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Unread postby Pol » 11 Nov 2017, 14:33

Got this one, certainly the highest which I ever seen. :D
Though I have once 20% and the final doubled, which was cool too.

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Re: Bonuses

Unread postby wimfrits » 11 Nov 2017, 18:56

Nice! Seems like it came at just the right time as well ;)
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Re: Bonuses

Unread postby Pol » 11 Nov 2017, 20:58

Yes and no. I'm trying to uncover some border areas in my kingdom and these are pricey, each of them cost at least 1 mil. It's kinda boring. If there would be still possibility to buy gold bonus from the shop it would be faster.

Finally I got leveled up my shrines, so with "boost" I'm "competitive" in DC again. I can combine Ifrit and Megalodon (Ifreet +60% Attack and Megalodon's Torpedo is based on Attack) but it's still not enough. I have also Blue Dragon, his stunning ability could be generally more useful. Anyway with boosting my shrines the bonuses were almost +600 to primary skills, without it's less, max a little over +400.

Noticeably Hunchback die as first on BT 51, awakening could fix it later on.
Last edited by Pol on 11 Nov 2017, 20:59, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bonuses

Unread postby wimfrits » 12 Nov 2017, 12:28

Nice to be competitive again. That Ifrit/Megalodon combo sounds awesome! Add a stun and you should also be able to pass the fallen angel's silence part easily.
A first-to-die hunchback kinda destroys the idea :) How often did you try? What cleanse unit are you using?

Myself, I'm foregoing any thought of competition until I level up my kingdom. And shrines come second to last in my current priority
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Re: Bonuses

Unread postby Pol » 12 Nov 2017, 13:27

Sirene, which goes after Hunchback. Both these units are pretty weak.

I have some possible combos for the future, these are:
  • Pegasus - fully awakened one can remove one debuff from whole team. Of course heals and adds defense for the team as well.
  • Draconic Templar - has actually strong team protection against debuff: 35%
  • Girffin - fully awakened one can cast buffs protection and debuff luck for enemy. (But he's not to the last levels of BT, mainly multistriker against small units.)
  • Or compose team from units which can debuff themselves, that's nice but it's usually goes only for fully awakened Legs and you still need either another "cleanser" or quite a lot of luck to be on the safe side.
Or to get Druid or Space Papa. :wall:
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Re: Bonuses

Unread postby Pol » 12 Nov 2017, 17:34

Okey, the last four areas to uncover cost 2-2,5mil, that's quite a lot. Also upgrade to Castle lvl 20 require 2000 tokens. (With castle lvl 20 you can uncover all areas.) Have them already (tokens) but reorienting on upgrading treasuries, to create a cash cow. Then I will return to these remaining.

Shrines add mighty boost, see it down:

Each five levels the boost is bigger, now I imagine, that other long time players have shrines lvl 20, whereas I will be going for lvl 15 after castle 20 (requirement). Shrines totally overshadow totems, which cost more now and can do less.

The last 10 levels of castle will be certainly omnious (& unnecessary torture.)

So now, I'm using only "Lady of the Lake" for catching Epic Essences and QC and also buying speed for diamonds. That's all, no multi-summons. From HC it was reported, that you can got randomly one Epic Essence even for 25 Diamonds. Same color what is the lady is the given essence.

I think that we can safely say, that the game is IMBA, now with Kingdoms even more.

Enchantments are quite useful, mostly have Bronze and some Silver. Bronze is giving you usually 100-150 of primary skill or 500-1000HP. Silver provides more 300-500 for primary skills. Don't know more, don't have them. Of course, there are also some giving you special abilities under some conditions, something similar to your Lich awakening, more damage to enemeies under 25%HP.

It can be assumed that for Gold it will be 500-1000 to primary skills and 2000-3000HP.

No filter to sort out your creatures by Enchantments, so maybe later.
Last edited by Pol on 12 Nov 2017, 18:20, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Bonuses

Unread postby Pol » 12 Nov 2017, 21:02

Does Bersekr attack's passive works in dungeon?
(+1 to combo, probably not, which make it useless)

There seems to be a great need for Mystic Tomes.
Last edited by Pol on 12 Nov 2017, 21:24, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Bonuses

Unread postby wimfrits » 13 Nov 2017, 08:36

Pol wrote:Sirene, which goes after Hunchback. Both these units are pretty weak
So if you also use the Megalodon, the first round will be tough. But if you manage to get your hunchback through, you'll have plenty of time to restore the team in round 2.
The ifrit adds nice synergy, but that means you'll only have 1 slot available for both stun and dispel...

Does protection against debuffs work against the fallen angel?? I'd be surprised if it did
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Re: Bonuses

Unread postby Pol » 13 Nov 2017, 14:11

35% protection debuff is nice but it cannot stay alone. I also need to re-roll combo dots so that may take quite a lot of time. Cause if I pass Anubis, Sorceress kill me. Given a chance I will try that :D
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Re: Bonuses

Unread postby Pol » 17 Nov 2017, 23:21

For buffs and theirs synergies I'm starting to creating a table. That is WIP. (Work in Progress)

(LIST OF UNITS sorted by Primary Skill used for Special Attack)

Megalodon (280% ATK dmg when ignoring enemy DEF, 60% fatigue debuf for 3 turns, +80 mana on deathblow, ) B-B
Big Game Hunter (60% ATK dmg to main target and 4 random enemy targets, 40% chance for crit attack on Large or Boss) M-B
Otter (225% ATK dmg, dispelling all enemy team buffs, and cast 30% ATK buff for party) S-B
Hellhound (200% ATK dmg, while ignoring enemy DEF, melts enemy DEF for 40% for 4 turns, +25% fatigue debuff for 3 turns, +30% chance to crit vs DEF debuffed) M-R
Devilkin (200% ATK dmg, debuff ATK by 50%, +50% dmg to targets below 50% HP) S-R

Blue Dragon (200% PWR damage and half to adjancent targets, all get 35% damage and are stunned for 4 turns, 50% more dmg vs stunned, 75% more vs Red Creatures = aka Bye, bye Phoenix)
Naga (4x50PWR dmg and then conjures 20% LUK & PWR buff - not fully evolved/upgraded just Aspirant) L-B
Yeti (6x for 50% PWR damage, each hit has 30% chance for LUK or/and DEF debuff for 40% for 4 turns, 20% crit chance vs debuffed) L-B
Siren (Heals primary and adjancent targets for 200% PWR, cleansing debuffs on them) L-B
Water Elemental (170% PWR row damage, bless team by 35% of ATK DEF, Burn resist, 40% chance to stun for 3 turns when hit by special ability) L-B
Sapphire Drake (175% PWR to primary and half to adjancent targets, stunning them for 5 turns, 50% more dmg vs red creatures, 50% stun resist) L-B
Fire Elemental Lord (200% PWR dmg and half to adjancent enemies, each hit burns for 15%PWR for 5 turns, 40% chance to detonate DOT when hit by Special!) L-R
Ogre (175% PWR dmg to main target and 8x random target for 25% dmg with 80% accuracy, buff ATK by 35%, +50% chance to crit) L-R
Crocodille (200% PWR dmg, burns it for 50% PWR for 3 turns, heal sefl for 80% PWR vs burned) M-R
Boarbarian (250% PWR dmg, healing 20% of PWR back, 50% chance for double strike against Large or Boss) M-R
Moth (100% PWR dmg, the powder has 50% chance to cause 20% PWR poison for 4 turns) M-R
Nymph (2 random enemy targets hit by 100% PWR, 2 allied targets healed for 140% PWR, when cleansing debuffs from 4 allied targets and provides team buff 30% to PWR) M-B
Rimefrost Eagle (80% PWR damage to all enemies, cleanses all debuffs and provides 50% debuff protection, Heal for 30% PWR all.) M-B
Kobold Captain (250% PWR damage & 60% ATK damage to the same target, cast 35% ATK buff) M-B
Jellyfish (damage 6 random enemy targets for 40% PWR, with 40% chance to cause 20% poison for 6 turns, +40% dmg vs vs poisoned, +20% fatigue debuff for 3 turns) M-B
Hypnotoad (damage one target for 175% PWR and stuns it for 6 turns, stuns also adjancent enemies for 3 turns) S-B
Shroom (Poison enemy targets for 65% PWR dmg for 4 turns) S-R
Parrot (Two shots for 100% PWR damage, each shot have 40% chance to spliter and cause 50% PWR damage to adjancent enemies) S-B
Fox (Twice 100% PWR dmg with 20% crit chance and buffs he team with 25%DEF ) S-B
Firebug (Shoot two fireballs at enemy target, causing 50% PWR damage and half to adjacent enemies, each fireball will burn for 100% PWR for 2 turns, +50% fireball dmg vs burned) S-R
Imp (200% PWR dmg to enemy target, 60% chance to debuff PWR, ATK, DEF and/or LUK by 40% for 3 turns. Debuffs splash to adjacent enemies) S-R
Squirrel (200% PWR dmg and reduce DEF by 30% for 5 turns, +50% dmg vs Large or Boss) S-R
Blazewing (110% PWR dmg to row, +2 dispel enemy buffs) S-R
Hen (single enemy for 4x for 50% PWR dmg, can attack 5x times with a 85% chance on each ) S-R
Fish (125% PWR damage, causing 30% ATK & LUK debuff for 5 turns, half dmg to adjancent enemies, 40% more dmg vs S or M) S-B

Woodhacker (2 random targets 5x for 25% DEF dmg) S-R
Ant (150% DEF dmg, buffs ATK and DEF for 30%, heals team for 30% DEF, +1 cleanse debuff on team) S-R

Cobra (single target three times for 50% LUK damage, 40% fatique, 100% LUK damage for 4 turns, 40% crit chance vs poisoned, 50% dmg done as heal vs poisoned) L-B
Penguin (200% LUK damage with 30% change to second strike, additional +20% chance for second strike against Large or Boss) S-B
Dancer (2 random enemy targets for 100% LUK dmg, displels one enemy buff, targets catch on fire 35% LUK burn for 2 turns, buffs team LUK for 20%, heals +4 random allies for 50% LUK ) M-R

Nobody's special attack is based on HP or mana. :)

Bonuses - Buffers
X Mask (Remove 3 enemy team buffs, provide team with 35% debuffs protection, adds 30% DEF buff and 50% power mend) S-B
A Ifrit (Buff team with ATK 60%, damage target with 50% ATK and one additional random target, burning them for 75% ATK for 2 turns, also adds 75% ATK poisoning for 2 turns and dispel enemy team buff, cast 55% ATK Mend, 80% fatigue debuff, ) B-R
P Baroness (120% PWR dmg, when casting 70% PWR mend buff, if mend is active it gots 100% to crit. Heals for 35% crit dmg done, 50% fatigue debuff for 2 turns)
D Turtle (heal all team for 100% DEF, 30% protection against debuff and the same DEF buff) M-B
P Troglodyte (Revive for 240% PWR when healing the rest for 70% PWR, cleanse one debuff from all allies) L-R
P Wyvern (250% PWR dmg and 40% PWR buff, +50% dmg to small or medium, +1 dispel enemy buff) M-R

S-B = Small - Blue
Small, Medium, Large, Boss - Blue, Red, Yellow, Green, White, Black

~Last updated 2018-01-14 - Most of Blue and Red are here.
Last edited by Pol on 14 Jan 2018, 19:34, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Bonuses

Unread postby Pol » 14 Jan 2018, 16:44

Just to let you know, with reaching level 300 you are getting 3 'Boss' Essences. And with getting Castle above lvl 20, it seems that you are getting one colored 'Boss' Essence per level from Investors.
Last edited by Pol on 14 Jan 2018, 17:02, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bonuses

Unread postby Steven Aus » 20 Jan 2018, 08:45

I got a couple of Druids. Are they really good when levelled up? I know they didn't used to have Druids as player characters.
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Re: Bonuses

Unread postby Pol » 20 Jan 2018, 12:41

Druidess should be splendid, unfortunately I haven't any.
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Re: Bonuses

Unread postby wimfrits » 20 Jan 2018, 14:50

I think Druid is the best cleanse + heal unit. If you have one, use her! :)
(In your team: lose the muse)
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Re: Bonuses

Unread postby Steven Aus » 22 Jan 2018, 14:40

Is a Level 60 unevolved Druid better than a fully awakened Muse?

EDIT: Seems not... I only want to level up Bosses when I have enough diamonds for the one-off bonuses (150 for Boss Level 2), and I don't have the resources needed anyway.
Last edited by Steven Aus on 22 Jan 2018, 14:51, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bonuses

Unread postby wimfrits » 22 Jan 2018, 23:11

I'd take the muse over an unevolved druid. Mend can be pretty awesome (though I can highly recommend the statue for a medium sized mend unit). But once you evolve the Druid, her 10k party heal is hard to top.

Do you also spend diamonds on the first evolving offer? I do on the second, for the totems, but never thought the first one offers much. Only about what you get from doing one Grand Wish quest
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Re: Bonuses

Unread postby Steven Aus » 23 Jan 2018, 22:13

It was good to get started! So far I've missed one first offer and one second offer (which was actually the first one, for a Raptor First Evolve).

But okay, it sounds good to not get the one-off offer the first time from now on for me. :)
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Re: Bonuses

Unread postby Galaad » 24 Jan 2018, 07:12

I never buy evolving offers. I find it better to farm then I can use diamonds in QBCs, challenge (CPs, shield) energy refills, and eventually multi-summons when there is an event I like.

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Re: Bonuses

Unread postby Avonu » 24 Jan 2018, 11:06

I have fully awaken Druidess and she is very nice mass healer. I miss mend sometimes, but she really doesn't need this perk, she can keep you team alive by herself. Of course with her in your team you need to stun/silence/eliminate red creatures ASAP (Boarbarians especially).

As for one time leveling offers - I used them from time to time, especially when I was low on resources (gems, ankhs) but with Kingdom and steady gems income from mines, I stopped doing that. Much better is to spend your diamonds buying stuff from Lady in the Lake (QCs, totems, idols, epic essences) or energy from shop and as for ankhs (and medium crystals for level ups), I farm wish quests on Lord difficulty.
If you have low resources, one time offers can be helpful but otherwise they are better ways to get what you need.

Thanks, but I really, really don't want to be in any guild.

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Re: Bonuses

Unread postby Galaad » 24 Jan 2018, 16:30

Avonu wrote:I really, really don't want to be in any guild.
I get the lone wolf approach, but you really miss out on cool loot.
(especially if you join a guild that is kinda competitive with many active players. :tongue: )
Last edited by Galaad on 24 Jan 2018, 16:30, edited 1 time in total.

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