Hope it helps giving a better view of the creatures.

Names in italic need updating, so help is welcome to update them.

Special Ability PWR Attribute
- Royal Air Fish (125% main, half adjacents)
Fox Musketeer (100% 2 hits)
Royal Jester (50% random 9 allies)
Dread Parrot (100% 2 hits, IGNORE DEFENSE, AWAKENED 40% chance of half damage on adjacents)
Hypnotoad (175%)
Jellyfish Genius (40% random 6 hits)
Kobold Captain (250% first hit)
Rimefrost Eagle (80% all targets)
Nymph Oracle (100% random 2 hits)
Water Elemental Lord (150% all enemies, AWAKENED 170%)
Naga Priestess (60% 4 hits, AWAKENED 5 hits)
Divine Siren (170% main and adjacent, AWAKENED 200%)
Ferocious Yeti (50% 6 hits)
Sapphire Drake (175% main, half adjacents)
Frost Giant Besieger
Ice Queen (150% main, 50% adjacents)
Queen Scylla (225%)
Ancient Blue Dragon (200% main, half adjacents, + 35% all enemies)
Maleficent Tiamat (50% random 6 hits, AWAKENED 50% chance to each head strike again: 7 to 12 hits)
Lurker of the Deep (20%, 16 hits)
Storm Rider Wukong
Special Ability ATK Attribute
- Otter Skipper (200%, AWAKENED 225%)
Kobold Captain (30% second hit, AWAKENED + 1 hit, 60%)
Big Game Hunter (50% 1 + random 5 hits, AWAKENED 60%)
Megalodon (280%, IGNORE DEFENSE)
- Arcane Dragon Turtle (100%, all allies)
Walrus Yokozuna (125%, a row, AWAKENED 150%)
Marid Stormlord (250% random)
Stormhide Stegosaurus (150%, a row)
- Penguin Fish Sniper (200%, 30% 2nd hit, AWAKENED + 20% chance 2nd hit vs epic and boss)
Giant King Cobra (50% 3 hits)
Sea Terror (50% random 4 hits, half adjacents)
- Royal Jester (50% PWR random 9 heals, AWAKENED 10)
Arcane Dragon Turtle (100% DEF all allies)
Rimefrost Eagle (AWAKENED 30% all allies)
Nymph Oracle (100% PWR random 2 heals, AWAKENED 140%)
Divine Siren (170% PWR main and adjacents, AWAKENED 200%)
Queen Scylla (150% PWR all allies, AWAKENED 175%)
Marid Stormlord (AWAKENED if DEF buff is active 280% self and adjacents)
- Royal Jester (random 4 cleanses)
Rimefrost Eagle (3 allies, AWAKENED all)
Nymph Oracle (AWAKENED 4 random cleanses)
Divine Siren (all main, AWAKENED all main and ajacents)
- Mysterious Mask (3)
Otter Skipper (1, AWAKENED all)
Marid Stormlord (1)
- Fox Musqueteer (25% DEF)
Mysterious Mask (30% Protection, AWAKENED 50% PWR Mend, 30% DEF)
Otter Skipper (30% ATK)
Arcane Dragon Turtle (AWAKENED 30% Protection, DEF)
Kobold Captain (25% ATK, AWAKENED 35% ATK)
Rimefrost Eagle (40% Protection, AWAKENED 50%)
Nymph Oracle (30% PWR)
Sea Terror (30% ATK)
Water Elemental Lord (35% ATK and DEF)
Naga Priestess (25% PWR and LUK, AWAKENED 35%)
Queen Scylla (AWAKENED if target poisoned, 40% PWR Mend)
Marid Stormlord (70% DEF)
- Royal Air Fish (30% ATK and LUK 3 turns, AWAKENED 5 turns)
Jellyfish Genius (AWAKENED 25% chance 20% Fatigue 3 turns)
Ferocious Yeti (30% LUK and DEF 3 turns, AWAKENED 40% and 4 turns)
Giant King Cobra (40% Fatigue 4 turns)
Naga Priestess (AWAKENED 20% chance 50% Fatigue 2 turns each blade)
Ferocious Yeti (DEF and LUK 3 turns)
Sea Terror (25% LUK and ATK 3 turns, AWAKENED 35% and 5 turns)
Stormhide Stegosaurus (50% DEF 2 turns)
Maleficent Tiamat (20% ATK, DEF, LUK, PWR 5 turns, AWAKENED 30%)
Queen Scylla (30% PWR 3 turns, AWAKENED 50% PWR 3 turns, 40% Fatigue 3 turns all enemies)
Megalodon (60% Fatigue 3 turns)
- Jellyfish Genius (25% chance 20% PWR Poison 6 turns, AWAKENED 40% chance)
Giant King Cobra (100% LUK Poison 4 turns)
Queen Scylla (30% PWR Poison 3 turns all enemies, AWAKENED 40% 4 turns)
- Fox Musketeer (AWAKENED + 20% crit. chance)
Big game Hunter (AWAKENED + 40% crit. chance vs large and boss)
Ferocious Yeti (AWAKENED + 40% crit. chance vs debuffed)
Giant King Cobra (AWAKENED + 40% crit. chance vs poisoned)
- Royal Air Fish (AWAKENED + 40% vs small and medium)
Jellyfish Genius (AWAKENED + 40% vs poisoned)
Giant Cobra (AWAKENED 50% self heal vs poisoned)
Sea Terror (AWAKENED +20% for each active debuff)
Sapphire Drake (AWAKENED + 50% vs RED)
Stormhide Stegosaurus (AWAKENED 50% self heal vs DEF debuff)
Maleficent Tiamat (AWAKENED +20% for each active debuff)
Megalodon (80 mana on death blow)
Ancient Blue Dragon (AWAKENED +50% vs stunned)
- Sea Terror (AWAKENED 50% burn resistance)
Water Elemental (AWAKENED 100% burn resistance)
Sapphire Drake (AWAKENED 50% stun resistance)
Marid Stormlord (AWAKENED - 25% damage from basic attacks, - 25% damage from Special)
Stormhide Stegosaurus (AWAKENED – 40% damage from DEF debuff)
Ancient Blue Dragon (AWAKENED - 60% damage from Yellow)
- Naga Priestess (AWAKENED 20% for each blade, 1 turn)
Ice Queen (2 turns)
Maleficent Tiamat (1 turn)
- Hypnotoad (4 turns, AWAKENED 6, 3 adjacents)
Sapphire Drake (3 turns, AWAKENED 5)
Walrus Yokozuna (50% chance 4 turns, AWAKENED 65% chance 5 turns)
Maleficent Tiamat (4 turns)
Ancient Blue Dragon (4 turns)
- Fox Musketeer (AWAKENED 40% chance 50% PWR damage)
Water Elemental Lord (AWAKENED stun 3 turns)
Special Ability PWR Attribute
- Harrowing Hen (40% 4 hits and 25% chance additional 4 hits, AWAKENED + 1 additional hit)
Blazewing (85%, a row, AWAKENED 110%)
Squirrel Ace (200%)
Fiendish Imp (200%)
Firebug (50% 2 hits, AWAKENED half adjacents)
Big Boss Shroom (50%)
Lava Crocodile (200%)
Utramoth (100% all enemies)
Oni Tyrant (160% main, half adjacents)
Boarbarian (225%, AWAKENED 250%, 50% chance additional hit vs large or boss)
Ridgeback Wyvern (250%)
Blood Diamond Drake (175% main, half adjacents)
Fire Elemental Lord (175% main, half adjacents, AWAKENED 200%)
Flamewing (125%)
Harpy Vixen (50% random 6 hits)
Ogre Chieftain (175%, + 25% PWR 50% accuracy random 8 hits, AWAKENED 80% accuracy random hits)
Infernal Orc (275%)
Troglodyte Witch Doctor (200% main, 60% all allies, AWAKENED 240% main, 70% all allies)
Wrathful Asura (50% random 3 hits, 1 additional hit on burned targets [max of 6], AWAKENED 4 hits and 2 additional hits [max of 8])
Archdevil (250%)
Fire Giant Incinerator (115% 2 hits, AWAKENED 3 hits)
Minotaur Warchief (200% main, half adjacents, AWAKENED full damage adjacents)
Special Ability ATK Attribute
- Tormenting Devilkin (200%)
Hellhound (200%, IGNORE DEFENSE)
Baboon Tormentor (50% 2 hits, + 150% IGNORE DEFENSE)
Sabertooth Marauder (225% IGNORE DEFENSE)
Ifrit Pyrelord (50% main + 1 random)
- Ant Captain (150%)
Woodhacker (25%, 2 random targets 5 hits on each)
- Inferno Dancer (100% random 2 hits)
- Ant Captain (AWAKENED 30% ATK, all allies)
Inferno Dancer (AWAKENED 50% LUK, 4 random allies)
Boarbarian (Self heals 20% max HP)
Troglodyte Witch Doctor (200% main [RESURRECT], 60% all allies, AWAKENED 240% main, 70% all allies)
Minotaur Warchief (16% max HP team heal)
- Ant Captain (AWAKENED 1 allies)
Troglodyte Witch Doctor (AWAKENED 1 allies)
- Blazewing (AWAKENED 2)
Inferno Dancer (AWAKENED 1)
Ridgeback Wyvern (AWAKENED 1)
Flamewing (1)
Minotaur Warchief (2, AWAKENED all)
- Ant Captain (30% ATK and DEF)
Inferno Dancer (30% LUK)
Ridgeback Wyvern (25% PWR, AWAKENED 40%)
Baboon Tormentor (AWAKENED 30% ATK)
Ogre Chieftain (35% ATK)
Infernal Flame Orc (30% PWR)
Ifrit Pyrelord (70% ATK, AWAKENED 55% ATK Mend if ATK buff is active)
- Squirrel Ace (30% DEF 5 turns)
Fiendish Imp (50% chance to 30% PWR, ATK, DEF and/or LUK 3 turns, AWAKENED 60% chance to 40%, affects adjacents)
Tormenting Devilkin (40% ATK 4 turns, AWAKENED 50% 5 turns)
Hellhound (40% DEF 4 turns, AWAKENED 25% Fatigue 3 turns)
Harpy Vixen (40% chance to 25% PWR, ATK, DEF and/or LUK 3 turns, AWAKENED 60% chance, + 25% Fatigue)
Sabertooth Marauder (AWAKENED 50% Fatigue 3 turns)
Wrathful Asura (25% chance to 35% PWR, ATK, DEF and/or LUK 3 turns on random hits, AWAKENED 50% chance, on random hits and main-adjacent targets)
Archdevil (50% ATK and PWR, AWAKENED 50% Fatigue)
Ifrit Pyrelord (AWAKENED 80% Fatigue 3 turns)
- Firebug (100% PWR burn 2 turns)
Big Boss Shroom (50% PWR burn all targets 4 turns, AWAKENED 65%)
Inferno Dancer (25% LUK burn 2 turns, AWAKENED 35%)
Lava Crocodile (50% PWR burn 3 turns)
Ultramoth (30% chance to 20% PWR poison 4 turns, AWAKENED 50% chance)
Oni Tyrant (40% PWR burn 2 turns)
Blood Diamond Drake (25% PWR burn 2 turns)
Fire Elemental Lord (10% PWR burn 5 turns, AWAKENED 15%)
Flamewing (50% PWR burn 2 turns main and adjacents)
Baboon Tormentor (100% ATK poison 2 turns)
Wrathful Asura (50% PWR burn 3 turns main and ajacents)
Fire Giant Incinerator (25% PWR burn 3 turns all enemies, AWAKENED 50%)
Ifrit Pyrelord (75% ATK burn and poison 2 turns)
- Harrowing Hen (AWAKENED + 60% chance at additional hits)
Hellhound (AWAKENED + 30% chance vs DEF debuff)
Ogre Chieftain (AWAKENED + 50% chance at random hits)
Sabertooth Marauder (AWAKENED + 50% chance vs under 25% HP)
- Squirrel Ace (AWAKENED + 50% vs large and boss)
Firebug (AWAKENED + 50% vs burned)
Tormenting Devilkin (AWAKENED + 50% vs target below 50% HP, + 50% vs large and boss)
Lava Crocodile (AWAKENED 80% PWR self heal vs burned)
Ultramoth (AWAKENED + 50% vs poisoned)
Oni Tyrant (AWAKENED + 50% vs burned, + 30% vs large and boss, 25% self heal vs burned)
Ridgeback Wyvern (AWAKENED + 50% vs small or medium)
Blood Diamond Drake (AWAKENED 80% PWR self heal vs burned, + 50% vs Green)
Flamewing (AWAKENED 100% chance to detonate Dots on main and adjacents)
Baboon Tormentor (AWAKENED + 60% vs under 50% HP)
Harpy Vixen (AWAKENED + 8% damage for each debuff on target)
Wrathful Asura (AWAKENED + 10% damage for each debuff on target)
Archdevil (AWAKENED + 20% damage for each debuff on target)
- Squirrel Ace (AWAKENED – 20% damage from large and boss)
Big Boss Shroom (AWAKENED – 30% damage from poisoned)
Lava Crocodile (AWAKENED - 25% damage from burned)
Infernal Orc (AWAKENED 40% debuff resistance)
Ifrity Pyrelord (AWAKENED - 25% damage from basic attacks, - 25% damage from Special)
- Fire Giant Incinerator (6 turns, AWAKENED 8 turns)
- Big Boss Shroom (AWAKENED 20% chance to detonate DoTs)
Fire Elemental Lord (AWAKENED 40% chance to detonate DoTs)
Infernal Orc (AWAKENED 50% chance 50% PWR)
Fire Giant Incinerator (AWAKENED 60% chance to detonate DoTs)
Special Ability PWR Attribute
- Goblin Boomer (70% all enemies, AWAKENED 115%)
Flaptrap (150%)
Rainbow Faerie Dragon (500% 1 ally, AWAKENED 525%)
Hummingbard (70% all allies)
Friar Mantis (50% 2 hits, + 50% PWR 50% accuracy random 6 hits, AWAKENED 8 random hits)
Gnoll Cutthroat (30% 8 hits)
Ace Goblin Bombardier (50% main, half adjacents, + 25% PWR 2 hits on main and adjacents, AWAKENED 25% PWR 4 hits on main and adjacents)
Hippogriff Guardian (400% 1 ally)
Kobold Conjuror (160% main, half adjacents, AWAKENED 170%)
Fairy Periwinkle (150% main and adjacents allies AWAKENED 180%)
Swamp Terror (60% a row, AWAKENED 75%)
Centaur Chieftain (30% 6 hits, + 100% IGNORE DEFENSE)
Bighorn Alpha (275%)
Emerald Drake (175% main, half adjacents)
Earth Elemental Lord (275%)
Ettin Champion (100% 2 hits, AWAKENED 140%)
Ancient Warden (175% main, half adjacents)
Ancient Green Dragon (200% main, half adjacents)
Enraged Keeper (140% 2 hits, AWAKENED 160%)
Primeval Hydra (60% random 5 hits)
Medusa (200%)
Special Ability ATK Attribute
- Draconic Templar (140% all enemies, AWAKENED 190%)
- Dragonling Alpha (150% main, half adjacents)
Wood Nymph (100%)
Noxious Sludge Hulk (100% all enemies, + 175% main)
- Carousing Clurichaun (AWAKENED 7-77% random 3 hits)
Jann Sorcerer (140% random 2 hits)
- Flaptrap (100% PWR self heal and adjacents)
Rainbow Faerie Dragon (500% PWR 1 ally, AWAKENED 525%)
Hummingbard (70% PWR all allies)
Hippogriff Guardian (400% 1 ally [RESURRECT], AWAKENED 60% PWR all allies if Debuff Protection is active)
Fairy Periwinkle (150% PWR main and adjacents allies, AWAKENED 180%)
Troll Chieftain (30% max HP self heal)
Ettin Champion (20% max HP self heal)
Enraged Keeper (70% PWR all allies, AWAKENED 80%)
Primeval Hydra (30% max HP self heal)
Jann Sorcerer (AWAKENED 25% LUK random 12 hits if LUK buff is active)
- Noxious Sludge Hulk (AWAKENED + 80 mana when detonate DoT)
- Rainbow Faerie Dragon (AWAKENED all)
Hummingbard (AWAKENED 1 allies)
Hippogriff Guardian (AWAKENED 2)
Fairy Periwinkle (1, AWAKENED 3)
Earth Elemental Lord (1 allies)
Jann Sorcerer (AWAKENED random 4 all allies if LUK buff is active)
- Hummingbard (AWAKENED all)
Draconic Templar (AWAKENED all)
Ettin Champion (all)
Jann Sorcerer (1)
- Carousing Clurichaun (30% LUK and PWR, AWAKENED 40%)
Friar Mantis (30% PWR)
Hippoggrif Guardian (30% Debuff Protection, AWAKENED 40%)
Ensorcelled Statue (60% PWR Mend, 25% chance to 30% PWR, ATK, DEF and/or LUK, AWAKENED 65% PWR Mend, 35% chance to 35% PWR, ATK, DEF and/or LUK)
Wood Nymph (AWAKENED 30% DEF)
Centaur Chieftain (35% PWR, AWAKENED 40% Mend)
Draconic Templar (35% Debuff Protection
- Carousing Clurichaun (random 2 targets, 30% LUK and PWR 3 turns)
Gnoll Cutthroat (30% ATK, DEF, LUK and PWR 4 turns)
Ensorcelled Statue (60% PWR Fatgue, 25% chance to 30% PWR, ATK, DEF and/or LUK 3 turns 4 random targets, AWAKENED 65% PWR Fatigue, 35% chance to 35% PWR, ATK, DEF and/or LUK 5 turns 5 random targets)
Troll Chieftain (AWAKENED 30% Fatigue 4 turns)
Centaur Chieftain (AWAKENED 40% Fatigue 3 turns)
Bighorn Alpha (40% DEF 3 turns, AWAKENED 50% 4 turns, 25% DEF adjacents 4 turns)
- Dragonling Alpha (AWAKENED 20% DEF poison main, 10% DEF poison adjacents 3 turns)
Wood Nymph (50% DEF poison 3 turns AWAKENED 50% DEF poison 3 random targets 3 turns)
Swamp Terror (50% PWR poison 2 turns, AWAKENED 3 turns)
Troll Chieftain (100% PWR poison 4 turns)
Emerald Drake (20% PWR poison 3 turns, AWAKENED 30% 4 turns)
Ancient Green Dragon (50% PWR 1 turn all enemies, AWAKENED 65% PWR 2 turns)
Primeval Hydra (20% PWR 8 turns)
Noxious Sludge Hulk (50% DEF poison 3 turns, 50% DEF poison 3 turns all enemies if detonate DoT)
- Friar Mantis (AWAKENED + 10% chance at random hits)
Medusa (AWAKENED + 100% chance vs stunned)
- Flaptrap (AWAKENED, + 40% damage vs small or medium, 50% PWR self heal on death blow)
Dragonling Alpha (AWAKENED 100% detonate DoTs main)
Friar Mantis (AWAKENED + 20% damage vs large or boss)
Gnoll Cutthroat (AWAKENED 30% self heal vs large or boss)
Kobold Conjuror (50% damage self heal, AWAKENED 170% PWR heal adjacent allies on death blow)
Wood Nymph (AWAKENED ON DEATH stuns all targets 4 turns)
Troll Chieftain (AWAKENED + 40% poison damage vs under 50% HP)
Bighorn Alpha (AWAKENED + 40% damage vs DEF debuffed)
Emerald Drake (AWAKENED + 50% detonate DoTs main, + 50% damage vs Yellow)
Ancient Green Dragon (AWAKENED 100% detonate DoTs main and adjacents)
Primeval Hydra (AWAKENED + 30% damage vs poisoned, + 50% damage vs under 50% HP)
Noxious Sludge Hulf (Detonate DoTs main, AWAKENED 50% damage self heal vs poisoned or burned)
- Gnoll Cutthroat (AWAKENED + 30% stun resistance)
Ensorcelled Statue (AWAKENED + 20% resistance to debuffs)* honorable mention
Swamp Terror (AWAKENED - 25% damage from poisoned)
Earth Elemental Lord (AWAKENED + 50% resistance to debuffs)
Ettin Champion (AWAKENED 30% chance to reduce 50% any damage)
Ancient Warden (AWAKENED - 50% damage from silenced)
Ancient Green Dragon (AWAKENED - 60% damage from Red)
Jann Sorcerer (AWAKENED - 25% damage from basic attacks, - 25% damage from Special)
Noxious Sludge Hulk (AWAKENED - 30% damage from poisoned or burned, + 25% resistance to debuffs)
- Ancient Warden (2 turns, AWAKENED 1 turn adjacents)
- Wood Nymph (3 turns, AWAKENED main + 3 random targets 4 turns)
Enraged Keeper (4 turns, AWAKENED 5 turns)
Medusa (6 turns main, 3 turns random 4 targets, AWAKENED 8 turns main, 5 turns random)
- Swamp Terror (AWAKENED 25% chance to Detonate DoTs)
Earth Elemental Lord (AWAKENED 40% chance 40% PWR heal team)
Enraged Keeper ((AWAKENED 60% chance 60% PWR heal team)
Special Ability PWR Attribute
- Egghead (100% all allies)
Kitten Mage (180% main, + 2 unique chained halving each jump, AWAKENED 200% main + 4 chained)
Monarch Butterfly (50% all allies)
Head Nursequito (20% random 7 hits)
Wildkin Outlaw (50% random 5 hits, AWAKENED 6 hits)
Matador Bee (50% random 5 hits, AWAKENED 1 initial targeted hit)
Wind Piercer (15% 2 hits, AWAKENED 40%)
Sand Devil (60% 3 hits main, half adjacents, AWAKENED 80%)
Dwarf Defender (250%)
Walloparoo (20% 8 hits, AWAKENED + 1 hit 50% PWR)
Indra's Consort (100%, a row)
Sky Shah (50% 5 hits)
Imperious Tengu (60% all alies, 50% random 5 hits, AWAKENED 60% random 6 hits)
Regal Cockatrice (250%)
Sunstrone Drake (175% main, half adjacents)
Air Elemental Lord (200% main, + 3 unique chained halving each jump, AWAKENED 5 chained)
Royal Griffin (50% random 6 hits)
Flamesurge Manticore (150% main, half adjacents)
Royal Siege Elephant (175% main, half adjacents, AWAKENED 200%)
Archmage (240% main, + 3 unique chained halving each jump, AWAKENED 265% 6 chained)
Ancient Gold Dragon (200% main, half adjacents, + 30% all enemies)
Sovereign Genie (200% random, 50% random)
Goddess of the Sands (45% random 4 hits, AWAKENED 5 hits)
Titan Blademaster (100% 2 hits, 50% chance 25% PWR random 4 targets 2 hits each, AWAKENED 100% chance random 6 targets)
Scorpion Legionnaire (20% 10 hits)
Special Ability ATK Attribute
- Malicious Boggart (200%)
Hyena Dervish (50% 2 hits, 25% random 3 targets 2 hits each)
- Golden Pegasus (100% all allies, AWAKENED 125%)
- Eldritch Chimera (100% main, 15% random 4 hits)
- Egghead (100% PWR all allies)
Monarch Butterfly (50% PWR all allies)
Imperious Tengu (60% PWR all alies, 50% PWR random 5 hits, AWAKENED 60% PWR random 6 hits)
Golden Pegasus (100% DEF all allies, AWAKENED 125%)
Royal Siege Elephant (AWAKENED 80% PWR heal team if LUK buff is active)
Sovereign Genie (AWAKENED 30% PWR random 10 hits if PWR buff is active)
- Archmage (AWAKENED + 10 mana for each enemy hit)
- Monarch Butterfly (1 all allies)
Indra's Consort (1 all alies, AWAKENED 3 all allies)
Golden Pegasus (1 all allies)
- Dwarf Defender (2)
Adamantine Gorgon (3)
Sovereign Genie (1)
Goddess of the Sands (4, AWAKENED all)
- Egghead (AWAKENED 25% Debuff Protection, 50% PWR Mend)
Monarch Butterfly (20% PWR, DEF, ATK and LUK, AWAKENED 20% Debuff Protection and Mend)
Adamantine Gorgon (35% DEF)
Royal Griffin (25% ATK, AWAKENED 40% ATK and Debuff Protection)
Flamesurge Manticore (35% PWR)
Golden Pegasus (40% DEF, AWAKENED 50% DEF Mend)
Royal Siege Elephant (30% LUK, AWAKENED 45% LUK)
Sovereign Genie (60% PWR)
- Malicious Boggart (40% LUK 4 turns, AWAKENED 25% Fatigue 4 turns, main and adjacents)
Matador Bee (20% PWR and DEF 3 turns)
Dwarf Defender (AWAKENED 40% DEF 3 turns)
Sunstone Drake (30% ATK and Fatigue 3 turns, AWAKENED 45% 5 turns)
Air Elemental Lord (35% LUK 3 turns)
Royal Griffin (AWAKENED 40% LUK and DEF 4 turns)
Flamesurge Manticore (AWAKENED 50% Fatigue 4 turns)
Ancient Gold Dragon (35% ATK and Fatigue 3 turns, AWAKENED 50% 5 turns)
Scorpion Legionnaire (20% chance 50% PWR, DEF, ATK, LUK and/or Fatigue 3 turns)
- Head Nursequito (20% PWR poison 8 turns)
Wind Piercer (100% PWR poison 3 turns)
Adamatine Gorgon (50% DEF poison 3 turns, AWAKENED 60%)
Flamesurge Manticore (250% PWR poison 1 turn, AWAKENED 30% chance counterattack 100% PWR poison 1 turn)
Eldritch Chimera (300% LUK 1 turn main, 4 random 25% LUK 3 turns)
Scorpion Legionnaire (20% PWR poison 20 turns, AWAKENED 70% chance 10% PWR poison 12 turns when attacked)
- Matador Bee (AWAKENED critical on last hit)
Hyena Dervish (AWAKENED + 10% chance on initial 2 hits)
Walloparoo (AWAKENED + 15% chance)
Sky Shah (AWAKENED + 30% chance)
Regal Cockatrice (AWAKENED + 40% chance vs stunned)
Sunstone Drake (AWAKENED + 25% chance vs debuffed)
Ancient Gold Dragon (AWAKENED + 50 chance vs debuffed)
Goddess of the Sands (30% chance vs debuffed
- Malicious Boggart (AWAKENED 20% damage self heal vs debuffed)
Head Nursequito (100% damage self heal, AWAKENED 70% PWR heal team on death blow)
Wildkin Outlaw (AWAKENED + 40% damage vs large and boss)
Wind Piercer (AWAKENED additional 40% PWR 4 hits if enemy is poisoned)
Hyena Dervish (AWAKENED + 20% damage vs large and boss)
Sunstone Drake (AWAKENED + 50% damage vs Blue)
- Egghead (AWAKENED 25% chance to reduce 50% any damage)
Head Nursequito (AWAKENED - 25% damage from poisoned)
Dwarf Defender (AWAKENED + 30% stun and silence resistance)
Imperious Tengu (AWAKENED + 30% stun resistance)
Adamantine Gorgon (AWAKENED - 40% damage from poisoned)
Golden Pegasus (AWAKENED + 40% debuff resistance)
Eldritch Chimera (AWAKENED - 30% damage from poisoned)
Ancient Gold Dragon (AWAKENED - 50% damage from Green)
Sovereign Genie (AWAKENED - 25% damage from basic attacks, - 25% damage from Special)
Scorpion Legionnaire (AWAKENED - 50% damage from poisoned)
- Sand Devil (20% chance to silence 1 turn, AWAKENED 40% chance)
Indra's Consort (1 turn, AWAKENED ON DEATH silences all enemies 1 turn)
Goddess of the Sands (1 turn all enemies)
- Walloparoo (25% chance 4 turns)
Regal Cockatrice (5 turns, AWAKENED 8 turns main, 3 adjacents)
- Air Elemental Lord (AWAKENED 50% chance to + 60 Mana)
Eldritch Chimera (AWAKENED 60% chance 60% LUK self heal)
Goddess of the Sands (AWAKENED 100% chance 35% PWR, LUK, DEF and/or ATK debuffs 3 turns)
Scorpion Legionnaire (AWAKENED + 40% chance to detonate DoTs)
Special Ability PWR Attribute
- Gnome Sniper (50% random 4 hits, AWAKENED 60%)
Jackalope Sheriff (200%)
Clockwork Technician (50% random 5-8 hits allies, AWAKENED 7-10 hits allies)
Safari Pug (50% random 5 hits, AWAKENED 6 hits)
Clairvoyant Swan (AWAKENED 20% all allies)
Aura Nymph (20% 4-6 hits all enemies)
Dwarven Sky Marshall (70% random 3 hits, IGNORE DEFENSE, AWAKENED + 1 initial targeted hit)
Shardwing (50% 5 hits, AWAKENED 6 hits)
Angelic Muse (50% random 5 allies, AWAKENED random 6 allies)
Pandamonium (225%, AWAKENED 250%)
Jovial Wisp (40% all allies, AWAKENED 50%)
Exalted Couatl (100% all allies, AWAKENED 110%)
Sunburst Drake (170% main, half adjacents)
Light Elemental Lord (120% all enemies, AWAKENED 150%)
Goliath Beetle King (175% main, half adjacents, AWAKENED 200%)
Mechanical Spider King (25% 11 hits)
Colossus Prime (150% main, half adjacents IGNORE DEFENSE, AWAKENED 170% all enemies)
Desolator (140% a row, + 50% PWR random 2 hits)
Ancient White Dragon (200% main, half adjacents, + 20% all enemies, AWAKENED full damage adjacents)
Divine Peri (110% all enemies)
Cloud Giant (120% 2 hits)
Special Ability ATK Attribute
- Crane Sensei (250%)
Glowing Runeblade (50% 3 hits, 25% chance 50% ATK random 8 hits, AWAKENED 35% chance)
Weasel Shogun (25% twice random 4 hits, IGNORE DEFENSE, AWAKENED 5 hits)
Archangel (120% 2 hits, 30% random 6 hits, AWAKENED 40% random 6 hits)
- Clockwork Demolisher (70% a row)
Diamond Golem (250%)
Celestial Sentinel (60% main, 120% main and adjacent allies)
- Pristine Ornithopter (100% main, 40% all allies, AWAKENED 125% main, 50% all allies)
Mystifying Kitsune (30% 9 hits, AWAKENED 40%)
Radiant Unicorn (400% main, 20% all, AWAKENED 425% main)
Master Alchemist (150%)
Exalted Kirin a.k.a pony-dog abomination(65% random 10 hits allies, AWAKENED 15 hits)
- Clockwork Technician (50% PWR random 5-8 hits allies, AWAKENED 7-10 hits allies)
Pristine Ornithopter (100% LUK main [RESURRECT], 40% LUK all allies, AWAKENED 125% main, 50% all allies)
Clairvoyant Swan (AWAKENED 20% PWR all allies)
Angelic Muse (50% PWR random 5 allies, AWAKENED random 6 allies)
Jovial Wisp (40% PWR all allies, AWAKENED 50%)
Exalted Couatl (100% PWR all allies, AWAKENED 110%)
Radiant Unicorn (400% LUK main [RESURRECT], 20% all, AWAKENED 425% main)
Master Alchemist (40% LUK all allies)
Celestial Sentinel (60% DEF main [RESURRECT], 120% DEF main and adjacent allies)
Divine Peri (AWAKENED if LUK buff is active 50% LUK team heal, if PWR buff is active 50% PWR team heal)
Exalted Kirin (65% LUK random 10 hits allies, AWAKENED 15 hits)
- Clairvoyant Swan (+ 40 mana allies)
Jovial Wisp (+ 50 mana allies, AWAKENED + 60)
Radiant Unicorn (AWAKENED + 30 mana allies)
Celestial Sentinel (+ 20 mana allies, AWAKENED + 30)
- Clairvoyant Swan (3 all allies, AWAKENED all from all)
Angelic Muse (random 5 cleanses, AWAKENED random 6 cleanses)
Diamond Golem (self cleanse all, AWAKENED 1 all allies)
Exalted Kirin (random 10 cleanses, AWAKENED 15)
- Crane Sensei (1)
Mystifying Kitsune (1, AWAKENED 3)
Divine Peri (1)
- Clockwork Technician (25% chance 30% PWR, ATK, DEF and/or LUK, AWAKENED 35% chance 35% PWR, ATK, DEF and/or LUK)
Clockwork Demolisher (30% DEF)
Mystifying Kitsune (30% Debuff Protection, AWAKENED 40%)
Angelic Muse (30% LUK, AWAKENED 40%, 50% PWR Mend)
Exalted Couatl (30% Debuff Protection, AWAKENED 45%, 75% PWR Mend)
Diamond Golem (25% DEF, AWAKENED 40%)
Master Alchemist (30% LUK Mend)
Divine Peri (40% LUK and PWR, AWAKENED 50%)
Exalted Kirin (30% LUK, AWAKENED 50%)
- Weasel Shogun (AWAKENED 30% chance to 35% Fatigue 2 turns)
Clockwork Demolisher (30% DEF 5 turns, AWAKENED 40% 6 turns)
Aura Nymph (15% chance to 45% PWR, DEF, LUK, ATK and/or Fatigue 2 turns, AWAKENED 25% chance to 50% PWR, DEF, LUK, ATK and/or Fatigue 3 turns)
Sunburst Drake (30% PWR 3 turns, AWAKENED 40% 5 turns)
Mechanical Spider King (AWAKENED 40% chance 30% DEF and Fatigue 3 turns)
Desolator (40% DEF and LUK 3 turns, AWAKENED 50%)
Ancient White Dragon (35% PWR 3 turns, AWAKENED 50% 4 turns)
Cloud Giant (50% PWR and LUK x turns, AWAKENED 60%)
- Master Alchemist (50% LUK burn and poison 2 turns on main, 30% chance adjacents, AWAKENED 100% chance adjacents)
Archangel (30% ATK burn 1 turn, AWAKENED 50% 2 turns)
Desolator (25% PWR 2 turns)
- Archangel (AWAKENED + 30% chance)
- Crane Sensei (AWAKENED 25% damage self heal)
Pristine Ornithopter (AWAKENED ON DEATH 50% chance revive 25% HP, ONCE PER BATTLE)
Aura Nymph (AWAKENED ON DEATH, 75% ATK, DEF, LUK, PWR, Fatigue on all enemies 3 turns, ONCE PER BATTLE)
Dwarven Sky Marshall (AWAKENED + 50% damage vs under 25% HP, + 25% damage vs large or boss)
Jovial Wisp (AWAKENED ON DEATH, perform Special Ability, ONCE PER BATTLE)
Sunburst Drake (+ 50% damage vs Black)
Mechanical Spider King (AWAKENED + 40% chance to self heal 50% damage done)
Master Alchemist (AWAKENED detonates DoTs on all targets)
Ancient White Dragon (+ 50% damage vs Black)
Celestial Sentinel (AWAKENED ON DEATH, 250% DEF heal all allies, 1% HP [RESURRECT] all allies, ONCE PER BATTLE)
- Clockwork Demolisher (AWAKENED + 40% debuff resistance)
Diamond Golem (AWAKENED + 40% debuff resistance, 30% chance reduce incoming damage by 50%)
Light Elemental Lord (AWAKENED 40% chance - 50% damage from Special)
Goliath Beetle King (AWAKENED + 20% debuff resistance)
Radiant Unicorn (AWAKENED + 30% debuff resistance)
Desolator (AWAKENED + 80% debuff resistance)
Ancient White Dragon (AWAKENED - 40% damage from Black)
Divine Peri (AWAKENED - 25% damage from basic attacks, - 25% damage from Special)
Cloud Giant (AWAKENED 70% chance - 50% damage from Special)
- Safari Pug (20% chance 1 turn, AWAKENED 30% chance, + 30% chance vs large or boss)
Shardwing (20% chance 1 turn, AWAKENED 30% chance 2 turns)
- Gnome Sniper (50% chance 2 turns, AWAKENED 60% chance 3 turns, + 40% chance vs large or boss)
Jackalope Sheriff (25% chance 4 turns, AWAKENED 100% chance)
Pandamonium (50% chance 2 turns, AWAKENED 80% chance 4 turns)
Goliath Beetle King (main 6 turns, adjacents 4 turns)
Desolator (3 turns random hits, AWAKENED 7 turns)
Cloud Giant (4 turns, AWAKENED 6 turns)
- Desolator (AWAKENED 40% chance to 200% PWR self heal)
Celestial Sentinel (AWAKENED 50% chance to 50% DEF self heal and adjacents)
Special Ability PWR Attribute
- Succubus Queen (150% 1 target, 50% adjacents, AWAKENED 150% target and adjacent targets)
Spider Empress (30% 8 hits, AWAKENED 35%)
Lich of Death (375%, AWAKENED 400%)
Abomination Cannoneer (120% 2 hits, AWAKENED 160%)
Archdemon (300%)
Cerberus (120% 1 target +2 random, IGNORE DEFENSE, AWAKENED 40% chance for + 3 attacks)
- Dracolich Nightqueen (10%, all targets, IGNORE DEFENSE)
- Corrupted Angel (320%)
Perfidious Shaitan (150% main, half adjacents)
- Dracolich Nightqueen (100% damage done, all allies)
Perfidious Shaitan (AWAKENED if ATK buff is active 100% ATK team heal, if DEF buff is active 100% DEF team heal)
- Lich of Death (AWAKENED steals 40% of target's mana)
- Perfidious Shaitan (40% ATK and DEF, AWAKENED 50%)
- Succubus Queen (50% PWR 3 turns main target, AWAKENED 50% Fatigue 3 turns on targets)
Spider Empress (25% chance to 30% PWR, ATK, DEF and/or LUK 5 turns, AWAKENED 25% chance to 40% effect 6 turns)
Abomination Cannoneer (50% ATK and DEF 4 turns, AWAKENED 60%)
Corrupted Angel (70% Fatigue main and adjacents 4 turns, AWAKENED 80% 5 turns, if debuff is active spreads to all enemies)
- Cerberus (40% PWR burn and poison 3 turns)
Archdemon (25% PWR burn 3 turns)
- Succubus Queen (50% of all damage as self heal, AWAKENED 60% self heal)
Spider Empress (AWAKENED + 20% damage for each debuff on target)
Lich of Death (AWAKENED + 50% damage vs under 50% HP)
Corrupted Angel (AWAKENED 200% ATK all enemies on death blow, 350% ATK self heal on death blow)
Archdemon (AWAKENED + 50% damage vs burned, 50% self heal vs burned)
Cerberus (20% PWR self heal for each DoT, AWAKENED 40% self heal)
- Abomination Cannoneer (AWAKENED 10% chance to Absorb damage from Special)
Dracolich Nightqueen (AWAKENED 100% debuff resistance, 40% chance – 50% damage from Special)
Perfidious Shaitan (AWAKENED - 25% damage from basic attacks, - 25% damage from Special)
- Abomination Cannoneer (4 turns, AWAKENED 6 turns)
- Cerberus (AWAKENED: 40% chance to counter with 1 hit of Special Ability)