that time is here again to discuss our community "Top Five" priority.
What we would like to have or fix. To keep the game funny and varied. Our previous list was long, let me to note what was done or started.
- lack of new common, rare and epic creatures. (Still valid but some newborns are here.)
- would be nice if there was some more variation in the boss levels of the battle tower between events (Now there's a tiny little bit more variation.)
- would be nice to be able to fix 1 dot when re-rolling combo dots (Last time when I heard about it, it was planned by QC Team but it's not applied yet.)
- in DC divide players to levels by kingdoms (Well, that is not, but at least you can see castle level now.)
- return gold and exp bonuses back to shop (Already happened.)
- more quests (Done in a way.)