Hello all,
This is the list of all bugs (and their descriptions) in MMH7 latest version 2.21 which I have experienced. Its purpose is to provide true information about the game state, and possibly if any modders volunteer to do some bug fixes, to make the work for them easier.
Check this thread for bugfixing mod (UCP): Unoffical Community Mod
01. Shadow Image spell: Wrong number of creatures (usually less) is summoned if the hero Dark magic Master III (doesn't scale with hero magic then)
02. Basilisk Rider tooltip: Predefined retaliation tooltip for small units should say "no" but says "yes" (the retaliation tooltip mechanics does not take into account this unit's special ability).
03. Solmyr's map: Asha Tear Building does not work when built in the town
04. Air magic Grandmaster: sometimes doing damage to random enemy units on the battlefield (when there are no adjacent units to the target). This happens usually when the unit changed its position at the end of its last turn.
05. School of War tooltip: When you visit "School of War" building with your hero, after some time, a green text for this hero "upgrades are available" displays on the building although after the visit, it does not upgrade and says "already visited". Sometimes it works, so I have a suspicion the tooltip takes into account only if the hero has some might skills to be upgraded, but ignores the question if the hero has already visited the building or not. It should probably be possible to somehow use the modified tooltip version of the Arcane Academy, as its rules as similar and it works.
06. Pretorian: The Pretorian sometimes shields random units on the map that are not adjacent to it.
07. Justicar: Justicar's "Opportunate attack" ability sometimes does not activate. In fact, it activates hardly ever.
08. Plague Lamasu: Lamasu's Aura of pestilence does not work in certain occasions (=sometimes). Especially it does not work after you use teleport to move plague lamasu to enemy units. It could be connected with the entry used for the ability - activates when the creature enters cell.
09. Light magic spell Martyr: Martyr (light magic t4 spell) deactivates when any unit dies, including enemy. Additionally, it doesn't redirect damage done by special abilities.
10. Piercing shot ability: Piercing shot ability does not sometimes hit the units it should according to its tooltip, usually whenthe changes of trajectory are too fast.
11. Unlimited retaliation: - If any unit with "unlimited retaliation" ability (- e.g. direwolf) uses "defend" and the hero has "preemptive strike", the unit retaliates twice before the attack and once more after the attack - so there are 3 retaliations instead of one.
12. Coordination skill: Many bugs causing coordination malfunctionmoral turns).
a. several units abilities do always trigger coordination, independent on if the creature retaliates or not (known: life drain, corroding venom)
b. if the enemy unit has preemptive strike (either from skill or as an ability), the game does not recognise it was a retaliation (as it triggered before, not after the attack), so your units always attack them 2x.
c. minotaur always triggers retaliation on its moral turn (as well as some other units)
d. coordination ability text seem to spawn on a random basis.
e. coordination does not trigger against incapacitated and confused creatures
f. several activated abilities trigger coordination: feral charge, crippling sting, ink spray
g. conditions for coordination activation for AI are diffferent to the ones for the player (AI activates more often)
13. Spectral Dragon: Its Flaying Breath ability often shows "0 killed" on the tooltip. In certain camera angles, instead of number of units which should be killed by dragon attack (tooltip), "0" displays. The problem usually appears when there are more units to be hit by the dragon.
14. Spectral Dragon: Soul Reaver ability does gain no mana when activated
15. Silverback: Its "Feral Charge" ability does not work against minotaurs and against units under "preemptive strike". They do retaliate.
16. Hathor has wrong hero specialisation in heropedia (to be fixed in heropedia, does not corespond with his actual specialization in the game).
17. Ancient Treant's "Entagled" effect applies when performing ranged attack too. What is worse, it is never removed, even not when the treant dies.
18. Ancient Treant does not retaliate due to the Entangled ability
19. Broken tooltips: fortress fortifications (wrong unit in town guard), artillery barrage, opportunity attack
20. Banned magic schools: Some factions should not have access to some magic schools, for example no light magic for necropolis. But these rules do not work sometimes.
21. Oak Dryad: Oak dryad's defense buff for adjacent creatures sometimes stops working.
22. Treant + Ancient treant: Living shelter ability works in a very strange way when you activate it: sometimes it works correctly and stopps enemies. Sometimes it stopps them but they get additional turn, so it's useless. And sometimes it does not get activated at all! Additionally, it persists on cells even after the Treant moves.
23. Area effects of positive spells (for example regeneration, stoneskin) sometimes stop working after 1 or 2 turns and do not last all 3 turns(randomly disappearing buffs from friendly creatures)!
24. Disappearing hero skills in campaigns: After you finish a campaign mission with random skilling, when you start the next mission, your hero forgets some skills! Some of them only disappear in skillwheel but still Cannot be fixed in editor but only through scripts programming. In Important tips thread, there's mentioned how to avoid this bug in order to be able to play random skilling without any restrictions, as intended.
25. AI is abolutely clueless against mass effects: its units remain in firewall, blizzard, poison cloud areas without any desire to get out of them.
26. Lizardman's Scatter Shot gives attack bonus instead of -50% penalty.
27. Fire bird's "Aura of Fire" works in strange modified way: instead of water magic immunity, it provides earth magic immunity. And instead of working for allies only, it works for all surrounding creatures including your enemy!
28. Soul conflagration (new Tier 4 Prime magic spell) deals much less damage than it should when the hero has prime magic grandmaster ability Clarity. A suspicion that it is always casted with -20 magic even during the first cast then.
29. Gathering Storm (Air Magic novice perk) does not work for air spells with direct damage, and so the calculation tooltip for this spell is different from damage it actually does.
30. Earth Elemental is not immune to Earth Magic spell "Wasp Swarm" (it deals might damage which is strange)
31. The ability "Soul Fire" of Valkyrie and Dis gets removed from a unit if the unit remains adjacent to valkyrie/dis for more than several turns.
32. If a hero has Master of Earth III perk, the Frost Bolt spell deals twice as much damage.
33. Erratic storm has no spell description when cast by scroll.
34. Arkath’s Blessing spell does not work when a hero has fire magic mastery /tooltip 0 to 0 damage appears in the battle/.
35. When kraken attacks in melee, the tooltip of caused damaged randomly increases several times (and decreases again), also the damage which is actually dealt by it, is strange. It is possible its active ability modified damage somehow changes the ordinary damage even when it's not activated. Additionally, its Inkspray ability cannot be activated at all.
36. The Fire Trail ability does not work: It gets randomly activating and disactivating, and when attacking the enemy, it does not even display correct tooltip for hitting multiple enemies when it is on.
37. The Teleport spell can be cast on "empty space/unit", so without any effect
38. Arkath's Hammer tooltip does not work (it does not show the damage dealt to surrounding enemies)
39. Healing spells and abilities sometimes resurrect only one unit
40. Some Artifact set bonuses remain active even if you unequip them (fixed with reload), including the bonus ability Resurrection provided by Battle Garb of the Griffin (the last one is not fixed with reload). There is also a suspicion that artifacts cause multiplayer unstability /not confirmed.
41. Death strike causing 300% increased damage instead of 200%
42. If Ivan (as no other hero can equip this set) has a light magic mastery, the Resurrection ability provided by Battle Garb of the Griffin multiplies in the spellbook, occupying thus more and more slots. Usually happens after Ivan receives higher Light Magic ranks.
43. AI does not defend its towns and tends to leave them even if an enemy hero is nearby.
44. Rune traps make a grid tile unwalkable; AI always avoids the traps.
45. Mission 1: Ivan - Addon: The caravans from the haven town get stuck and neither return to the town nor move. So basically, you lose all your troops you transport by caravans.
46. Shantiri Titan cannot be displayed in Heropedia
47. Ancient Treant attacks twice in melee
48. Wrong luck application on Red & Ardent Dragon
49. Fire Breath can be cast on friendly units, which causes wrong damage tooltips & attacks.
50. Einherjar's hammer range attack not applying attack stat
51. Manticore's sting not applying attack stat
52. Poison and agony working on undead
53. Some nova skills can be used only once per battle; another always
54. Governance: Economy GM does not work for towns with another governor assigned
55. Kari's Fire Heart specialization doesn't work for Fire Sentry
56. Centaur's and Centaur Marauder's Maneuver ability causes that if this unit is attacked before its turn, it loses its turn or it cannot attack during it.
57. If a hero with Suzerain (Diplomacy GM) skill is replaced as a governor of a certain town, this town loses his bonus. To reapply, it is necessary to assign that hero as a governor of another town.
58. Artifacts with effect like +250 Gold or +1 blood crystal are sometimes not working.
59. Resurrection abilities sometimes works on constructs. Elrath's chosen doesn't apply when the spell is cast through an artifact/scroll.
60. Agony and Soulvenom crucible (Dungeon town building) deal twice as much damage in some cases
61. Lizardman's Scattershot's damage tooltip is unstable (changeable damage)
62. Shroud of Malassa deactivates not only when the unit attacks but also when it receives damage.
63. Hide (Shroud of Malassa) does not get applied after the first combat turn.
64. Siege: Moats trap a creature forever, making it immobile until the end of the whole combat once it steps in. Additionally, the moat sometimes does not get activated when a unit passes through it.
65. Siege: Academy units receive damage on a random basis even if they do not enter the moat
66: Siege: Fortress Moat is completely bugged: It does not interrupt movement. Its description is missing in town and its effect increasing Fire magic vulnerability does not disappear after one turn as intended.
67. Confusion does not surpress preemptive strike
68. Preemptive strike can be used against some activated abilities
69. Strike and return displays retaliation wrong (always "no" even when it should be "yes"). Moreover, the coordination restriction does not work for Strike and Return (always applies). Strike and return cannot be used if the unit is already adjacent to target (in any way) and can be used on moral turn.
70. Wrong damage calculation with all Breath Abilities (Dragons) caused by Flanking (deals less damage than the tooltip shows)
71. Runic Fortifications don't work at all (as for the traps)
72. Governor effects persist even if the governor dies (might be intended as a result of hero's life)
73. Wrong Homeland icon on adventure map
74. AoC town effects apply wrong when a town changes its owner (either not aplied on a new owner or persists on the previous owner)
75. Runic Fortifications Gate is overwritten wrong on level 2 (as level 1)
76. Destroying any building in the town causes all AoC buildings doesn't work any more.
77. Recruiters Outpost (Haven Town building) does not work on certain occasions. Additionally, the tooltip of the dwelling is not modified when it applies, so it still displays wrong creature growth.
78. Necropolis Moat "Weakness" Effect and Dungeon "Agony" Effect do not work although its tooltip displays.
79. Master Cabir: Soldering Hands: This ability only works on creatures which are not adjacent to cabir but which are in cabir´s range. Moreover, the resurrection tooltip displaying sometimes disappears
80. Wrong Mark of Malassa icon on the adventure map.
81. Maneuver: unit can run through creatures. These creatures become "walkable", lose their structural integrity.
82. Frenzy deals additional damage by hero or the currently active creature if cast on enemy creature.
83. Wrong Sweeping Bash Icon used (the same as Sweep)
84. Martyr provided by a rune forge artifact doesn't work.
85. Lamasu's Aura of Pestilence works on troglodyts (and probably also other unit with earth immunity)
86. Lightning Bolt deals the main damage also to adjacent targets (instead of reduced damage). Additionally, the shocked effect is applied on adjacent creatures, too.
87. The last Sephinroth's scenario dialogue is skipped by the game, so the player cannot read it. CBF x read the end here: http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=43888
88. Faceless' buff disappears when the buffed unit attacks and kills enemy instead of when it's attacked.
89. Academy Hero Ajit does not have a siege weapon at all. (missing completely)
90. Erling's specialization should increase runes' effect from 3x3 to 5x5. It works correctly with their passive effects but their activated effects still work 3x3.
91. Poisoned Blades work on dark elemental and other units with darkness immunity.
92. Entangling roots do not apply when the creature retaliates.
93. Entangle spell does not work on teleporting units .
94. Auras (Legionnaire, justicar…) do not work correctly after the spell teleport is cast on a unit.
95. Familiar Terrain perk gives 50% bonus instead of 20%
96. Mark of Nature & Entagling roots do not work on Cthonians and Earth Elementals
97. Chosen of Light not working on Martyr
98. Estates does not remove on hero’s death
99. Artefact sets provide set bonuses even after unequip
100. Archlich's effect does not work if the primary target is killed by this attack‘Ghost Ride does not take into account No Rest For The Wicked (no ghosts are revived after killing undead)
101. Tower of Necromancy provides no bonus to Ghost Ride
102. Tooltip for warfares is incorrect when the hero has mastery in this skill
103. Namtaru warfare hits surrouding creatures twice
104. Shielding gets removed if there are more legionnaires and one of them leaves
105. Shadow cloak doesn't trigger if hit non primarily by an area attack like dark hydra or rakasha (if hit by other attacks than usual damage) but it's lost.
106. Trail of Fire does not work as intended (random movement interruption)
107. Naadir's specialization: The ghost stacks only grow as long as they don't strike the final blow.
108. Aura of Cleansing’s visual effect displays wrong
109. Some special attacks trigger against creatures with its immunity
110. Stranglehold does not disappear when the caster dies
111. Shantiri Titan’s rooting bonus critical effect does not work
112. Faceless’s shadow cloak disappears with no effect after the creature is attacked by a hero
113. The balance rune does not work when the enemy attacks with an unrequited attack/special attack
114. Moonlight amplifier doesn’t work on teleport spell
115. Heal spell displays nonsensical healing power when also dealing damage to undead
116. Imperial Griffin sometimes completely disappears from the battle grid after the Dive Attack
117. Life Drain doesn’t heal the correct amount of damage on area attacks
118. Aura of balance removes all buffs from all creatures in the area
119. Fire Beath damage effect persists on creatures even after the field disappears
120. Broaken cheating console command for Metamagic
121. Some of the negative effects do not get removed when intended
122. Cloak of death does not get removed when a creature is attacked
Buglist 2.21
Buglist 2.21
Last edited by Antalyan on 14 Sep 2018, 13:19, edited 11 times in total.
Wryn Pendragon Umbranacer community H7 project: http://wpu.worldofheroes.cz/indexEN.html
H7 Unoffical Community Mod
H7 Unoffical Community Mod
Re: Buglist 2.21
Maybe to get it pinned is not a bad idea.

Maybe to get it pinned is not a bad idea.
Last edited by Antalyan on 14 Jan 2017, 17:01, edited 1 time in total.
Wryn Pendragon Umbranacer community H7 project: http://wpu.worldofheroes.cz/indexEN.html
H7 Unoffical Community Mod
H7 Unoffical Community Mod
Re: Buglist 2.21
Last edited by Antalyan on 05 May 2017, 18:12, edited 1 time in total.
Wryn Pendragon Umbranacer community H7 project: http://wpu.worldofheroes.cz/indexEN.html
H7 Unoffical Community Mod
H7 Unoffical Community Mod
Re: Buglist 2.21
Link & list updated, new version of the mod with more bugfixes coming in the upcoming weeks.
Wryn Pendragon Umbranacer community H7 project: http://wpu.worldofheroes.cz/indexEN.html
H7 Unoffical Community Mod
H7 Unoffical Community Mod
Re: Buglist 2.21
OK, but who's doing the modfix? I thought Ubisoft washed their hands of this game?
Re: Buglist 2.21
They did, it's only me in my free timecjlee wrote:OK, but who's doing the modfix? I thought Ubisoft washed their hands of this game?

Wryn Pendragon Umbranacer community H7 project: http://wpu.worldofheroes.cz/indexEN.html
H7 Unoffical Community Mod
H7 Unoffical Community Mod
Re: Buglist 2.21
Amazing thing is, I read through like 30 of the bugs on the 'to do' list and just stopped. That list alone is too much for me to handle. I don't have time to game now, but you're right and I agree with your bug list.
It was just too overwhelming to read the same things that I had been ranting about in multiple different posts, gathered together in the same post with such succinct language. It was fortunate that the bugs apply to so many different creatures and races and spells, because that way you will only come across a limited number of bugs per game.
Is this game at the alpha stage? OMG, how did we ever manage to play this insect museum of bugs to begin with?
It was just too overwhelming to read the same things that I had been ranting about in multiple different posts, gathered together in the same post with such succinct language. It was fortunate that the bugs apply to so many different creatures and races and spells, because that way you will only come across a limited number of bugs per game.
Is this game at the alpha stage? OMG, how did we ever manage to play this insect museum of bugs to begin with?
Re: Buglist 2.21
Almost all big games have bugs, look at Skyrim and its unofficial fan patch for example... Nevertheless, I agree there are way too many in H7, especially if we realise H7 is a turn based strategy - in such kind of game is even more important to have everything working.cjlee wrote:Amazing thing is, I read through like 30 of the bugs on the 'to do' list and just stopped. That list alone is too much for me to handle. I don't have time to game now, but you're right and I agree with your bug list.
It was just too overwhelming to read the same things that I had been ranting about in multiple different posts, gathered together in the same post with such succinct language. It was fortunate that the bugs apply to so many different creatures and races and spells, because that way you will only come across a limited number of bugs per game.
Is this game at the alpha stage? OMG, how did we ever manage to play this insect museum of bugs to begin with?
The bad thing is many serious problems cannot be fixed by fans without programming skills /AI behaviour and related issues.

Wryn Pendragon Umbranacer community H7 project: http://wpu.worldofheroes.cz/indexEN.html
H7 Unoffical Community Mod
H7 Unoffical Community Mod
Re: Buglist 2.21
Thanks for the hard work, Antalyan
Re: Buglist 2.21
Check this thread for bugfixing mod (UCP): Unoffical Community Mod
Check this thread for bugfixing mod (UCP): Unoffical Community Mod
Wryn Pendragon Umbranacer community H7 project: http://wpu.worldofheroes.cz/indexEN.html
H7 Unoffical Community Mod
H7 Unoffical Community Mod
Re: Buglist 2.21
Thanks for that! 

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Re: Buglist 2.21
Hi first thank you for your effort! I installed the Community Patch 1.0 and started a random map but quickly realized the disturbing "interrupted" bug after casting firewall is still in. Meaning, after you cast Firewall on some enemy unit your own units will stop after moving 1 field with the message "interrupted". This annoys the heck out of me since it doesn't effect the enemy AI (they only have the problem to remain in the wall if trapped).
Is this fixable?
Is this fixable?
Re: Buglist 2.21
Hi, I know that the Firewall is bugged but not in this way, does it always happen?Velihras wrote:Hi first thank you for your effort! I installed the Community Patch 1.0 and started a random map but quickly realized the disturbing "interrupted" bug after casting firewall is still in. Meaning, after you cast Firewall on some enemy unit your own units will stop after moving 1 field with the message "interrupted". This annoys the heck out of me since it doesn't effect the enemy AI (they only have the problem to remain in the wall if trapped).
Is this fixable?
Wryn Pendragon Umbranacer community H7 project: http://wpu.worldofheroes.cz/indexEN.html
H7 Unoffical Community Mod
H7 Unoffical Community Mod
Re: Buglist 2.21
We're looking for help with testing bugfixes and improvements.
More info here: http://www.moddb.com/mods/unoffical-com ... sters-more
More info here: http://www.moddb.com/mods/unoffical-com ... sters-more
Wryn Pendragon Umbranacer community H7 project: http://wpu.worldofheroes.cz/indexEN.html
H7 Unoffical Community Mod
H7 Unoffical Community Mod
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