF and/or LUK 5 turns, AWAKENED 25% chance to 40% effect 6 turns)
    Abomination Cannoneer (50% ATK and DEF 4 turns, AWAKENED 60%)
    Corrupted Angel (70% Fatigue main and adjacents 4 turns, AWAKENED 80% 5 turns, if debuff is active spreads to all enemies)
Effect: DoT
  • Cerberus (40% PWR burn and poison 3 turns)
    Archdemon (25% PWR burn 3 turns)
Effect: Critical
Effect: Bonus on Damage (size, color, DoT, debuff, DoT detonation, death blow)
  • Succubus Queen (50% of all damage as self heal, AWAKENED 60% self heal)
    Spider Empress (AWAKENED + 20% damage for each debuff on target)
    Lich of Death (AWAKENED + 50% damage vs under 50% HP)
    Corrupted Angel (AWAKENED 200% ATK all enemies on death blow, 350% ATK self heal on death blow)
    Archdemon (AWAKENED + 50% damage vs burned, 50% self heal vs burned)
    Cerberus (20% PWR self heal for each DoT, AWAKENED 40% self heal)
Effect: Passive Resistance to Debuffs, DoTs, Special Ability Damage Reduction
  • Abomination Cannoneer (AWAKENED 10% chance to Absorb damage from Special)
    Dracolich Nightqueen (AWAKENED 100% debuff resistance, 40% chance – 50% damage from Special)
    Perfidious Shaitan (AWAKENED - 25% damage from basic attacks, - 25% damage from Special)
Effect: Silencer
Effect: Stunner
  • Abomination Cannoneer (4 turns, AWAKENED 6 turns)
Effect: Counter Special Ability
  • Cerberus (AWAKENED: 40% chance to counter with 1 hit of Special Ability)
Last edited by Panda Tar on 07 Nov 2018, 16:43, edited 37 times in total.
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Re: Creature List by Type and Effects

Unread postby Pol » 16 Apr 2018, 06:16

I have a bonus list in my Bonus thread, page one.
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Re: Creature List by Type and Effects

Unread postby Panda Tar » 16 Apr 2018, 14:40

Ah, I'll use that to update this one, then. However, some of those I don't know their color. Megalodon might be Blue, then? Ah, B-B.
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Re: Creature List by Type and Effects

Unread postby Pol » 16 Apr 2018, 14:58

Yeah, it's incomplete though - too many creatures. Idea is to outline color - type of attack and special, with respect to special, ie buff/debuff/cleanse/dispel/heal.

So, if you are in need, you just type cleanse, and list all the creatures.
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Re: Creature List by Type and Effects

Unread postby Panda Tar » 16 Apr 2018, 15:08

Yes, that was the idea. I have added some info from your list here. Still didn't update numbers, and still only listing Blue Units, with some missing, like that alien-looking one Legendary, the Blue Giant, etc.
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Re: Creature List by Type and Effects

Unread postby Pol » 16 Apr 2018, 15:29

Good resource but you cannot search here by a special ability.

That's likely "Lurker of the Deep".
Last edited by Pol on 16 Apr 2018, 16:17, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Creature List by Type and Effects

Unread postby Panda Tar » 16 Apr 2018, 16:24


  • Added Effect: Passive Resistance to Debuffs, DoTs, Special Ability Damage Reduction to the lists.
  • Added some information on BLUE creatures, the name of missing ones most likely.
  • Update BLUE Giant King Cobra.
  • Added 3 BLACK creatures.
  • Added some RED creatures.
  • Updated BLUE Naga Priestess.
  • Added some BLUE creatures.
  • Added Medium RED creatures.
  • Added Epic RED creatures.
  • Added some Legendary RED creatures.
  • Added Small and some Medium GREEN creatures.
  • Added some Legendary WHITE creatures.
  • Added some Legendary BLACK creatures.
  • Added new category Effect: Mana Healer or Burner.
  • Added the rest of the Medium GREEN creatures.
  • Added Epic and some Legendary GREEN creatures.
  • Added one YELLOW Legendary.
  • Added Common and Medium YELLOW creatures.
  • Added Epic and some Legendary YELLOW creatures.
  • Added Common WHITE creatures.
  • Added Medium and Epic WHITE creatures.
  • Added WHITE Master Alchemist and Archangel Legendaries.
  • Fixed RED Infernal Orc name.
  • Added BLUE Queen Scylla Legendary.
Last edited by Panda Tar on 07 Nov 2018, 16:44, edited 26 times in total.
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Re: Creature List by Type and Effects

Unread postby Galaad » 16 Apr 2018, 17:26

Pol wrote:@Galaad
Good resource but you cannot search here by a special ability..
Yes, just thought it might be handy. :)

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Re: Creature List by Type and Effects

Unread postby Pol » 16 Apr 2018, 18:35

Just remember that effects add up. So if you have 15%PWR burn and another 15%PWR it will be 30%PWR burn in the grand totalle.

Unlikely like it was in Heroes, where you just need to calculate another 15% on the top of the previous sum.
Last edited by Pol on 16 Apr 2018, 18:54, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Creature List by Type and Effects

Unread postby Panda Tar » 16 Apr 2018, 19:40

Yup. ;)
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Re: Creature List by Type and Effects

Unread postby Panda Tar » 17 Oct 2018, 20:01

Updated a couple more of Blue units. I don't have some Blue Legendaries. This weekend I'll try adding all the Red and Green I have.
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Re: Creature List by Type and Effects

Unread postby Pol » 17 Oct 2018, 20:22

Ancient Blue Dragon - 200% PWR dmg to main target and half to adjacent enemies. All enemies take 35% PWR dmg and are stunned for 4 rounds. Have +50% dmg vs stunned. (That is for AWAKENED)
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Re: Creature List by Type and Effects

Unread postby Panda Tar » 17 Oct 2018, 21:35

Thanks, Pol. All targets are stunned? Resistance against Yellow?
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Re: Creature List by Type and Effects

Unread postby Pol » 18 Oct 2018, 05:28

Sure, they have passive 60% dmg taken from the Yellow Creatures. All targets should be stunned but of course they can resist.
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Re: Creature List by Type and Effects

Unread postby Troller » 18 Oct 2018, 08:00

Oh this is so usefull thank you Panda - I will try to contribute at some point...

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Re: Creature List by Type and Effects

Unread postby Panda Tar » 18 Oct 2018, 20:55

:-D Anytime!

I still need to review if there are enough categories, or if I should merge others. For example, if I add a category of % Attribute Increased. ;| But for an overall feeling of the creature, I don't find that category mandatory or really needed.
Last edited by Panda Tar on 18 Oct 2018, 21:00, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Creature List by Type and Effects

Unread postby Troller » 19 Oct 2018, 11:07

Hi Panda
Here are my white Legendaries

Special Ability PWR Attribute
Divine Peri - Atk 110% PWR
Ancient white dragon - 200% PWR on taget half on adjecent (full damage awakened) and 20% PWR on all (2x +25% damage to black awakened)
Colosus Prime - 150% PWR ignore DEF on taget half on adjecent (full damage awakened) (+10% PWR and entire row Awakened) (+10PWR and all enemies awakened)
Cloud Giant - 2x120 PWR

Special Ability %HP Attribute

Special Ability ATK Attribute

Special Ability DEF Attribute

Special Ability LUK Attribute

Effect: Healer
Celestial Sentinel - Heal / revive target for 60% DEF + Heal target and adjecent for 120% DEF and restore 20 Mana (+10 awakened) (awakened heal 150% DEF on death (+100 DEF heal and revive on death full awakened ))
Exalted Kirin - 10 random heals at 65% luck (+2 and +3 awakened)

Effect: Cleanser
Exalted Kirin - 10 random cleanses (+5 awakened)

Effect: Dispeller
Divine Peri - Dispels a single enemy team buff

Effect: Buffer
Divine Peri - buff PWR and LUK 40% (awaken +10%)
Exalted Kirin - 30 % LUK buff (+20 awakened)

Effect: Debuffer
Ancient white dragon - -35% PWR 3 turns (+15% awakened + 1 turn)
Cloud Giant - 50% PWR and LUK debuff (+10% awakened)

Effect: DoT

Effect: Critical

Effect: Bonus on Damage (size, color, DoT, debuff, DoT detonation, death blow)

Effect: Passive Resistance to Debuffs, DoTs, Special Ability Damage Reduction
Cloud Giant - awakened 35% chance to reduced special ability damage by 50% (awakened +35% chance)

Effect: Silencer

Effect: Stunner
Cloud Giant - stun for 4 turns (+2 awakened)

Effect: Counter Special Ability
Celestial Sentinel - awakened +25% chance for heal on hit by special (+25% more awakened)

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Re: Creature List by Type and Effects

Unread postby Panda Tar » 19 Oct 2018, 13:33

Ah, thanks, Troller, for placing the information in that format. I'll update the first post later. :-D

Last edited by Panda Tar on 19 Oct 2018, 18:09, edited 1 time in total.
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